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I actually agree with most of the points you made... but i'm not ready to give up.
The most annoying things are the lack of navigation (got me lost a couple of times), the lack of games and the slowness of the camera...
Let's see how this unfolds on the next couple of months...
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Originally Posted by Endri View Post
Any way... bye and peace



(waves frantically)

(is he gone? he keeps saying bye, but then he's still here)

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it is funny to see that after years of complete failure on nokia's behalf people in here are still defending the tablets. it's seems to be a religious experience for them. It defies logic in any case, these devices have totally failed as consumer products. they are only relevant to a hardcore fan base that, truth be told, can and does make the most out of them. beam me up scoty!

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Originally Posted by stelchio View Post
it is funny to see that after years of complete failure on nokia's behalf people in here are still defending the tablets. it's seems to be a religious experience for them. It defies logic in any case, these devices have totally failed as consumer products. they are only relevant to a hardcore fan base that, truth be told, can and does make the most out of them. beam me up scoty!
Doesn't that entire post depend on perspective?
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*thinks about what's really being lost with these people leaving*

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Originally Posted by kbeeveer46 View Post
I don't understand why people keep claiming that we bought an "internet tablet" that just happens to be a phone. What features of the n900 make it more of an "internet tablet" than a phone? The "phone" features far outweigh the "internet tablet" features.

What does the n900 do that most "phones" don't do that make it an "internet tablet" besides full browsing? A few other phones have multitasking so I consider that a phone feature at this point. You might make an argument that Linux makes it a "tablet."

The hardware on the n900 is basically the same as the iPhone so you can't say that's what makes any difference. The camera might be better but that's a "phone" feature anyways. Not a feature that makes something a "tablet."
it is what i knowingly and intentionally bought.
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Originally Posted by Endri View Post
I read all of your posts. I respect all the opinions. But I must say that sometime you really get nasty flaming people that just speaks their mind.
You think that I am dropping my n900 (not selling it yet) because I can't use it... I don't know linux, I just bought the wrong device, I don't know terminal, I am an apple fanboy and other meaningless comment. Well you are wrong my dear. I used every aspect of he phone... I have debian and mer installed... and i might not be a dev but still I don't think you are in the position of judging my knowledge. Is typical of brainless fanboy to insult people with a different level of awarness... you do not think as me... you are an ignorant. Very mature. I am sure that the community will be happy with you and you will be a shooting star in the maemo sky...
And about the user that post something about being or not being thanked... Again you just judge my profile not what I am writing...
Then someone ask me cold hard facts on why n900 is not matching anymore my expectation:
1. Impossible to understand the call log. It mixes all the incoming and outgoing calls. A mess.
2. open keyboard to search do not always work. most of the times do not.
3. Bluetooth it is a mess... very often when you hang a call the device disconnect from the hearphones...
4 Media player is orrible... you nedd a Ph.d. to make a playlist. Divx support is the only good thing...
5. Wi-Fi and bluetooth stremaing not possible together.
6. ROOTFS madness...
7. No maps
8. No navigation
9. No Ovi store
10. Cortex with open gl and NO 3d Game... and you know why? Bacause Nokia do not support the phone and NO software house is interesting in the platform... so no games... and you are happy with nintendo stolen games from 5 years ago... wow...
11. Impossible to mod anything in a user friendly way... there are just 4 themes and half of them create porblem with the OS or the OTA. Is the less mod friendly device i ever had... the orrible Iphone JB is more easy to mod.
12. BATTERY not right for the terminal power need... always low on power if you use it the way it must be used... Or you just spend 600€ for something that is not a phone but that you can't use it in other ways otherwise it drain the battery
13. No way to download music or film directly to the device... itunes and iMusic docet.
14. Bulky. Heavy and sexy as hulk hogan
15. NO SUPPORT from Nokia.
16. In 6 month 1 real update... not Nokia top priority
17. No upgrade to maemo6 or meego
18. laggy and slow camera app + video... Samer hardware from 5 years ago...
19. Resistive touchscreen... good one but still not capacitive.
20. No facebook or twitter app...

Guess what... I am tired... Maybe I gave you the idea. Maybe I'll be burn again.
The bottom line is that the N900 were a great concept and a great device six month ago... but in this time nokia wasn't able to fix all the problem in this prototype... It left it in the cold in favor of the weirldy deformed n97 and so on... and nowdays if you look to the new andoird phones.. or even the just announced Win 7 (that I bet will sucks) looks more interesting than the n900.

Ahh last but not list... if you make an announce of an OTA update (1.2) on a certain date... DO IT... delay means incapacity. Delay means inneficency and make the consumer angry and you look always less and less relible.

I am sorry for my english, I am italian and I am writing on the phone italian virtual keyboard.
2. Mine works just fine
3.I find bluetooth to be excellent....It always automatically connect to my car bluetooth headunit and it always plays my mp3 just fine with no disconnections
4. I don`t use playlist....I just search for the song I want to hear and that`s it....
5.Haven`t tried this
6. I have 30mb free and I bunch of apps installed....No problems here
7. No maps? about mapper?
8. I give you this one!
9. I give you this one as well!
10.For gaming, I find the retro emulators don`t need fancy 3d games...they are useless and childish to play on a touch phone, I NEED a physical controller....the keyboard IS VERY useful for the emulators
13. Use the torrent app to download whatever you need straight on the phone
14. I find phones like the iphone, hd2 and E71 slipping from my hands all the time because they are so damn thin!It doesn`t feel natural in my hands so I find phones like the N95, N82 N900 to be the perfect size.
15....I can count at least 50 bugs that they support?
17. The neverending Meego story....I cannot comment on this....
18. Didn`t find the camera app to lag....on the contrary it is super fast!
19.I actually prefer the resistive screen....those tiny clicks on the web makes the stylus a godsend!
20.Don`t use tweeter.....another fad that I won`t follow!I find it useless

For me the N900 has more pluses than minuses

Last edited by sophocha; 2010-03-16 at 14:34.

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Originally Posted by niqbal View Post
what ?? people are looking for facebook app. boy, youve lost your mind. iphone app store has killed your brain cells for sure, brainwashed you. Do you actually sit on macbook and look for a facebook app or just open safari ?? God help you if you look for a facebook app on your laptop. You open microb and access facebook website, oh wait you are not used to it anymore. You need an app for that, jesus. Exactly why n900 is a mobile computer.
Apparently you've never used the iPhone Facebook app compared to using the MicroB browser. Ever tried uploading pictures and tagging people in them using the browser? It's a pain in the ***. Having apps for certain websites make things much much easier. Or why else would they make them? Please stop using the "you can always use the browser instead of apps" excuse. I would but it makes me want to gouge my eyes out trying to do the simplest things. Facebook's website is not meant to be used on a mobile phone and the mobile and lite websites lack features.

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Originally Posted by sophocha View Post
For me the N900 has more pluses than minuses
For what it is, I would tend to agree with you and I think your points in response to Endri are useful. If the next product is to be better than this product, we should be discussing weaknesses as well as strengths.

What I don't find useful is many of the other posters' attitude of "if you don't like it go away and buy an iPhone." It would be as unhelpful to say "If it's the perfect device for you, you're done; go away and enjoy it."

I haven't found any perfect device. I use my N810 all the time but I wish the OS were different and there is software that is missing or incomplete. I didn't buy the N900 for reasons other than those Endri cited but if the N910 made some changes I might reconsider. Even so, I doubt it will be perfect. Nor will any Nokia phone, regardless of how big the number of it gets. There's always room for improvement.

If you're willing to address complaints (like sophocha did), great. If you are just telling people to go away, take your own advice.

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Originally Posted by DaveP1 View Post
What I don't find useful is many of the other posters' attitude of "if you don't like it go away and buy an iPhone." It would be as unhelpful to say "If it's the perfect device for you, you're done; go away and enjoy it."
That reaction tends to crop up due to the frequency with which these threads pop up, and the generally accusatory and flamebait topics they open up with. This one, for instance, seems to suggest that those who enjoy the device are somehow delusional for liking it.

Then the accusations of people being "fanboys" get flung and we are long past the point of any viable communication. IMO, threads like these should be left to sit on the board but -locked instantly-.

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bye-bye losers, disappointment, hello freedom, n900 != phone, relax

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