brontide's Avatar
Posts: 868 | Thanked: 474 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ Capital District, NY, USA
I hate keeping files in sync. I much prefer it happen automagically. So I have created a script to download my picasa albums automatically. This is the first step in creating a full application, but I figured I would share it in case other developers find it useful or inspiring. It's not shabby for a few hours of hacking. The gdata stuff is really quite slick.

You will need the python2.5-runtime and python-gdata to run this.

import sys
import os
import urllib2

# Try importing it from the system and then from the named subdir
        import gdata.geo
        import gdata.geo

gd_client =

def sync ( username, prefix, limit = None ):
        prefix = os.path.join(prefix, username)
        if not os.path.isdir(prefix):
                print "Creating directory %s" % (prefix)
        album_list = gd_client.GetUserFeed(user = username, limit = limit)
        for album in reversed(album_list.entry):
                sync_album(album, prefix)

def sync_album ( album, prefix ):
        album_dir = os.path.join(prefix,;
        if not os.path.isdir(album_dir):
                print "Creating directory %s" % (album_dir)

        current_dir = set(os.listdir(album_dir))
        new_files = []

        photos = gd_client.GetFeed(album.GetPhotosUri())
        for photo in photos.entry:
                if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(album_dir, photo.title.text)):
                        print "Downloading: %s -> %s" % (photo.content.src, os.path.join(album_dir, photo.title.text) )
                        download(photo.content.src, os.path.join(album_dir, photo.title.text))

        unlink = current_dir - set(new_files)
        for name in unlink:
                print "Deleting unused file %s" % (os.path.join(album_dir,name))

def download ( url, destination ):
        out = open(destination, 'w')
To execute a sync. The first argument is the picasa username, the second is the path where you want it to store the files, and the third is how many recent albums to take ( left blank = all ).

~ $ python2.5 -i 
>>> sync('ericewarnke','/media/mmc1/Photos/',1)
Creating directory /media/mmc1/Photos/ericewarnke
Creating directory /media/mmc1/Photos/ericewarnke/GraftonLakesBBQ
Downloading: -> /media/mmc1/Photos/ericewarnke/GraftonLakesBBQ/20080608-CRW_0811.jpg
Downloading: -> /media/mmc1/Photos/ericewarnke/GraftonLakesBBQ/20080608-CRW_0813.jpg
Downloading: -> /media/mmc1/Photos/ericewarnke/GraftonLakesBBQ/20080608-CRW_0821.jpg
Downloading: -> /media/mmc1/Photos/ericewarnke/GraftonLakesBBQ/20080608-CRW_0823.jpg
Downloading: -> /media/mmc1/Photos/ericewarnke/GraftonLakesBBQ/20080608-CRW_0826.jpg
Downloading: -> /media/mmc1/Photos/ericewarnke/GraftonLakesBBQ/20080608-CRW_0834.jpg
Downloading: -> /media/mmc1/Photos/ericewarnke/GraftonLakesBBQ/20080608-CRW_0840.jpg
Downloading: -> /media/mmc1/Photos/ericewarnke/GraftonLakesBBQ/20080608-CRW_0845.jpg
I'm planning on developing this into a full fledged background daemon that gets kicked off via cron, checks for updates and downloads them. It can't do private albums right now, pre-resized images, or many other tricks but they are all on my list.

The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to brontide For This Useful Post:
Greyghost's Avatar
Posts: 415 | Thanked: 44 times | Joined on Apr 2007 @ Austin, Texas
Brontide, this would be awesome! I was using MaemoPicasa till it broke and would just love to have something like this. It seems like most people are using flikr, but I really like th google toolset and this is one of the key ones for me.

Given the quality of your work on GC Dialer (Brontide is what I call it) I look forward to seeing what you do with this. KISS, if you please
brontide's Avatar
Posts: 868 | Thanked: 474 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ Capital District, NY, USA
Yeah, I'm going to use this as a good excuse to delve into osso rpc stuff. I see three parts to this very simple application. A "service" that syncs picasa based on a simple config file ( path, username, number of albums, resolution limited ). All it will do is run through one pass with a few thrown off rpc messages about status. It would be little more then what you see above.

The second part will be a cronable/alarmd app that wakes up, tests the network connectivity and starts the sync.

The third is a front end for editing the config and starting/stopping a sync.

Feel free to use the tiny script as-is. It's braindead simple and required no authentication. Only a superficial understanding of python will get you sync'ing down a directory of images.

Anyone know a good application for viewing images stored in directory as album format? I've posted a bug/feedback against canola for not sorting the albums and quiver is a little awkward to me.

Last edited by brontide; 2008-07-09 at 03:53. Reason: copy-n-paste errot

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