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What is strange there? It's a sane thing to do. Mer gives potential for collaboration and they don't need to reinvent the wheel in the N-th time with the infrastructure. They need to focus on their innovative part - the user experience.

On a side note - I just saw something about webOS working only with Linux 3.3 and higher. Will Jolla try to build Mer with Linux 3.2, or 3.4 and etc.? Why should they be forever stuck with 2.6.x?

Last edited by shmerl; 2012-08-05 at 21:13.
Dave999's Avatar
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Whats strange? Jolla lives and dies with mer.
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...
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Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
I hope they have some cool things up it sleeves. The OS alone will not do it. Its all about Elops favorite word: ECOSYSTEM.

Im still waiting. Will be an awasome announcment.
ECOSYSTEM - one of the most overrated things imho.
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Not exactly. Mer is created to survive vendors' failures. Unlike MeeGo which was too dependent on the main players (Nokia and Intel) and died (as a project) the moment they pulled the plug. Not that we should anticipate any such failures, but Mer should be ready to deal with them. Let's hope Jolla and PlasmaActive will have success with Mer.

Last edited by shmerl; 2012-08-05 at 21:38.
aironeous's Avatar
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Just googling recent Jolla items
Jolla opening new office in Oulu, Finland

Already posted Jolla answers by nokiablog but I find this easier on the eyes
Is this the Jolla facebook page?
The Vivaldi tablet uses mer core and Plasma active two

Sort of off topic:
this shows how much money it cost to sell a Lumia
808 demand is exceeding supply LOL

windows phone is such a fail IMO oh well

Last edited by aironeous; 2012-08-05 at 22:27.
aironeous's Avatar
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Can we install Mer and active plasma on our N9's?

Here at the bottom left of the page it says it has been installed on the N950

And on the get it link it has arm and meego instructions

Is this it

Here is a talk about plasma active and open source and a LOL at Nokia Listen at 23:15 he talks about how Nokia cannot close down QT

So I am getting from Jolla's comments that they are going to use plasma active or collaborate with them or do something similar.

Last edited by aironeous; 2012-08-06 at 00:28.
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I really love this answer:

"How does Jolla mobile ensure that their hardware design is going to stand out?"
"Considering the current trends in the mobile marketplace, it is not that difficult to stand out when it comes to hardware design."
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Originally Posted by shmerl View Post
On a side note - I just saw something about webOS working only with Linux 3.3 and higher. Will Jolla try to build Mer with Linux 3.2, or 3.4 and etc.? Why should they be forever stuck with 2.6.x?
It depends on the SoC they're using, as some HW vendors are glacially slow in terms of releasing new kernels for their boards (NVIDIAAAAAAAA!), while some are better than others (TI) in keeping up with recent kernels.

(Speaking of which, I heard there's a mythical 3.0 patch series for RX-51 board support.)

The way things look, the ex-Nokia team is probably going to keep using TI OMAPs in their devices. Let's just hope they don't include stupid amounts of closed core components such as DSME, BME, libcal and the like.
N9 PR 1.3 Open Mode + kernel-plus for Harmattan
@kenweknot, working on Glacier for Nemo.
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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
Wait.. are you talking about Maemo or Windows Phone? You MENTIONED Maemo but Windows on mobile has been a work in progress for FAR longer than five years and it's still failing to complete with competitors--but everything else you're saying fits the questions we all have about Windows Phone perfectly except they're producing.. and nobody's buying.

Jolla, on the other hand, has only just started up--so they have some benefit of waiting to see what they release as their first foray. Microsoft and Nokia, not-so-much at this point.

I love Silicon Valley in a personal way. As someone who lived and worked in Silicon Valley for a number of years. I might be qualified to point out what someone who isn't from Silicon Valley already pointed out to you correctly despite lacking my experience: You don't have to be from Silicon Valley to make a product and one that might be better. More importantly, if you're calling Microsoft or Nokia a Silicon Valley company, you're sadly mistaken.


To everyone: Please stop responding to off-topic trolling if you want it to end. Let me remind you that you already know his positions.. why bother arguing or trying to convince somebody that acts like they have an inflexible opinion and possibly an agenda against the very thing you're talking about? Don't ban him--he hasn't done anything bad in actuality.. Just ignore his posts and let the rest of us read and shrug them off. It's just common sense but sometimes I think people need to be reminded.

Personally, I don't mind his posts. It gives me some post history to look back on to see how miserably incorrect he's been so far and it's a source of mild amusement--like looking back at wildly incorrect sports bets and movie reviews that never quite matched public opinion upon release.
Damnramos, Out of all the Stalinist and McCathy supporters here, I salute your appreciation of freedom to express opinion. With regards to offering answers to my questions, you are completely off the mark and ramble in 20 different disconnected directions.

What I meant by Silicon Valley are android and iOS. Last time I checked, WP headquarters are in Seattle and Nokia is in Finland. And why do you deviate from Maemo to Windows? Both have missed their mark, but this thread is about Jolla and not Windows. So stop derailing the topic and trolling.

The skepticisms around Jolla are healthy both for Jolla and for the aficionados. Even Quim tweeted that he HOPES, they have learned from their mistakes on Harmattan. Maemo did not succeed, nor did N9 for obvious reasons. N9 was meant for the masses and OS on N9 is still beta. Harmattan apologizers will scream that they werent given enough resources, etc. etc. Who knows? Maybe they WERE given enough resources but didnt deliver competitive product and were cut. Perhaps same happened to Meltemi. N9 was good for <1% of the population (geeks, open source enthusiasts or whatever), but theirs wasnt a competitive product for the 99% out there.

Jolla wants to make products for the mass market. They didnt deliver under NOKIA flag. Will they deliver under JOLLA flag? Lets look who is under the Jolla flag. The leadership came from the defunct unit at NOKIA, and the core group of engineers and designers also came from NOKIA. Why should I trust that they will deliver a competitive product? What has changed for them? I am sure that their budget at NOKIA was greater than 10 million they have now. So the healthy skeptic in me will say why will changing the flag, from NOKIA to Jolla, change the leadership style, their weaknesses (or strengths) and morph them into something better. And why will they with pitiful 10 million succeed? All I hear is irrational exuberance without analysis to back up this exuberance.

All we know right now is that Jolla can tweet. That is all. Hopefully by the end of the year we will know what they got in store.
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Originally Posted by aironeous View Post
Can we install Mer and active plasma on our N9's?
You can out of curiosity. There is a demo from Vgrade, running Mer/PlasmaActive on N950. But it's not very usable. PlasmaActive didn't yet work on the handset design. It's suitable for tablets, not for handsets really. I hope in the future PlasmaActive will get up to the point of working on the handset design, and there will be truly open and well designed UI for handsets as well, running on top of Mer. (We still don't know what UI will Jolla use, but there is a chance it'll be closed, if they'll follow the Harmattan approach).

Vivaldi project got stalled, because of Zenithink making problems with releasing updated drivers for their C71+ (which was supposed to be used for Vivaldi):

Last edited by shmerl; 2012-08-06 at 00:49.

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