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I think this should be an ok topic here. Not sure why Reggie killed the other thread. I like real intellectual topics. Here's the reply I didn't get to make, and if anyone wants the math trick, let me know PM.

Look, everyone. I didn't want to start a melee. I can discuss it privately, or if you want, start another thread and we'll discuss it. I'm sure we've all been told many things, but none of you know my religious affiliation, my theocratic training, or the proof I've yet to show any of you. I don't like to waste my time, and since I'm a cursing, fighting, sometimes mean thug and not always a good spiritual example, I don't want to give the Word a bad name, and prefer that we keep it private, but will share with you guys if you insist.

Originally Posted by mullf View Post
It's easy to "predict" events that already happened.
Not when the book was written 3500 years beforehand. And I'm not talking blanket claims, but dates, years, and actual events, down to the month. I'm not the typical Bible thumper, and think TD Jakes, Robert Tilton, and Kenneth Copeland are big crooks. I'm a Bible student, nothing more. Be skeptical, but don't assume you've "heard it all before", because I doubt you do.

Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
I believe in a higher power, but I gotta call BS on that one Chris.
Wow! I haven't even made a single point as to what events are predicted. I have to say you've made a rushed judgement without allowing me to speak. You assume I don't know anything you haven't already heard, but I'm sure I do. Have you even read the entire Bible? Studied the translations, Greek Septugiant, and even ancient scrolls like the Nabonidus Stone, Dead Sea Scrolls, and Hezekiah Scrolls? Do you know the origin of the knowledge you do have of the Bible? Don't blame me for those that fed you BS. It is your responsibility to make sure your knowledge is accurate, and I've done just that. I'm not asking that I be trusted, just listened to. I rarely am, since today's man is trivial about spiritual matters...

I've seen the so-called "proofs" of things spiritual but they really aren't. Yeah, they look and sound really nifty but they're not scientific. Just as Creationism doesn't qualify as a theory.
But I clearly said my proof was scientific and mathematic, so I obviously am not about to tell you whatever "proofs" you've heard. I'm a pretty smart cat, and a voracious reader, so at least know I don't speak without having read and studied plenty on the subject.

I didn't get into MMA without rigorous training, mobiles without alot of research, and religion without studying. You sound exactly like the guys the Wright Bros. told about their airplane, and they were proven wrong, too, even though other attemps to fly had failed miserably. Don't judge a book by its cover.

Besides, that's a dangerous road to go down anyway. People are told they should be able to suspend disbelief and accept certain things on faith, and then 'just in case' that fails here's this series of "proofs" to help the agnostic out. Defeats the whole premise of faith.
Its only dangerous for a neophyte or those not well versed in Scriptural matters. You assume I'm going to tell you the typical BS most "preachers" spew, but I promise I'm beyond repeating crap they say to get paid. I have no interest in fooling anyone.

@ CrashandDie,
You make a small error in your post. You speak of things that can't be proven. I speak in things of math and public historic record, things already proven as fact, even law, in the case of the mathematics. I really want to prove this fact to you most of all. So answer this:
If I can give you a Bible, and from the information in it, you can create a date timeline, and predict the exact year of an event in the 20th century, along with the description of the events taking place, would your mind be any bit changed? Because if you could predict the day someone's child would be born 2-3k years ahead of time, as well as the people in the room and what they'd be doing and wearing, and the child's name, I'd instantly find your abilities to be divine.

I don't diss other religious books at all. Most supply good ways of life to follow. But I'm only talking of the supernatural abilities presented by the Bible that no other book can prove in a similar fashion. No book has anything special that couldn't have been written by any common man but the Bible. I'm very open to being proven wrong. Its not arrogance, its confidence. I already told you it predicts events of the 20th century centuries ahead of time. SPECIFIC events. Know any other books written 3k years ago that does the same? Don't mock the Book or my views. Challenge them, but don't mock. I'm confident God can handle any scrutiny you have. Its so tacky and irreverant to mock without hearing anything I've said. Assume starts with a** with U right in the middle, but you'll find ME in the end.

BTW, Genesis has no contradictions. Some translations changed the wording for their own motives, but a scholarly education of the Bible and its books will easily expose the discrepancies. I prefer to not use the King James Bible for this reason, but I reference many translations so you know I'm on my stuff, not just scratching the surface. You make many errors in your supposed contradictions, but we can discuss those whenever you wish. I'd love to clear them up. Sounds to me you've read Bibles without confirming the translation integrity, which is an issue.

The story of the man offering up his daughter and concubine is pretty accurate, but misses the Greek word for word translation where they wanted the man to rape HIM! It was talking about the sexual debauchery and cheapness that had begun to prevail in the land of Gibeah. There is no reason to defend history, no more than to defend the killing of brothers, incest, and other things in the Bible. Its told for a reason, to teach, not to glamourize.

I haven't told you the future prediction with math thing, so you can keep talking, but I think once I do, you will have more questions than mockeries. You have SOME knowledge, but not much. For instance, what is hell? Do you know? Can you tell me? I doubt you do, but humor me. I sounded a little rude, but I meant it all with a smile, and not with any ill will. Many think they know the Bible, but only know what they've been taught or heard. Most Christians are taught false teachings and Pagan practices from the Constantine Convention of Nicea, not the Bible.

I do accept others' choices and beliefs, just like I'm accepting of homosexuality for others. I don't believe its right, and don't follow the same lifestyle, but I tolerate and accept them as people, in typical true Christian fashion.

@ Zerojay, there are plenty of dates in the Bible. There are many historical figures and events in the Bible, and dates of their documented births, wars, construction, etc, can be used as markers to tabulate dates. You learn in school when the Medians and Persians go to war, when certain kings take the throne, etc. Its not so hard to figure dates if you read from a historical perspective. This isn't something most do, though.

Aphex, before you condemn or qualify my faith, wouldn't it be best to know what it is? What do I believe that must obviously be garnered from books and brainwashing? And knowing me, do I seem like someone easily brainwashed? Maybe my childhood and years in prison were spent doing more than riding bikes, watching cartoons, picking cotton and lifting weights. I'm aware of the misuse of the Bible, but I guess you think you're the only one. I know "religions" from my personal study, and it was a deep, thorough study. And the Bible has been preserved, and finding the changes is easy if you study old manuscripts found. And the "hell" of suffering doesn't exist, so you know. Sheol, Hades, and Gahenna are three words translated as "hell", but none mean anything about punishment or torture. Look it up...

Thanks for that post, lschumanfcoe. Respect and tolerance are a lost art. I like to have discussions where there is an exchange, but I haven't said one word about my beliefs other than I'm obviously a Christian and believe in the original Bible. I'd like to have my beliefs attacked AFTER they've been exposed, not before. I'm anxious to see a reaction after they figure out the dates and stuff.

And FYI mullf, in prison, you have Wiccans, Satanists, Rastafari, Jews, Polyamourous faiths, blood letters, snake worshipers, naturists, and more free to worship their religion. In the US, you can pretty much do anything but hurt children, rape others, and injure or kill folks in the name of religion, and your actions have alot of protections.
"...and the Freaks shall inherit the Earth."
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Interesting topic.

As you have a lot of knowledge, one thing has always confused me in the bible. Why was the plural Hebrew word "elohim" translated to the singular in the modern western world ? I've never understood that especially as there is a passage which has God (should this be plural?) turning to the Council of Gods.

I'd be interested to hear what you've found out.
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The only thing I'm interested in, does the Bible predict the shipping date of the N900? If so, when will I get mine?
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and i'll be interested to get that bible app so i can read up on it and gain more knowledge... especially the unreleased and original manuscripts that Chris has read.
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If God is real why did he invent atheists, he is not that clever after all.
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Originally Posted by Chris
[...]or the proof I've yet to show any of you[...]
I call shenanigans.

There is no proof. End of story.

No need to pm me about it either.
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PM sent........waiting..........
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heres a good video of proof god is real
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Originally Posted by pinsh View Post
The only thing I'm interested in, does the Bible predict the shipping date of the N900? If so, when will I get mine?
Amen, brotha!
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Dont really want to get into this, but I have 25 years of full time bible learning (in the original hebrew in which im fluent, plus aramaic texts that comment on it) and a degree in religious studies, plus I taught kabbalah for a number of years.

There are countless flaws all over the old testament and it in no way can be considered authoritative. This includes dates, nations, people, places and many other mistakes.

@Thor - The reason elohim is in the plural appears to be due to the polytheistic nature of religion in the near east in ancient times. The Israelites chose their god 'El' to be the one who was the most powerful god of the pantheon. This is the jehovah of the old testament.

I personally am against religious discussions taking place in these forums - the signal to noise ratio has become terrible already, and religion is one of those things that is very easy to offend/anger/annoy people with. People are free to practice whatever they like, but its best to keep religious views to oneself in public forums like this (even in offtopic).

Just my 2 cents....
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