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dchky's Avatar
Posts: 549 | Thanked: 299 times | Joined on Jun 2010 @ Australian in the Philippines
Originally Posted by Mentalist Traceur View Post
Meanwhile [sarcasm]thanks so much to everyone who read my request for dbus help and actually knew dbus enough to knows how to do what I asked.[/sarcasm]. I get that most people don't know dbus that well, and some might not have had time or had something impostant to do instead - but if you knew how to help and didn't bother, middle finger to you.
Thankyou kindly for the middle finger. It is much appreciated.

When the information is already out there and has already been posted several times, it gets somewhat tiring to do the silver spoon feeding thing.

Since power saving is the order of the day, it would be imperceptibly and almost unmeasurably more efficient to get rid of all the if/then business and replace it with a case (Switch) - it is also far more elegant to look at.

case expression in
    pattern1 )
        statements ;;
    pattern2 )
        statements ;;

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@dchky: Except the information isn't there. I can understand that if I was asking something like "how do I make this script executable", or "how do I replace system icons" or god forbid, something that is reasonably well documented yet is buried among threads that aren't exactly easy to find with a search engine, like "how do I partition my SD card" - then you could go and say it's a silver spoon feeding thing.

But when I'm asking about a very specific DBus command, I shouldn't have to literally write out all the pages I visited, both at (which has some general dbus documentation/tutorials) and in the developer documentation at, for the reader to think 'gee, maybe this isn't blatantly obvious from what is out there'.

I didn't just go on here and ask something so *****ically obvious that it can be answered with "cd [filepath], and then try to run your script from there - oh, and you need to edit your .profile to permanently add your code to path". It's one thing to say explaining how to properly use something like cp or chmod is silver spoon feeding.

Did me quoting a snippet of python code (from the wiki no less, but admittedly that's not necessarily too obvious) not indicate that I had looked around the place? Did the fact (if you saw me asking this in a few other threads) that I had been asking this for a few days now, with references to digging around the documentation, not indicate that maybe I was actually trying to find this on my own? Did I slip up somewhere on my grammar or capitalization or other basic articulation skills, so as to make myself look like the more typical ignorant-and-not-trying-to-fix-it individuals that come on these forums?

Honestly, by all means, if you can find where either that script has been posted, or non-fragmented, actually reasonably-easy-to-understand-without-prior-coding-knowledge documentation exists, then please, by all means - point it out to me. And then, please, do share what arcane combination of search terms you entered to find it.

Here's my issue, and why I feel the middle finger is deserved for the small subcategory of people who it's aimed at: No one even did that. Yes the code is only like 50 characters long, but hell, I would have been happy if someone had just said ">Link< Go read." In fact, I would have preferred that. Then maybe I wouldn't have had to spend like 8 hours of my day on slightly editing the same command and going from guess to guess on how exactly to combine the elements "" "/com/nokia/mce/request" and "get_device_orientation". And then by now I would have probably posted a nice portrait-mode capable config file to the Beautify Conky thread so that people could benefit from that that much earlier.

But no, apparently it's supposed to be obvious to the not-computer-programming-versed individual that unrelated-to-accelerometer documented dbus scripts can be almost exactly-identically translated to this one. Not to mention the fact that until I read through a mass of general DBus documentation, I didn't even think " /com/nokia/mce/request" made sense as a block of text in a command. I mean, yeah, I now know why that's the way it is - I can't pull up the technical explanation in words from memory, but I have a general understanding of. But was that explanation easy to find or repeatedly stated on this forum? No. Though at least it was easier to find for me than than the worst of this command.

Then there's a page - I'll even link you to it so you can see I actually dug around ( ) that simply says, with little explanation:

#define MCE_DEVICE_ORIENTATION_GET get_device_orientation
Query the device orientation information.

I get that it's a reference page - it shouldn't have explanations in it. And that's fine. But somewhere those explanations should exist. I spent like an hour (if not more if you count all the pauses to look through or search for more scripts/examples/documentation) trying variants of:

dbus-send [--system] [--print-reply] /com/nokia/mce/request [#define] [MCE_DEVICE_ORIENTATION_GET] [.][accel.][get_device_orientation]

The stuff in brackets being the stuff I took in/out (not blind try-every-possible combination, mind - there were educated guesses, and the [.] came in only once, when I did ). And yeah it looks ridiculous now, especially the accel. thing because I eventually figured out that "accel." was the python variable (at least that's what I think it is) substituting pretty much the entire dbus addressing stuff before it. So sorry, but no where is it explained that #define MCE_DEVICE_ORIENTATION_GET get_device_orientation translates to stick .get_device_orientation at the end of And I know for a fact that not a one of the pages (including all those code examples, most of which aren't even shell compatible, but are written in something else) that I looked through actually says that " is the proper dbus method_call or whatever it's called for fetching device orientation. Indeed, no where in the accelerometer documentation is anything stated about how to fetch device state - except for the aforementioned python code snippet (though that will be changed at the latest tomorrow, when I'm going to edit in the dbus command that I figured out today into the wiki, if no one else does it by then).

Did I figure it out eventually? Yeah. But it's not written anywhere that I could find, it's not easy to understand from what's available, and if anything, telling me the line of code in question would not be feeding me from a silver spoon. At the worst it would be doing a step of the cooking for me - though I would liken it to simply explaining how to make the meal in question, as opposed to expecting me to figure out how (from ingredients I have to scavenger hunt for, no less).

And note that I did not ask for help figuring out how to make grep filter a line that has either x or y or z. I figured that out on my own, after browsing on my own some similarly less than intuitive documentation on grep options. Same with certain things regarding awk that I wasn't clear on. I get that this forum gets a lot of annoying posts. I get that way too few people bother even trying to learn something on their own. But no matter how frustrating that gets, that doesn't mean that every question that is self-apparent to you is oh-so-well documented that everyone can be expected to figure it out. And it doesn't mean that you get to place people indiscriminately in the same category unless a person expressly takes the time to craft their post so as to show off all the research/work/searching they did.

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Originally Posted by RenaldoTT View Post
Yea, I noticed bakuurs plan from day one, if people don't actively show an interest that's them, let them do things the hard way, I read the hard way, I understand it but in life if you get an easier way to achieve the same task take it. So I'm going to test this now... creating QueenBeeCon Widget as we speak

K I made the widget, clicked it, limits are now set to 125 600, interval to run script
every 1hr.

is the limit at 8bars supposed to be 125 600 because this is what I'm getting here when I run oc-script and view my current freq settings
Lets see what happens now
the code you will be needing to enter in the QBW is as follow
sudo gainroot | sh /home/user/MyDocs
once you run it you should be getting a notification that limits were reset
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TMO looks like it was down for a while....

The reason I was fairly abrasive in my response was not just the finger thing, but because dbus notifications are already well explained

That was all.
dchky's Avatar
Posts: 549 | Thanked: 299 times | Joined on Jun 2010 @ Australian in the Philippines
The reason I was fairly abrasive in my response was not just the finger thing, but because dbus notifications are already well explained

That was all.
Posts: 701 | Thanked: 585 times | Joined on Sep 2010 @ London, England
Originally Posted by bakuur View Post
Yes since Your phone can't handle low voltages then isuggest laying off the script as why is it useful? Well friend the titLe says it all
My point in saying that it won't work for my phone, is that mine won't be the only one, and whilst it is fine for people who know what they are doing with overclocking, it is not responsible to recommend it to people who don't know what they are doing at least not without providing a clear warning.

And with respect, the title doesn't say it all. It may surprise you, but I can actually read the title, if I thought it said it all I wouldn't have posed my question; I can also read your script and understand what it is doing. All the title does is state the intent of your script, what I don't understand is how your script is better than just keeping a sensible low voltage profile to save battery, and if you wish you could set a QueenBeacon widget to temporarily change to a high performance profile if you need better performance for some reason. In other words, why change the profile in response to changing battery levels rather than keeping an optimally energy efficient profile all the time?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to knock your efforts, I just don't understand the benefit of this. And I hope I don't come across as too negative, I'm following what you are doing here because I'm interested in it.

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Originally Posted by retsaw View Post
My point in saying that it won't work for my phone, is that mine won't be the only one, and whilst it is fine for people who know what they are doing with overclocking, it is not responsible to recommend it to people who don't know what they are doing at least not without providing a clear warning.

And with respect, the title doesn't say it all. It may surprise you, but I can actually read the title, if I thought it said it all I wouldn't have posed my question; I can also read your script and understand what it is doing. All the title does is state the intent of your script, what I don't understand is how your script is better than just keeping a sensible low voltage profile to save battery, and if you wish you could set a QueenBeacon widget to temporarily change to a high performance profile if you need better performance for some reason. In other words, why change the profile in response to changing battery levels rather than keeping an optimally energy efficient profile all the time?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to knock your efforts, I just don't understand the benefit of this. And I hope I don't come across as too negative, I'm following what you are doing here because I'm interested in it.
i really undersatnd what you're saying , i admit being being careless with me end work but its just because i have limited time to work on this and instead the discourgment by some i would really appreciate a hand lended for help
ideas from here and there would make this script amazing
i know it can as it has a great base to work from
furthur more the reason why i got careless at the end part is because its my final year at school and as most of us know its not easy!
this isnt for lets say "new" users of the N900 and i would soon make it more user friendly
maybe make a .deb file is someone would take the efford to guide me
so dear friend i was told once linux is all about sharing
so if you have any idea or suggestion please dont hesitate to mention it
and the "whats the use? question" try laying away from it
no one likes to hear that

thanks alot,
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Benson's Avatar
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Okay, since you don't like polite "what's the use" questions, I guess I'd better stick to the answer instead: There is no use to change the profile, ever. Sorry if this seems harsh, but that fact was already raised politely, and you dismissed it.

When the profile is set correctly for your device, it will run without crashing at any speed. Want to limit power consumption near the end of battery life? limit the speed. If you drop to a lower profile, it will crash. If it doesn't crash, then you should have tuned your original profile tighter.

It's really that simple.

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Bakuur, my limits are now set to 125 600 as default, I did't do this though.

A bug perhaps?
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Posts: 529 | Thanked: 194 times | Joined on Aug 2010 @ UK
After runnin this script i end up gettin this

 shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

/home/user # sudo gainroot | sh /home/user/MyDocs/smartclocker
/home/user/MyDocs/smartclocker: line 1: #!/bin/bash: not found
cat: can't open '/sys/class/power_supply/bq27200-0/temp': No such file or directory

sh: 45: unknown operand
This kernel version 2.6.28-omap1 is not supported
Please make sure that kernel-power is installed and running.
If you have just installed the kernel, you need to shutdown and boot to activate it.
To reinstall the power user kernel run:
'apt-get install --reinstall kernel-power kernel-power-flasher'
This kernel version 2.6.28-omap1 is not supported
Please make sure that kernel-power is installed and running.
If you have just installed the kernel, you need to shutdown and boot to activate it.
To reinstall the power user kernel run:
'apt-get install --reinstall kernel-power kernel-power-flasher'
Failed to open connection to "session" message bus: (null)
/home/user #
have tryed reinstallin , then rebooting 3 times an still same thing any idea

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