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Posts: 18 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Jan 2010
I noticed yesterday that the license for the Finnish topographical map tiles from the National Land Survey Of Finland (Maanmittauslaitos) has been expired.

I have this URL for these Finnish topo maps set on the Mappero and it has worked just fine on both my N810 and N900 since two years.

But yesterday when I moved to a place where I didn't have maps on the cache and the Mappero tried to download the map tiles I got just a white tile with the following text: "Maastokarttojen koekäyttö on päättynyt" which means that the trial to use the topo maps has expired.

This is awful news. I have been using Mappero + topomaps for geocaching and for other activities on the terrain.

Does anybody know more about this and how to get these topo maps to N810 and to N900 even with a paid service? Who should I ask this from Nokia as I understood that in 2008 Nokia and National Land Survey Of Finland made this deal.

Last edited by jussihoo; 2010-11-22 at 22:11.
Posts: 36 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on May 2010
This was bad news for me also!!

Is it possible to get maps from this web-site?

Could someone help with that?Please!
Posts: 90 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on May 2006
Sad news indeed...
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extechop's Avatar
Posts: 51 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Helsinki, Finland
You will see the same message from the actual website.

Indeed, this is sad news, and I feel that Nokia has let us down again: no pre-warning, and no info on alternate ways to get the data (even purchase options). And of course similar data is available for Symbian phones for free...
Posts: 4 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Mar 2010
I noticed this just today. I couldn't agree more with previous senders. Again bad policy from Nokia. This was the best feature of my old N810 and now it is unusable. I guess there is no workaround for this.
Posts: 223 | Thanked: 323 times | Joined on Dec 2010
I made a Python script that fetches and transforms map images from Kansalaisen karttapaikka and Retkikartta to Mappero suitable from. Fetching is done by using fetch_map and transforming with GDAL. The script can be used from command line or with Apache/mod_python you can use it to create tile source that can be used in Mappero. Transforming one tile takes from 3 to over 10 seconds on N900 (<1sec with 3GHz Pentium 4) so you won't probably want to set tile server running on N900 (and there isn't required version of gdal libraries in maemo repositories so you would have to compile that yourself).

Installation instructions for Linux (with Apache and mod_python already installed):
1) Install required packages proj-bin, libgdal1-1.7.0, python-gdal and python-imaging ("apt-get install proj-bin libgdal1-1.7.0 python-gdal python-imaging").
2) Download fetch_map( and attached "". Gunzip and copy to some dir on your web server and extract all files from fetch_map dir in fetch_map zip to same directory.
3) Change MAP_CACHE_DIR and use absolute path name(default is "./map_cache" and it doesn't work correctly with mod_python) and allow writing to that directory.
4) Now it should work. You can try to fetch a tile for example with "". Because of the transformations text in farther zoom levels is not very well readable but closer zoom levels are fine.

If installation succeeded you can add following tile sources/map repositories to Mappero (for every tile source set tile type: XYZ_INV and image type: PNG)

Kansalaisen karttapaikka
Zoom levels: 6-17

Kansalaisen karttapaikka2
Zoom levels: 5-17

Zoom level: 8-16

Zoom level: 7-16

Kansalaisen karttapaikka airplane pictures
Zoom levels: 6-17

Kansalaisen karttapaikka airplane pictures2
Zoom levels: 5-17

"orto" uses airplane pictures from Kansalaisen karttapaikka at closer zoom levels and farther zoom levels are same as in "kpa". In number 2 sources tiles are created from images that are zoomed in and in numberless sources tiles are created by zooming out. So 2's maybe have better quality but those also need more performance to create tiles.

Asennusohjeet Windowsiin:
1) Asenna Python 2.7 (
2) Asenna Python Imaging Library (
3) Asenna osoitteesta ( löytyvät GDAL-1.7.3.win32-py2.7.exe ja numpy-1.5.1.win32-py2.7.exe.
4) Asenna CherryPy (
5) Lisää uusi järjestelmämuuttuja ( Käynnistä > Asetukset > Ohjauspaneeli > Järjestelmä > Lisäasetukset > Ympäristömuuttujat > Järjestelmämuuttujat > Uusi )
Arvo : "C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\osgeo\data\gdal"
6) Muokkaa Path-järjestelmämuuttujaa lisäämällä sen arvon loppuun ";C:\Python27"
7) Kopio liitteenä oleva ja pura se (vaikka Winrarilla) kansioon, johon haluat skriptin asentaa (esim. c:\fmap). Tee tähän kansioon myös map_cache-niminen alikansio.
8) Kopio fetch_map ( ja pura zipistä löytyvästä fetch_map-kansiosta kaikki tiedostot samaan kansioon, kuin edellisessä kohdassa.
9) Kopioi zippi osoitteesta ( ja pura proj/bin/-kansiosta proj.exe samaan kansioon kuin edellä.
10) Muokkaa rivillä 19 olevan MAP_CACHE_DIR-muuttujan arvoksi kohdassa 7 tehdyn map_cache-kansion sijanti. ( esim. MAP_CACHE_DIR = 'C:/fmap/map_cache/', huom. käytä vinoviivoja )
11) Käynnistä palvelin tuplaklikkaamallaä. Jos kaikki toimii, ohjelman ikkunan pitäisi jäädä näkyviin.
12) Lisää Mapperoon muuten samat Tile/Map-repositoryt kuin Linux-ohjeessa, mutta käytä seuraavanlaisia osoitteita
Retkikartta 2
Kansalaisen karttapaikka

Näillä ohjeilla siis pystytetään web-palvelin, josta Mappero voi hakea karttapaloja. Kun Mappero pyytää karttapalan, hakee palvelin ensin karttapalan Kansalaisen karttapaikasta/ä, muuntaa sen Mapperon käyttämään muotoon ja lähettää Mapperolle. Eli koneen, jossa palvelin pyörii pitää saada yhteys Internetiin ja N900:sta pitää saada yhteys palvelimeen. Palvelin kuuntelee kaikissa koneeseen asetetuissa IP-osoitteissa(portissa 80).

Esim. jos palvelin ja N900:nen on yhdistetty samaan WLAN-reitittimeen, joka sallii liikenteen siihen kytkettyjen laitteiden välillä (ja palvelinkoneessa on palomuurissa sallittu liikenne porttiin 80), pitäisi N900:sesta saada yhteys palvelimeen. Tällöin "YourServerIP"-kohtaan laitettavan IP-osoitteen saa selville (Käynnistä->Suorita->Avaa: "cmd"->OK->ipconfig).
Attached Files
File Type: gz (6.7 KB, 415 views)
File Type: gz (6.6 KB, 300 views)

Last edited by orava; 2010-12-19 at 20:38. Reason: windows ohjeet

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Posts: 18 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Originally Posted by orava View Post
Installation instructions for Linux (with Apache and mod_python already installed):
This is awesome news!!!

For me though there is a small problem. I do have a windows XP based Apache webserver with PHP and everything and I could install also Python and mod_python easily but I am afraid that those other files, like libgdal1-1.7.0 can't be installed to that windows server.

Hmmm... I would not like like to set-up a Linux server from scratch but maybe that's the only option. I need to look into this.
ossipena's Avatar
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Originally Posted by jussihoo View Post
I have this URL for these Finnish topo maps set on the Mappero and it has worked just fine on both my N810 and N900 since two years.
well keeping in mind that topomaps at N900's mappero is a hack, the topomaps were officially for OS2008 (N800&N810).

so licence expiration about 2 years after the release seems pretty logical to me.

yes it is shame but I have been expecting this for over an year now myself...
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Posts: 1,341 | Thanked: 708 times | Joined on Feb 2010
Mappero and modRana can use (a common) sqlite-database nowadays for map tiles.
If you go around license restrictions anyway, why not download all available map tiles and create a sqlite database of those to be shared between Finnish N900-users?

I am sure, the hack like that will stop working in some day when enough people start to use it.
tekojo's Avatar
Posts: 148 | Thanked: 484 times | Joined on Nov 2008
Hi all,

I'm trying to find someone inside Nokia to tell me how the Topomaps deal and system worked. The actual map material is owned by Karttakeskus (Finnish National Survey).

So I'll find out what has happened and can we do something about it, and get back here.
It might take a while though, I have a clue on where to start, but nothing concrete yet.


P.S. Yes, this came out of the blue to me too. And I would like to have them back. They are the only reliable map I have around our summer cottage.

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