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OK, I found - it is should be NOT used because it creates some directories and interferes with M32GB.
Posts: 992 | Thanked: 995 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ California
OK, brief installation instruction:

- download scripts and unpack it with x-term command 'tar'
- run
- If you haven't any package like bootmenu/multiboot - run
- open keyboard and reboot.

After that it could be slow until you prepare swap partition on uSD card and ask kernel to use it as a primary swap. It immediately pops up a system performance up to normal level. But this step is not mandatory to evaluate a result.
Posts: 42 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Feb 2010
Please package this up so it's idiot proof

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Originally Posted by CPRman View Post
Please package this up so it's idiot proof

This idiot agrees! A package would be good.
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Originally Posted by egoshin View Post
OK, I found - it is should be NOT used because it creates some directories and interferes with M32GB.
This thread is very interesting and if all works as targeted, an awesome step forward for all n900 users. Power to the people and many thanks for offering your time and energy for all to benefit.
With regards to the file I had previously used this chasing rootfs space and found this always resorted to hiccups with the desktop freezing, not loading icons etc I think it is due to the relocation of icons & themes, but that's another issue.
I have tried a few things, though blindly I must say, as like a few of us on here, computer illiterate. So I have changed these four items (see below) and suspect running your script with these mods already done will result in similar headaches as the users, could you please confirm?

mv /usr/share/nokia-maps /home/opt/
ln -s /home/opt/nokia-maps /usr/share/nokia-maps

mv /usr/share/microb-engine /home/opt
ln -s /home/opt/microb-engine /usr/share/microb-engine

mv /usr/share/tutorial-applet /home/opt
ln -s /home/opt/tutorial-applet /usr/share/tutorial-applet

mv /usr/share/locale /opt
ln -s /opt/locale /usr/share/locale

Q1. If these mods will effect the functioning of your script, are they reversible or a flashing in order?
Q2. If reversible, is it as simple as doing the reverse eg:
mv /home/opt /usr/share/nokia-maps/
ln -s /usr/share/nokia-maps /home/opt/nokia-maps
Q3. The script, if any errors or problems, not happy, for whatever reason, can it be reversed or fixed with a flashing?
Posts: 992 | Thanked: 995 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ California
Originally Posted by Coffee View Post
So I have changed these four items (see below) and suspect running your script with these mods already done will result in similar headaches as the users, could you please confirm?
No, your mods shouldn't have any impact in M32GB. See below.

Q1. If these mods will effect the functioning of your script, are they reversible or a flashing in order?
It should not have a side effect after Actually doesn't touch it. It would not have any impact on stuff located in /home/opt (/opt).

The problem with is that uses the same file structure in /home as should be in any root file system - it puts files to (/home)/usr, (/home)/lib etc. Unfortunately, I can't change the files location in /home partition to something else because this directory structure is required to run Maemo 5 from this partition. The collision should be fixed in

So, you are safe from collision as long as you move files under /home/opt or /home/user - actually, any place besides /home/usr (not user !), /home/lib, /home/etc, /home/dev, /home/sys etc - see full list of directories in "/" (but I take a special care about /opt and /home).

Q2. If reversible, is it as simple as doing the reverse eg:
mv /home/opt /usr/share/nokia-maps/
ln -s /usr/share/nokia-maps /home/opt/nokia-maps
This is a wrong sequence to reverse your previous steps.

After your past modification you have two choices now before applying

1) don't do any - it should work, see Q1. (I like this variant)

2) remove some packages in UBIFS to recover space and move that stuff back to UBIFS root file system -

rm /usr/share/nokia-maps
cp -a /home/opt/nokia-maps /usr/share/nokia-maps

rm /usr/share/microb-engine
cp -a /home/opt/microb-engine /usr/share/microb-engine

rm /usr/share/tutorial-applet
cp -a /home/opt/tutorial-applet /usr/share/tutorial-applet

rm /usr/share/locale
cp -a /opt/locale /usr/share/locale

... and immediately reboot.

I recommend command "cp -a" instead of "mv" here because I am not sure what [I]else]/I] is moved to that locations in your N900. The location like /opt/locale is pretty generic and some package may put some files to it during installation. It could be safe to keep a copy in that place some time.

But if you are sure you can use "mv" command.

Q3. The script, if any errors or problems, not happy, for whatever reason, can it be reversed or fixed with a flashing?
This script may cause a problem if you already have directories /home/usr (not user!), /home/lib, /home/etc, /home/dev, /home/boot, /home/dev, /home/sys, /home/syspart, /home/root ... etc - see again "ls -l /" for full list. The only exclusion - /opt (/home/opt) and /home/user.

If you don't pay attention and run - it removes that directories before copying (/home/usr, /home/etc, /home/lib etc) - and that may have impact on system. The restoration would be - reflash root and eMMC. Sorry, please pay attention. I will update the first post to indicate it.

Last edited by egoshin; 2010-07-31 at 18:24.

The Following User Says Thank You to egoshin For This Useful Post:
Posts: 116 | Thanked: 40 times | Joined on Mar 2010
Thanks! This is fly. How easy would it be to modify this so that it would do what it does but instead copy to a partition on an SD card?or if you make an updated version maybe have it allow a choice to select where you may want to copy to?
Posts: 222 | Thanked: 22 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ Sydney Australia
Originally Posted by xopher View Post
Thanks! This is fly. How easy would it be to modify this so that it would do what it does but instead copy to a partition on an SD card?or if you make an updated version maybe have it allow a choice to select where you may want to copy to?
If something god fore bid happens to the card, goes missing, fails, files copied over then would your system work. Plus wouldn't the card have slower read, write etc (since noticed reference to the class 6 though surely still slower?) and hence slower performance?
Even if the above are no issue, I think leaving the card free for other OS to dual boot off etc better and away from Maemo.
(Just my thoughts and personal preference)


Last edited by Coffee; 2010-08-01 at 00:56.
Posts: 222 | Thanked: 22 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ Sydney Australia
Originally Posted by egoshin View Post
It is not recommended for regular user because some potential troubles between two systems (original vanilla Maemo5 on UBIFS and a copy on 32GB eMMC). This troubles may happen during removal of shared software packages located in /opt (see below).

So, instruction guide first and cautions second.

I. Usage.

Script set includes 3 scripts (all should be run as root user):

Pardon my ignorance, how should we install as root via xterm.
sudo gainroot (enter) prepares Maemo 5 on eMMC /home partition from your root FS on UBIFS. It copies all files, fixes some issues to work with telephony and fixes some system boot scripts. It can be run at any time on an original vanilla Maemo 5 in UBIFS. If previous eMMC root file system on /home exists it destroys it first. prepares an original root FS on UBIFS for dual boot - boot with open keyboard and N900 runs root from eMMC. Closed keyboard still boots an original from UBIFS. It changes / and /sbin/preinit on UBIFS root.

You run to prepare eMMC root file system once. Then you can run to activate a dual boot. If you have installed bootmenu or multiboot or similar package which allows change root then is not needed, but you should know how to configure your dual boot package properly.
I have Multiboot install with NITDroid, I am unsure how to set this up so it works correctly with this mod. I know it has the 3 file locations:
I understand it is the /etc/multiboot.d/.......item files that give the options in the boot window. As much as I know

After that the boot with open keyboard tosses you to eMMC root. You can forget about UBIFS root until next major Nokia upgrade and use eMMC root file system in day-to-day operations. You can do another reboot any time.

If you want temporary return back to original vanilla UBIFS root file system you just boot with closed keyboard.

Ok, so if I understand you correctly. You are simply making a copy root file system into the 2gb home directory and using dualboot, multiboot etc to tell the system which root to use?
If so, when running with root in home directory, will all further installed files etc be located under this partition and then if boot normally, not installed or accessible?

If you want a complete removal of Maemo 5 on eMMC - boot an original vanilla UBIFS and run script - it completely removes eMMC root files and reverts back a dual boot too.
This sounds the ideal situation and much tidier one, is still a need for dual boot like this from a clean flash?

EDIT: you can backup your contacts/applications/configs/etc in Maemo 5 on eMMC and restore it later in a regular vanilla UBIFS Maemo 5. Just be sure that full list of applications doesn't overflow your 256MB UBIFS - Yes, it may be difficult after 1 week
How can you confirm what your apps will come to in total and that 256 is enough, at best I have approx 60 apps installed and no idea what this takes up. Just want to be on the safe side.

NOTE: for good performance of eMMC root I recommend to format Class 6 uSD card with Linux swap partition and switch to it via shell commands like:

swapon /dev/mmcblk1p2 # I use partition 2 on uSD
swapoff /dev/mmcblk0p3

I am currently running a standard class 4 8gb card. I have 3 partitions and are as follows:
3.4gb free for use (fat32)
1.8gb NITDroid Installed (ext3)
2.5gb Allocated for Easy Debian though not installed yet (ext2)
Is it worth me setting the mccblk1p1 3.4gb for additional swap or to large and waste of space and class 4 not worthy ?

A. Both roots share three objects - kernel, /opt and user files (+MyDocs). So - don't try this for kernel debugging, it doesn't help. And if you DELETE some optifyed package from one system it is not automatically deleted in second root file system. So, the shared package (package which does exist in UBIFS root before running should be not deleted. There is no automatic monitoring of that, of course.
So I think that may answer my previous question before about installed files not working in the other root loction, totally independent by sounds of things. So sounds as if this mod is best done after a complete FIASCO & eMMC flash and totally relocate the eMMC root system and then install all apps so clean and tidy.
That said, would you want or need multiboot then?

C. If you plan using titan's power kernel or bigger /home - please switch to Titan's power kernel or increase a size of /home partition on original vanilla UBIFS root file system before you run You can't do it after boot into eMMC root file system. More precisely, you can do it but you will have a trouble during boot of an original vanilla UBIFS root.

If we are not and simply running apps and say NITDroid or Debian etc the 2gb should be enough shouldn't it, it is only the apps and root that use it?

D. (EDIT) Please don't use this scripts with - it uses the same file structure in /home without backup and running could erase some locale language files. (EDIT2) So, please check before applying first time what your /home is "virgin" and you do not have directories:

/home/usr (usr - not user! /home/user is OK)

Scripts and remove this directories. Take care that you haven't something valuable in it.

And remember that creates that directories, so check can be done only before first time.

Well I have NITDroid installed,other than a folder " lost+found" which I think is from NITDroid?
(It's sweet, just for others with NITDroid installed)

Sorry if a lot of questions and maybe silly ones, just want to make sure I am clear. Thank you for your time and patience, much appreciated.


Last edited by Coffee; 2010-08-01 at 00:53.
Posts: 222 | Thanked: 22 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ Sydney Australia
Is it just me or others also can't download the file?

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