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tz1's Avatar
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I use the keyboard, and though I usually use an external BT gps, the internal one is sometimes nice to have, and I do use it in the sunlight, so for me the extra for the n810 was worth it. But I went and bought an n800 as a backup (for things like upgrading to Diablo or testing things which might crash the system). I also find the n810's being thinner a help.
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N810 forever! (The N800 is SO ugly I just couldn't stand it).
+: Keyboard, Display, Form factor, Video (using MPlayer)
-: GPS (software problem), no FM radio, miniSD (instead of dual microSDHC :-)

Un-Fortunately, I've also got an N82 which is in many areas much more advanced than the N810: a perfect GPS, great uPnp AV functionality, PIM, HSDPA, GMail client, Nokia Sportstracker, FM radio... The two complement each other quite nicely!
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Originally Posted by maxinflixion View Post
Is it worth twice the price?
Um, I think the original question is strange...

When I stumbled across the N800 in October 2007, they were typically selling for $380 - $420. Then, almost overnight, the N800 dropped rapidly in price, and finally stopped somewhere around $230-ish, stayed there for a couple of months, and then it completely disappeared.

So, since you can't even buy a new N800 anymore, it's tough to compare prices. And the N810 is selling for about the same price now that the N800 was selling for 8 months ago ($360 at
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I've recently bought an n810, my girlfriend bought an n800.

We both had different priorities for the tablet. She wanted to use it primarily for multimedia and maybe for pim purposes, so the extra space was a pro, and the fact that it didn't have an keyboard or gps didn't bother her.
My foces was hacking, ssh, nethack, a bit of pim, and finally some multimedia. Therefor I like the fact that s has a keyboard, the fact that is has less space does not bother me, and the internal gps is a nice extra. I don't have any other gps system, and from what I've seen, the gps will do just fine for what I have in mind.

I like keyboard of the N810. Although when I need to type little things I use the onscreen one, when I need to type more (or play nethack, in the console offcourse), I use the keyboard. I do think that if they would move the d-pad and the other controll button off the keyboard thus creating extra space, to be used between the keys, it could be even better.

But I like it, very much even. But it does need a little tweaking .

I've compiled Linley's crawl for the N810, it requires almost no changes to the code to compile, just some makefile tweaking. Offcourse this is just the console version. It also needs the scrollbar of xterm removed, but it works great. I'll try to optimize the output for the N8x0 some more, if people are interrested.
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Originally Posted by Benson View Post
And most of those pretty weak arguments aren't fielded much, or are distorted versions. For example, no one (I know of) says the tablets shouldn't have PIM because they are not PDAs; they say that Nokia can't see PIM as an important goal to throw resources at because they are not intended as PDAs. Very different.
Uhh... Maybe we're reading a different forum then? I see that allll the time.

Originally Posted by Benson View Post
My main way of minimizing demand / excusing absence: "Hey, I don't use a PIM. If you want one, go write one, go march on Nokia HQ, or go whatever, but count me out." Usually, I express this by not posting directly on the topic;
This is the bessssst way to be! Thank you. It irritates me to see x number of people really NEED a PIM and x number of people loudmouth all over them that there should never ever be a PIM on their precious device. To the PHBs, x - x = 0 so they don't even consider it.

I see kind of the same arguments about word processing. People actually express that they expect Google Docs would work fine. Excuse me? Have these people actually tried to USE GDocs on the tablet? Yikes. Now, though at first I really wanted a word processor, I have found that I don't desperately really need one now though. I would never say that one is simply not necessary though, because for some people it just might be..

I may be shortsighted, but I would be quite surprised if the number of people that need WiMax outnumbered the number of people that need a PIM. I can't imagine that the price of development was even close...

Originally Posted by Benson View Post
One factor seldom addressed is that Nokia's applications generally have a tendency to be annoying and awkward to use, largely because of their UI spec. Therefore it might be better not to have Nokia produce a PIM, but pay a developer to work on an existing project (GPE, perhaps) outside the UI restrictions... (i.e. "throw some at a developer working...", as you said.)
Another very good point. I hope Graham gets some kind of extra support out of this.
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Originally Posted by BoxOfSnoo View Post
Uhh... Maybe we're reading a different forum then? I see that allll the time.
You see what you want to see.

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I wonder why the NITs don't have PIM if there's so much complaints about it, me included... Is it so expensive to make one, even a simple one?
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@ "Palm aps"
Well i just (yesterday) installed GarnetVM (Virtual machine for palm aps).
The calendar is (i tried both available for this VM so far) besides ugly - (because in a lower resolution) nothing special.
No usable text in "monthly" view.
Besides it crashed, when i tried to turn off the sound.

@ "no PIM"
KdePIM is a highly configurable PIM with an intuitive calendar (KOrganizer) running under Qtopia. There is an ARMEL port available (i asume GPL is also valid for a company?) on I guess it shouldn't be too difficult for a programmer to get it running on Maemo?

Last edited by 2beers; 2008-06-24 at 20:55.
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Well, I'd have much more use for WiMAX than for PIM; but I can't say I need either. I'm probably going to get SERO, but WiMAX looks much more attractive, if not for waiting until it gets coverage...

So nobody needs WiMAX, because there's an existing two-device solution that provides the same eventual results... almost like a Palm and an N800, really.

So I'm inclined to reject the whole "need" term for both of these; they're both essentially integration details that add a little convenience, but don't provide any new functionality. And almost everyone who needs PIM is complaining that they still have to keep their old Palm... so they're not even having to spend extra money on the two-device solution.

BTW, I've used Google Docs; it does work OK in a pinch for me, though I wouldn't want to use it much. Rdesktop or VNC to OOo is much nicer, but not everyone can expose their machine to the internet conveniently.
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Originally Posted by BoxOfSnoo View Post
Uhh... Maybe we're reading a different forum then? I see that allll the time.

This is the bessssst way to be! Thank you. It irritates me to see x number of people really NEED a PIM and x number of people loudmouth all over them that there should never ever be a PIM on their precious device. To the PHBs, x - x = 0 so they don't even consider it.

I see kind of the same arguments about word processing. People actually express that they expect Google Docs would work fine. Excuse me? Have these people actually tried to USE GDocs on the tablet? Yikes. Now, though at first I really wanted a word processor, I have found that I don't desperately really need one now though. I would never say that one is simply not necessary though, because for some people it just might be..

I may be shortsighted, but I would be quite surprised if the number of people that need WiMax outnumbered the number of people that need a PIM. I can't imagine that the price of development was even close...

Another very good point. I hope Graham gets some kind of extra support out of this.
Interesting point about the wimax thing. Nokia spend a whole bunch of money and time developing (or trying to develop) a wimax capable device. Wimax in the US is not well developed at all. Please spare me the "but i have it" or "i know a guy who has it" speech, because I am not denying that it exists. I'm just saying it's extremely limited. One could make a very good argument for the development of a PIM, which should be much less resource intensive and widely used than wimax.

Has anybody ever heard of the term multitasking? You don't have to drop everything you are doing to make a PIM. Dare I ask if one could make a PIM AND improve the tablet in other ways at the same time?

Whatever happened to the customer is always right? If enough people want a PIM, and I believe enough people do, then Nokia should satisfy their customer base and make a PIM. However, it seems that Nokia is unwilling to do so for one reason or the other. I guess Nokia's weakness in the tablets has always been on the software side. Pretty good piece of hardware though, and the linux community has really come through on the software side. Unfortunately 3rd party PIM's still have a long way to go.

Note: Even if Nokia were to make a barebones/piece of crap PIM, it could integrate into maemo and all the information could be saved when you make a backup file. It could integrate with contacts, the GPS, and alarm function. It would really be useful.

Double Note: Sorry for the long post.

Edit: Nobody "needs" a PIM. Heck, nobody "needs" a tablet. We are all talking about want, not need. All anybody needs is food and water and shelter from harsh environment. We are not in the caveman days and most people have moved beyond pure need.

Last edited by MstPrgmr; 2008-06-24 at 21:11.

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