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Originally Posted by dubliner View Post
Thanks for your detailed response, cy8aer. I appreciate it.

I completely agree with you about the limited space on the device. Deleting the episode after it's been played is a prudent precaution, which I am quite happy about.

Some ideas about the GUI. Wouldn't it be parsimonious to combine the "inbox" and the "library" into one dialogue? The available and the downloaded episodes could be numbers on top of the podcast logo, i.e. 2/5 -> five available, two of those already downloaded to the playlist. Then, you'd only have one place for all the information. I have to admit I was at first confused about the "inbox". After all, I expected everything coming in should appear on the playlist (at least for my use case).

If the main aspect of the favourites is to "download" them into a different folder, how about calling that functionality "permanent download" or just "sticky"? By the way, I like the idea of a separate folder. That makes it easier to find the episode for transfer.

One more question about the archive. If the episode is removed from the feed, will it still remain in the archive? Wouldn't it be a good idea to completely remove it then, unless is has been downloaded (as a favourite or just lingering in the playlist)? Again, saving space might be an argument in favour of this. Why keep outdated data? Also, if you delete a podcast, the relating data should be removed. I have some trouble getting episodes automatically downloaded with on podcast (I must have limited to number of downloads to 2 when a whole avalanche of episodes appeared on the feed - ever since then PodQast has been refusing to download any episodes from that podcast automagically). So, I thought deleting the podcast from the library and then discovering it again might solve the problem. But everything just came back as before.
Combine inbox and library in one dialogue: concept failure.

Though you want to listen to all posts that come in for me the inbox is the selector for posts I might listen to. I automatically fill the playlist only with few podcasts and look into the inbox what I like to listen in addition. All the other stuff is moved to the archive. So I need two places. But for you: Just set "New post to top/bottom" of playlist and ignore the inbox. I have about 20 podcasts subscribed and many of them have updates daily. But I do not want to listen to all.

The library page is a selection of all stuff which can be used for filling the playlist (or the inbox if it is logical).

Posts are only created by podcasts not handled. Just test it: subscribe a podcast, put one post to the playlist and - delete - the podcast. The post is still there - as a single post can be selected from a not subscribed podcast. That is why I am thinking about the favorites: If you have feeds which forget their audio files this is useful (german "de-duplication"). If you already have the post somewhere it will not be forgotten - even if the feed forgets it.

Why keep outdated data: Alzheimer. I want to have a timeline what I listened to.

Because posts are persistant once they are mentioned in a list they are burned. If you had trouble with downloading such a post with earlier versions of podqast you will not be able to download it again. I hope that I have most problems solved with 1.9up so if you want to listen to the older stuff try the methods described in save opml, clean up, restore opml. Sorry, that is the best I can give you at this time.

Last edited by cy8aer; 2018-12-24 at 14:54.

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Originally Posted by cliffordjnr View Post
just some feedback. i read that you made the application for yourself so maybe ill hit a brick wall. regardless:
  • application takes an age to load items in the library if podcasts are updating
  • in library i personally dont like how both history and favourites stay on top and podcasts scroll underneath them. maybe an option to turn it off in the settings?
  • same for inbox i dont like visually how all the podcasts are listed horizontally across the top, i realise it might be useful if you have hundreds of podcasts but i think its too cluttered and ugly. would be nice for an option to turn it off
  • in inbox think the folder for archive looks out of place and might be better as a pull down
  • regarding notifications, insstead of a list on sailfish homepage, the newest found podcast just writes over the last one leaving only one result. seems pointless therefore to have it as a notification

other than those i really appreciate the application and your efforts. i use it a lot now. i just dont think its as clean a a nice jolla application, including gPodder.

Thanks again, Regards.
Oups I did not see this post. Let's see
  • Long time for updating. Yes this is a bug. I hope I fixed it for the next version 1.10 (just ignore failure of podcast refreshs by exception)
  • One single scrolling list in library: I am fighting with two different library entry types and when it works it is not fast enough for me. It is on my bug list. - [Update]: Solved in patch 0b0fb98b651e98df676efe3f66b4b6edf84e4204 - one list to scroll in the next release!
  • Unhappy with the horizontal list too. But I also want to have a searching by text. The whole thing is not finished yet.
  • Icons on top left (archive). I am not happy with that too. But UI rule: not more than three entries in pulley.
  • Notifications: I am not sure what I am doing there. If there are more than two posts in one refresh it is overwritten instead of listing it. Two left hands for me... Better would be RTFM. Give me some time...

Last edited by cy8aer; 2018-12-27 at 18:06.

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New version 1.11-x. Now version number in about.

I hope that with this version the problem with the hanging podcasts refresh will be history. Some other bug fixes and a new library page: the history/favorites entries are now in the scrolling list. I try to pre-cache the library page to make the first rendering of the library page faster.

Last edited by cy8aer; 2018-12-27 at 21:46.

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... Why not deploying untested stuff??

Multi notifications on event screen works with 1.10/1.11. I did not have a testing situation yesterday but today there were four entries shown

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Originally Posted by cy8aer View Post
Oups I did not see this post. Let's see
  • ...
  • Icons on top left (archive). I am not happy with that too. But UI rule: not more than three entries in pulley.
  • ...
This UI rule is obviously not very important. Check pulley of email on the page of an email folder. Seem even Sailfish thinks sometimes 5 is the better 3

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Version 1.12:
  • Keep Favorites downloaded (new option in preferences).
  • Favorites are symlinked to ~/podqast/favorites
  • You now can change the refresh interval (preferences)

Old favorites: go to favorites, long-press to you favorite and de-star it, then star it and wait till download is ready (if not in queue).

This is the early shot of it. Please tell me if you have problems. I had many problems with unicode in filenames, äöü is ignored in the symlink filenames.

[Update] for handling the links: File browser copies the link only, CargoDock copies the file. This is a bit annoying...

Last edited by cy8aer; 2019-01-02 at 07:51.

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Harbour is dead for me now. There will be no new version in harbour any more. The old story: useless restrictions. The export of files into a directory is not possible (an app is not allowed to create files in ~nemo but there is no allowed XDG-Variable other than dotted directories which are/should not be directly reachable for the standard user with standard tools) so the functionality needed is not realizable anymore.

Sorry about that. With such restrictions good apps are not possible - and you can therefor forget to have sailfishos in a wider area...

[update] more detailed information here: with the hope that someone from Jolla listens (I know, in germany we say "Rundordner" - circulary file - aka trashcan)

Last edited by cy8aer; 2019-01-02 at 12:23.

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For the brave: There is some side loading functionality now in my source at gitlab. It is not ready for all but if you are able to build it on your own from source you already can try. You now have an opt-in for external audio and downloading of favorites in settings. The podqast folder is now moved to the Music path (set by

If you put an audio file to ~nemo/Music/podqast/external it is included into podqast - how is configured in settings - like new posts. This is done on start and often (!) in real time. Often because sometimes the inotify mechanism fails - hey, it is not prod ready yet.

I am just cleaning up so it takes some time for the next release. Can be a bit buggy...

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version 2.0-0ff in openrepos.

This release is full of bug fixes and the promised music side loading. Documentation will follow.

Just put audio files into Music/podqast/external and hopefully podqast selects them by it's own. Otherwise a restart will import.

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Never sleep your playlist empty again: Sleep timer in 2.1-1(ff)

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