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Originally Posted by vi_ View Post
Cool story lbt, but if you think I'm going to abandon my more or less working and fully functional software platform for one that:

1. isn't for end users.
2. Won't be available for my hardware
3. Is slow as a hoard of geriatric turtles stampeding through Siberian treacle at the height of the ninth ice age.
4. Doesn't actually have any working hardware platform I can migrate to.

I dunno what your smoking, most of the maemo dev talent has already been poached for harmattan (i.e. not meego) and now you come here to tell us were all luddite ostriches for not immediately jumping to your half-broken script-a-joke.
vi i agree with you on this one 1000% and i can see very clear where your coming from !.

Do you remember qgil who preached about Maemo and the work that would be done that never was? i am sure you do.

Your second post below this is true also .....

"The difference is Maemo users already know this, Meego crew don't seem to realise that they have already been burnt, discarded and are struggling to keep warm over the charcoaled remains of your binary blobs"

I am looking at dejavu here with lbt and qgil wow it is strikingly similar the way they are talking ....

"Please don't misunderstand.... MeeGo isn't ready for users like you just yet. And the longer it takes for the maemo community to step up to smooth out the bumps the farther off that day will be .... "

So now it looks like we get the same story with MeeGo and for what? to be dumped yet again?.

I will not reply to lbt's post because we would end up fighting for sure but i tell you this, no way i will believe anything to do with MeeGo after they deliberatly as you said, poached most if not all the devs away from Maemo then still did not get anywhere with it !!!.

Maemo is NOT dead, what is dead is the fact nobody wants to move in any direction towards Maemo.

Maemo actually WORKS !!! more than i can say for the sad excuse for MeeGo right now.

OH dont tell me, we got to muck in and make MeeGo work .

Last edited by abill_uk; 2011-08-03 at 11:36.
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I now understand what this thread is all about.... now we have the N9 we all "have to" switch to MeeGo and completely forget about Maemo...
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You are a tool.

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Originally Posted by abill_uk View Post
I now understand what this thread is all about.... now we have the N9 we all "have to" switch to MeeGo and completely forget about Maemo...
Not quite. I'd say read the thread again, but allow me to say this in summary...

Linux Foundation is avoiding future patent trolling. Smart on their part. Maemo as an OS was to be replaced by MeeGo, still the case.

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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
Not quite. I'd say read the thread again, but allow me to say this in summary...

Linux Foundation is avoiding future patent trolling. Smart on their part. Maemo as an OS was to be replaced by MeeGo, still the case.
Yes i get the point clear but what people do not realise is many want linux to stop being a free source of development and it looks like they got to fight for that.

Linux will probably stay alive but not free and the promises of firstly Maemo then MeeGo to be open source never happened did it so now the squeeze carries on.

MeeGo as far as the N900 is concerned will never replace Maemo, we all know this now and that means we have Maemo dropped completely by Nokia for MeeGo and now MeeGo is going its own way commercially not free source like it was portrayed.

The N900 is probably THE only device Maemo will ever be an os for and unless somone can create a path to the closed code then Maemo is truly dead without further development even without all the closed bits.

Free development in THIS world? hahahahahahahaha.
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#66 is too subtle. How about some aliases like:

N9: Go white or go home

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You people just do not get it do you.

Look at what has happened with Maemo ok. was started so that developers could develop applications and games etc but when it came to attaching them to the Maemo os the problems started simply because of the closed situation studded with patents and copyrights we have, still on going with Maemo and that is why we got all these crashes going on because you just can not write to an os that is closed in any way or form.

Same with MeeGo, everyone was asked to develop for MeeGo (free community development) then all of a sudden you find the MeeGo os is going to be closed and "outside" development will not be allowed in....

Quole said .....

When Nokia made the open-source community repositories available "out of the box" on the N900, it was a bold, wonderful step forward, away from the Official App Store approach of all the other mobile platforms. Everything I'm hearing from Quim and the community app team suggests that this will happen again on the N9.

I promise you, having the rug pulled from under the community repositories at this late stage of the game is even more frustrating to Nokia than it is to community developers, if not MORE SO.

And as for the (third-party) apps, whether corporate or individual, they are not going to be hosted at Not a single one of them. That's the whole problem.

This is actually a very sad and worrisome development for open source. If the Linux Foundation itself, on the 20th anniversary of Linux, is this jittery, what's going to happen to the rest of the Open Source world?

Nokia is, or should i say was very big and at one point could have pulled it together to enable a community to get involved, that never happened once again because of patents and copywrit code.

For a community to work the first thing it must have is the openess of the os it is involved in and writing for, without this it is a clear impossibilty and the very reason has failed with Maemo.

You guys can dream of a open community but when it is being asked to write for closed os's then it just will not work.

Forget free development because it will never work in this world as someone or something will shut it down eventually.

Last edited by abill_uk; 2011-08-03 at 13:38.
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Originally Posted by abill_uk View Post
You people just do not get it do you.
I'd gather that it's you that's not getting it. The statements are all out there, the issue isn't with Nokia.

The decision came down from the Linux Foundation. Nokia is guilty of many things around Maemo/MeeGo, but not this one decision, what's being discussed in this thread is all about the LF's decision.

Last edited by gerbick; 2011-08-03 at 13:45.

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Gerbick it is all about open source and it will just not work beacuse of it's limitations.
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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
Well, the question works well on its head too... do you trust Nokia on this? Do you think they are interested in this? Based on their public statements, shifted funding and posturing, I doubt it.
true but again what is the alternative? ask ggoogle for help?

dystopianfuture, linux found, meego, why lf why, winding down

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