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shallimus's Avatar
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Originally Posted by SamGan View Post
Nokia's market share was shrinking because it failed to produce innovative phones which excite users. Their hardware wasn't cutting edge even for the flagship N8; CPU, memory and display were behind the competition. The Symbian os was considered a dog. No wonder it lost market share. Then Nokia finally did something right with the N9. Hardware was in the ballpark. It was sleek and attractive, like a breath of fresh air in a world of similar looking phone. The Meego os with innovative swipe technology excited users and won accolades.

Nokia should have taken this success and run with it but unfortunately the misguided Elop (ex-Microsoft) decided to beat down the mass market appeal of the N9 by stiff pricing, omission of major markets and death pronouncement of the last Meego phone. Meanwhile he wound down Symbian and bet the farm on WP7.

If Nokia's WP7 phones doesn't take off with a bang Nokia will go down with it. All the eggs are now in one basket. But will denying consumers access to N9 make them flock to WP7? In his dreams! This is a strategy of desperation. The success of iphone 4S is a body blow to Elop's wet dreams.

Nokia is shaping up to be a Greek tragedy. A tragedy is something you inflict on yourself. Maybe one day Elop will be a textbook case study in business school of how to bring down a corporation.
A far more succinct way of saying what I was trying to get across in my posts - thank you.

It's hard to argue with your stance, especially the bit about Nokia going down once WP fails... after all, no less a 'luminary' than the head of Nokia's US subsidiary said exactly the same thing:
Originally Posted by Elop's good friend Chris Weber
The reality is if we are not successful with Windows Phone, it doesn’t matter what we do (elsewhere)
See you in hell.
tinfoilhat.dll: Trojan horse detected
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Evolution continues (but we're still pre-Cambrian)


The Following User Says Thank You to shallimus For This Useful Post:
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Some background first: I like Linux. I ditched Windoze around March 2008 and got Ubuntu. Linux is now everywhere: office, home, on my N900 which Nokia just traded for an E7 () and it's a fair amount of home and business life. I can't deal with the MacBook because it needs too much expertise, and can't stand the thought of going back to Windows which needs too much attention all round. I've also worked somehow with mobile telephony for over 16 years.
The N9 is the spiritual successor to the N900, which is still the most capable mobile phone ever for me. The N9 is a superb looking and feeling device (hands-up: true of the Lumia 800 too) but it does the good stuff well when you switch it on: media, social, telephony. It's a feel-good phone and for that reason alone I'll get one.
The N9 outguns the Lumia in hardware and especially when it comes to the browser. I've used both and the WP device routes you to a few select corners of the platform and - frankly - leaves you wanting. Knowing that the N9 will have some fun hacky-cracky Linux stuff to play with when the shine of the new toy wears off makes it a better proposition. For me.
I can fully understand why Nokia don't want to range the N9 in the UK. Back to back these and think about the overall strategy of fixing WP7 over the next year - the Lumia really does need attention here - and the N9 would outshine the chosen corporate path. That would never do!
I sincerely hope that the N9 ranges - with the 64GB variant - once the Lumia has shipped and advertised, etc. No need to promote it - those in the know just need to be allowed to buy it. I would. I know a few other people who would as well.
Sorry, Nokia - but you can keep the corporate strategy of Windows Phone for the mass market. I don't care about that, it's not me. Do your shareholders a small favour and sell some N9s to the markets here, in Germany, in North America - who want this product. You'll make money, and better still you'll keep a bank of advocates who might prove to be future customers. Don't make WP7 your next at-sea combustion in need of an exit when you have one under your nose :-)

The Following User Says Thank You to m3topaz For This Useful Post:
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It's been almost a year since I sold my N900, the complaints with the n9 or Nokia in general didn't change. Please people ,,, don't waste your money with Nokia. I become stress free when I finally sold my last Nokia phone .... the N900. N9 will just abuse you with so much wandering with so many "why can't it do this?" "why can't it do that?" "why Nokia?" "why why why why?". It is very obvious they don't get feedback from people first before they create devices, they have "their" own goals, you are not part of Nokia's goals, they don't even know this forum exists. so Stop stop stop from buying N9. I'm just trying to save your time, your life.

there are better alternatives there .... go to Android platform .... it will satisfy all your needs if all you want are proven working apps without you messing around with the phone.

If you are a time waster buy this Nokia N9 phone!
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The most important for n9 is also telling these bloggers that harmattan is not a dead OS. It has nothing to do with Tizen. It is Maemo 6!
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Originally Posted by fergusso View Post


If you are a time waster buy this Nokia N9 phone!
I don't look at it as a waste of time but more so as a form of play and learning.
zifis's Avatar
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The N9 hype got me so excited about 8 months ago I even posted 2 concept designs of my own for the upcoming device. When the first images of the N9 leaked sometime this Summer I was blown away by it's sleek design and features. Yep I was absolutely going to buy one of those, most probably the Cyan one.

Now I realize the N9 is too little too late. Was I really ever going to spend serious Euros just so I can swipe instead of minimize and pinch zoom instead of circle or hardware zoom?

I still think N9 looks good enough to eat but I am keeping my N900 (people still ask me where did I find a no-button touch device and when is it going to be released) and probably go for an android one on the side.

Last edited by zifis; 2011-11-10 at 17:19.
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The reason behind Elop's strategy of not releasing N9 in key markets is simple - the average crowd would choose N9 over the WP crap.

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Originally Posted by sunc View Post
The reason behind Elop's strategy of not releasing N9 in key markets is simple - the average crowd would choose N9 over the WP crap.
True, and if it is properly supported it would blow WP7 away.

The Following User Says Thank You to SamGan For This Useful Post:
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WP7 isn't a terrible OS in my opinion, but it needs a long time before it's able to catch up to what is already available. In any case, one more choice doesn't hurt but realistically Apple and Google aren't going to sit on their butts and wait for WP7 to gain market share. They have their own road-maps that will put them even higher.

And that's where I think Nokia could have profited - by marketing the N9 as a timeless device to constantly compete with iPhones and Androids while they grow WP7 portfolio. I simply don't understand why it couldn't coexist with WP7, it would probably even boost WP7 sales through the right marketing.

Fortunately every N9 user will be extremely happy with their choice in a year, or two or three or more, even thought it lacks support.

We have a great community and having an N9 is like carrying a great idea with you. Nothing can ever beat that.
Posts: 359 | Thanked: 162 times | Joined on Jan 2011 @ Budapest
Originally Posted by fergusso View Post
N9 will just abuse you with so much wandering with so many "why can't it do this?" "why can't it do that?" "why Nokia?" "why why why why?".If you are a time waster buy this Nokia N9 phone!
Errrrr, dude, have you actually tried using an N9? It pretty much just works, and the latest update has fixed a lot of little niggles and added new features. I don't think people are going to be wandering around going "oh why won't it do this or that" at all. And lots of online reviews have praised Meego Harmattan as being amazingly complete for a brand new OS. Think again, bro'

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