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Posts: 986 | Thanked: 1,526 times | Joined on Jul 2010
Originally Posted by skyjumper View Post
Unfortunately I don't think the script was designed to handle upwards of 14000 messages. It keeps on receiving the errors.

I will sync with Nokia suite and remove messages one by one from there as I only want to remove certain messages.
yea, its not the script, nor smsbackuprestore, but the massive number of texts.

you might want to consider backing up and organizing your sms with the wrapper i wrote. the wrapper lets you put the last month or two or whatever back on the phone, and incrementally back it up.
~ teleshoes ~
Posts: 39 | Thanked: 37 times | Joined on Mar 2012 @ Beijing

I'm sorry help with that since my device and laptop are not around.
That can be the problem that too many messages so the system cannot handle well.

Several days before I got a patch from corsac (I believe it's him), which sets offset and limit when fetching messages. It seems reasonable to me, to handle massive messages.

As I don't have the environment, could anyone help to compile and try if it works? Sorry and thanks.
Attached Files
File Type: txt add-limit-offset.txt (2.0 KB, 101 views)
Moderator | Posts: 6,215 | Thanked: 6,400 times | Joined on Nov 2011

Attached is the build with corsac's patch; haven't had the time to try it out personally though...

Edit: Tried it out and it works
Attached Files
File Type: deb smsbackuprestore_0.3-1_armel.deb (19.9 KB, 87 views)

Last edited by thedead1440; 2013-04-11 at 08:28.
Posts: 228 | Thanked: 100 times | Joined on May 2010 @ Australia
Originally Posted by wolke View Post
yea, its not the script, nor smsbackuprestore, but the massive number of texts.

you might want to consider backing up and organizing your sms with the wrapper i wrote. the wrapper lets you put the last month or two or whatever back on the phone, and incrementally back it up.
Oh yes, I know it's not the script, that is just a python script. Let's see how the new and improved version goes.
Posts: 94 | Thanked: 28 times | Joined on Oct 2009
Ok, I've cooked an updated patch which can be found here. Built packages can be found at
Posts: 228 | Thanked: 100 times | Joined on May 2010 @ Australia
Originally Posted by corsac View Post
Ok, I've cooked an updated patch
I think I have found that for contacts with over 1000 messages, they are not exported. All my other contacts' messages are exported.
For the large message count, this error is produced:

QTrackerDirectSelectResult: QSparqlError(6, "GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.Tracker1.SparqlError.Internal: Operation was cancelled", 4) "SELECT ?message rdf:type(?message) nmo:sentDate(?message) ?endTime nmo:isSent(?message) nmo:isRead(?message) nmo:deliveryStatus(?message) (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(tracker:coalesce(nco:imID(?medium), nco:phoneNumber(?medium), ?medium), "\u001e") WHERE { ?from nco:hasContactMedium ?medium . }) (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(tracker:coalesce(nco:imID(?medium), nco:phoneNumber(?medium), ?medium), "\u001e") WHERE { ?to nco:hasContactMedium ?medium . })   (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(    fn:concat(tracker:id(?contact), "\u001e",               tracker:coalesce(nco:nameGiven(?contact), ""), "\u001e",               tracker:coalesce(nco:nameFamily(?contact), ""),               "\u001d",              tracker:coalesce(nco:nickname(?contact), ""),              "\u001d",              tracker:coalesce(?nicknames, "")),     "\u001c") WHERE {  SELECT ?contact   (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(fn:string-join((nco:imID(?addr), ?nickname), "\u001f"), "\u001e")  WHERE {    ?contact nco:hasAffiliation [ nco:hasIMAddress ?addr ] .     ?addr nco:imNickname ?nickname .   }) AS ?nicknames   WHERE {  {    ?target nco:hasIMAddress ?address .     ?contact nco:hasAffiliation [ nco:hasIMAddress ?address ] .   } UNION {    ?target nco:hasPhoneNumber [ maemo:localPhoneNumber ?number ] .     ?contact nco:hasAffiliation [ nco:hasPhoneNumber [ maemo:localPhoneNumber ?number ] ] .   }}}) AS ?contacts  rdf:nil nmo:phoneMessageId(?message) nmo:messageSubject(?message) nie:plainTextContent(?message) nmo:communicationChannel(?message) nmo:messageId(?message) nie:contentLastModified(?message) nfo:fileName(nmo:fromVCard(?message)) rdfs:label(nmo:fromVCard(?message)) nmo:encoding(?message) nie:characterSet(?message) nie:language(?message) nmo:isDeleted(?message) nmo:reportDelivery(?message) nmo:validityPeriod(?message) nie:generator(?message) (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(?cc, '\u001e') {?message nmo:cc ?ccContact . {?ccContact nco:hasIMAddress [nco:imID ?cc]}UNION{?ccContact nco:hasPhoneNumber [nco:phoneNumber ?cc]}}) (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(?bcc, '\u001e') {?message nmo:bcc ?bccContact . {?bccContact nco:hasIMAddress [nco:imID ?bcc]}UNION{?bccContact nco:hasPhoneNumber [nco:phoneNumber ?bcc]}}) nmo:reportReadStatus(?message) nmo:sentWithReportRead(?message) nmo:mustAnswerReportRead(?message) nmo:mmsId(?message) nmo:isAnswered(?message) (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(fn:string-join((nmo:headerName(?header), nmo:headerValue(?header)), "\u001d"), "\u001f") WHERE { ?message nmo:messageHeader ?header }) WHERE { SELECT ?message ?from ?to  IF (nmo:isSent(?message) = true, ?to, ?from) AS ?target  ?message ?endTime WHERE {?message nmo:from ?from ; nmo:to ?to .  ?message nmo:isDraft "false"; nmo:isDeleted "false" . ?message nmo:communicationChannel <conversation:66> . ?message a nmo:Message . ?message nmo:receivedDate ?endTime . } } ORDER BY DESC(?endTime) DESC(tracker:id(?message)) LIMIT 1000"
Posts: 986 | Thanked: 1,526 times | Joined on Jul 2010
Originally Posted by corsac View Post
Ok, I've cooked an updated patch which can be found here. Built packages can be found at
ok this is awesome. does a similar solution exist for callbackuprestore?
~ teleshoes ~
Posts: 39 | Thanked: 37 times | Joined on Mar 2012 @ Beijing
Originally Posted by wolke View Post
ok this is awesome. does a similar solution exist for callbackuprestore?
I compiled one and uploaded to
Give a try (I haven't tested it, just make it compiled through, so it may do damage)

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Posts: 986 | Thanked: 1,526 times | Joined on Jul 2010
it doesnt work; when you have less than a thousand calls, it gets all of them, but when you have more than a thousand, it only gets the first segment and then halts.

probably a loopstate tracking variable is being checked or set incorrectly.
also, if its not too much trouble, please commit it to your github.

here is the output {my script prints a dot instead of 'Not cleaning up obsolete resources for nao:hasTag'}.

libqtcontacts-tracker: initializing libqtcontacts-tracker 4.19.2-1+0m8 for /usr/bin/callbackuprestore [15744]
exported 1523 items
  getEvents() from 0 to 1000
libqtcontacts-tracker: initializing libqtcontacts-tracker 4.19.2-1+0m8 for /usr/bin/callbackuprestore [18791]
............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................  got 992 events

exported 992 items
~ teleshoes ~

Last edited by wolke; 2013-04-23 at 16:35.
Posts: 39 | Thanked: 37 times | Joined on Mar 2012 @ Beijing
Sure, forgot to push.

So the log says the new version only gets 992 instead of 1000 in the first time in your case.

Possible reasons are
1) sorting conflict with offset, limit
2) CallModel has some special pre-handling

Any thoughts?

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