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Posts: 468 | Thanked: 610 times | Joined on Jun 2006
Originally Posted by switch-hitter View Post
Well I haven't seen the huawei ascend in any store yet. But I can get the Nokia and HTC WP8 phones. When comparing them, the Nokia phones look much better. The HTC 8S and Huawei Ascend W1 have to little flash memory and the 8X is too expensive for my taste, So that leaves the Nokia 520, 620 or 720 for me.
Also haven't seen the Samsung WP8 phones in real live yet, so WP8 currently is almost synonymous to Nokia Lumia for me.
Posts: 42 | Thanked: 33 times | Joined on Aug 2010 @ culpeper,va.
Too late now!
He should be fired when he bad mouth Symbian, Meego and the whole line of Nokia products, later he hijacked N9 launch with his Lumia N800.
Poor guy, like Nokia ceo the worse, as M$ advocate and promoter he is the best.
Nokia, I think they have to learn how to survive with low customer base and services.
Just wait for May shareholders meeting I think he will be dump.
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Originally Posted by switch-hitter View Post
The people who created MeeGo are still active in the mobile industry and they're looking for licensees.

Canonical are looking for partners.

Firefox OS has a lot of backing.

Then, of course, there's Android.
* firefox is what S40 already has(means html5) , so no point draging in CPU hungry firefox on lowend why should they?

* ubuntumobile is overhyped, its just alphastate for got sake.

* only option in that case is sailfish but thats to late now

Last edited by mikecomputing; 2013-03-19 at 17:38.
Posts: 207 | Thanked: 552 times | Joined on Jul 2011
Originally Posted by Bernard View Post
Well I haven't seen the huawei ascend in any store yet. But I can get the Nokia and HTC WP8 phones. When comparing them, the Nokia phones look much better. The HTC 8S and Huawei Ascend W1 have to little flash memory and the 8X is too expensive for my taste, So that leaves the Nokia 520, 620 or 720 for me.
The Huawei looks almost identical, has a bigger battery, faster processor, lower price and, even if the Lumia has more flash memory, the W1 has a microSD card slot anyway.

Look at it from the perspective of someone who is not already a NOKIA fan.

Originally Posted by Bernard View Post
Also haven't seen the Samsung WP8 phones in real live yet.
The head of Samsung's mobile division told the Wall Street Journal they had experienced very low demand for Windows Phone devices so I guess they've stopped producing them in any number.

As I was posting the images in my previous post my 9 year old daughter looked over my shoulder and said: "Those phones look ridiculous!". NOKIA should put her on the board, she'd do a better job than the current incumbents.

I still haven't seen a single Windows Phone device in the wild.
Posts: 207 | Thanked: 552 times | Joined on Jul 2011
Originally Posted by mikecomputing View Post
* firefox is what S40 already has(means html5) , so no point draging in CPU hungry firefox on lowend why should they?
Ashas can run cached web apps? Are you sure? I thought Asha's 'client side' processing was actually done on NOKIA's servers. Anyhow, Ashas do not expose device capabilities to JavaScript.

On top of that Firefox OS has carrier support.

Originally Posted by mikecomputing View Post
* ubuntumobile is overhyped, its just alphastate for got sake.
How is Ubuntu mobile 'overhyped'? It's a dream coming true!

Originally Posted by mikecomputing View Post
* only option in that case is sailfish but thats to late now
In what way is it too late? Have NOKIA declared bankruptcy?
Posts: 468 | Thanked: 610 times | Joined on Jun 2006
Originally Posted by switch-hitter View Post
The Huawei looks almost identical, has a bigger battery, faster processor, lower price and, even if the Lumia has more flash memory, the W1 has a microSD card slot anyway.

Look at it from the perspective of someone who is not already a NOKIA fan.
On WP8 you can't install applications on a MicroSD card, microSD can only be used for music and video (at least that is what users told me). Also 4GB probably does not mean that amount of free space. The HTC 8S for example also has "4GB" of memory, but has only 1.2 GB of free space out-of-the-box.
So yes, the Nokia devices look a lot better, even for non-Nokia-fans.

I still haven't seen a single Windows Phone device in the wild.
I've seen a fair amount, and all of the users I've spoken to seem to really like it. Also the phone-providers here in the Netherlands are currently pushing the Lumia WP8 devices pretty aggressively.
I really think this range of devices is very good. If this doesn't make WP8 a success, I can't imaging what will.
Posts: 207 | Thanked: 552 times | Joined on Jul 2011
Originally Posted by Bernard View Post
On WP8 you can't install applications on a MicroSD card, microSD can only be used for music and video (at least that is what users told me).
I just Googled it and it seems that's true. WP8 really is an insult to the hardware it's running on.

Originally Posted by Bernard View Post
Also the phone-providers here in the Netherlands are currently pushing the Lumia WP8 devices pretty aggressively.
I really think this range of devices is very good. If this doesn't make WP8 a success, I can't imaging what will.
According to Merrill Lynch NOKIA's European sales are weakening this quarter. I'm not surprised to see UK falling this quarter, they only increased last quarter because of the fire sale of the Lumia 800.

Ominously for NOKIA they're saying the same is starting to happen for the Ashas. I guess it was inevitable that would happen at some point seeing as Elop killed Meltemi and left NOKIA's feature phones stranded in the past with J2ME. The decline will probably accelerate once the carriers start promoting Firefox OS devices.
Posts: 468 | Thanked: 610 times | Joined on Jun 2006
Originally Posted by switch-hitter View Post
Ominously for NOKIA they're saying the same is starting to happen for the Ashas. I guess it was inevitable that would happen at some point seeing as Elop killed Meltemi and left NOKIA's feature phones stranded in the past with J2ME. The decline will probably accelerate once the carriers start promoting Firefox OS devices.
Hard to tell from a W-European perspective. I have seen the asha phones in the store, but I don't know anybody that uses them.
The most expensive 311 touch model is in a terrible price-performance space with a price of 100 euro. Budget Android phones are a lot better, and they also sell the Lumia 610 for less in some places (fire-sales).

From what I've seen in videos Firefox phones won't be very competitive either. Performance isn't better than similar priced Android phones and the application ecosystem is a lot smaller.
I don't see the advantage for the consumer.

If Ubuntu or Sailfish OS can provide a competitive experience also remains to be seen. We will see once actual hardware is on sale.

Here in the Netherlands the subsidies that carriers give on new (smart)phones have very recently declined sharply (luckily the prices for minutes and messages have also dropped to compensate.) I wouldn't be surprised that people aren't upgrading their phones that quickly anymore now that they see what the phones actually cost (together with the bad economy and all).
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Well, actually I went to a local store last weekend to look for some Ashas. I need a replacement device for my old 5230 which is still in use as backup phone when I'm going to a rough place, but it's battery is starting to get weak after years of use.

So the Asha line looks good, and costs about same as the 5230 did when I bought it, about 100 euros.

Imagine my shock, when I learned there is no GPS on the Asha devices! That's a basic requirement for me. The fact that misled me is that Ashas do have Nokia Maps, and sort of crude cell-tower based navigation, but without GPS it's a no-no.
How on earth are you supposed to go to forest with celltower navigation??

I asked the assistant how are going to sell any of these when the specification is crippled so badly... I mean the specs are worse than for a comparably priced device that's 5 years older!!

I was told that Nokia pushes the Lumia series forwards and keeps the Ashas delibrately backwards in order not to affect Lumia sales...
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Originally Posted by juiceme View Post
I was told that Nokia pushes the Lumia series forwards and keeps the Ashas delibrately backwards in order not to affect Lumia sales...
You could effectively replace Asha with MeeGo/N9 in the above sentence and still be correct.

Those decisions are not done solely by the CEO. But they're just as effective at crippling Symbian, MeeGo, Maemo, Meltemi while pushing Lumia the entire time.

Glad Lumia sold like 2 million. That's 1.9 million more than I expected.

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