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Banned | Posts: 138 | Thanked: 45 times | Joined on Feb 2010
Well my fellow Nokia N900 Owners, I am now leaving this forum, so im leaving an elongated meandering post !!!!

I sold my N900 last night on ebay, and it sold a matter of *minutes*, in fact a record breaking, astonishing *** 4 *** minutes after I listed it, I was sold to a UK Bidder, after fees I got about £175. I genuinely hope the buyer is happy as it was *as new* with none of the earpieces etc used, in original box with all the kit present.

So as a farewell

Firstly to flanders, (this is prob gonna be worth a 6 million point infraction, but now im leaving i dont really care), he BANNED me for a week for simply posting this

He obv has anger management issues, or somtimes the truth hurts..............his langauge he used to ban me was full of e-rage and I cant repeat it......but rage is the word.

I am Mid 30's have been programming since the 8 bit micro z80/6502 etc scene, then onto the revered Amiga Motorola 68k assembler , C/C++ (COBOL as well...hate to admit ), as well as the more obscure Prolog, done Dbase database and loads of other languages.

Now I run my own business as a Linux Consultant, using a mix of Ubuntu/Centos/RedHat/Suse...

So to anyone I offended by my posts, I am truly and genuineley sorry, But my aforementioned "phone" as per Nokias sales stuff cost me (roughly) £220 in December + 18 Months at £30

So since December I've made 2 Phone calls (test calls btw) and used 0mb data (on wifi in house) so let me see thats, 7 months times £30 plus £220 is a total of £430 for 2 phone calls !!!!!!!!!!, and now my sim is going into my Nokia 6300 where it will just prob sit. (unless sum1 knows a way to get out of contracts ???)

I bought my iPhone 3gs *after* my n900 because i was so pissed off with the n900, and I truly LOVE the iphone, but as im a big open source believer at heart so my next phone will be android. (its no more closed than the n900 before you start flaming)

IMHO Nokia has TWO choices, Ive been riducluded for posting this months ago when I joined, and no doubt I will be ridiculed now as well, but here goes

1) TRULY OPEN SOURCE the platform

2) Adopt Android

Nokia are now a headless chicken and will do neither of the above, meego does look promising and I belive they are going to use this on their next phone (correct me ???)....they have a chance with this if they do

Nokia have let alot of people down since the n900, the very poeple they can least afford to loose, as the marketing gumf goes ONE happy customer MIGHT tell someone about it, an UNHAPPY customer will tell EVERYONE about it. Nokia has effectively abandoned the n900 *months* after releasing it with SUB-BETA quality software

Im only on here for another 4 hours (at which point I will get a 67 trillion point infraction and be banned for 5.6 light years), so any questions please be quick


Last edited by garyc2010; 2010-07-30 at 18:55.
Posts: 889 | Thanked: 537 times | Joined on Mar 2010 @ scotland
cant believe you got banned for that! seriously! but anyway sad to see you go, but if you feel the n900 wasn't for you then its up to you. i do believe you could've given it more of a chance since only making two *test* calls shows you really weren't committed to sticking to it from the start. best of luck getting out of your contract.
sarcasm may be the lowest form of wit, but its the only wit i have.

its a sad day when i can't slip at least one hitchhiker reference in somewhere.
Posts: 662 | Thanked: 653 times | Joined on Feb 2010
A light year is a measurement of distance...

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Originally Posted by garyc2010 View Post

IMHO Nokia has TWO choices, Ive been riducluded for posting this months ago when I joined, and no doubt I will be ridiculed now as well, but here goes

1) TRULY OPEN SOURCE the platform

2) Adopt Android
1.Is constantly discussed here. 2. Has been very actively discussed during the past week or so here

Only thing I would ridicule your post about is that it vastly over hypes it's controversiality. That and maybe extensive use of exclamation marks and CAPPED words, but those are expected from these I'm leaving and really telling it straight -type of posts written under the influence of adrenalin.

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Banned | Posts: 138 | Thanked: 45 times | Joined on Feb 2010
it was a joke, but if you want to get sematic

time distance and gravity are all related my friend

a light year is *also* a measurement of time................
Posts: 5 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on May 2010
Originally Posted by Reffyyyy View Post
A light year is a measurement of distance...
I was about to post that too..
Banned | Posts: 138 | Thanked: 45 times | Joined on Feb 2010
Originally Posted by Rauha View Post
1.Is constantly discussed here. 2. Has been very actively discussed during the past week or so here

Only thing I would ridicule your post about is that it vastly over hypes it's controversiality. That and maybe extensive use of exclamation marks and CAPPED words, but those are expected from these I'm leaving and really telling it straight -type of posts written under the influence of adrenalin.
well as a software developer, I would argue you are talking out of your arse, what are the chances that that EA of porting need for speed to the N900 ???? in the meantime you will have to put up with this

Rather you than me................

"-type of posts written under the influence of adrenalin"

Not sure waht you meant my friend.......but alot of people here dont seem to get the bigger picture.........reminds me of the girl (not being sexist btw scientifically proven...can dig out links) driving a formula 1 car and she said "its kinda hard to see the road over these big front wheels......................."
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Gary, it's unfortunate your experience with the N900 was short-lived and marred with disappointments. But, if I may ask, what did you buy the phone for? Did you use it for programming/devel or just to make the two phone calls?

I'm on the n00b-end of the spectrum, eagerly learning about Linux/Debian both on and off the mobile market and I have to say my 4 mos with the N900 have been a quite opposite to your experience. I can't count the hours I've spent hacking the phone; read: fun! Yes, I made a few phone calls also.

Frankly, I don't think I'll ever go back to a "smartphone." As long as there is Maemo/Meego or any other open source mobile OS, I'll be using it.

About Android's open source: Andreas Constantinou, research director at VisionMobile, paraphrasing Henry Ford, saying, "anyone can have Android in their own colour as long as it’s black."
Posts: 38 | Thanked: 18 times | Joined on Apr 2010
hi Gary!

haven been here for long, but lurkin around since nov 2009, since I got my N900, I must say that if some of your points are true (nokia loosing head, missing the train, this board abandoned buy heavy and reliable posters, not all thus...) I disagree totally with your thought concerning the n900:
I'm a mid 40's, being around computers since... well always ;-), a Linux user and supporter since the early beginning, and a *nix environment worker. I'm not a heavy "phone" user but I can do with my N900 all that I need, I can say truthfully that I don't use my laptop anymore, it is covered with dust! In that sense, I can say that with this "mobile" Nokia gave us a present, and with the effort and the time of all the talented community, the geeky tweaks and fine tunes done, this is (at least for me and for now) an unbeatable device. It sure lacks many things, and we could argue a life time of what is perfect, what should be and what will be, but the same goes for everything, and even for everyone...
I hope you'll find your way with your decision, but I just wanted to let people know that the N900 is a beautiful and useful device that for now nothing can replace.

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Originally Posted by garyc2010 View Post
it was a joke, but if you want to get sematic

time distance and gravity are all related my friend

a light year is *also* a measurement of time................
In terms of time, it's a measurement of the TIME it takes LIGHT to cross a certain DISTANCE. Hence, a year in the term "lightyear" is accurately describing distance relative to light travel. Any effect of gravity would still effect both the time of light travel over that same distance of travel so that relativity is still describing a distance.

Effectively, a lightyear is a measurement of distance.

Getting back to the OP, can't say I haven't thought about doing the same. I'm only holding out hope for MeeGo on my N8x0 as a taste of what it might be like on a more MODERN piece of hardware. I'm pretty much done with Nokia, I think. Wasn't done with Maemo on my N8x0 but maybe I should be. I keep getting asked why I'm still here and it gets harder to want to stick around and participate. Good luck, man!
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