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Posts: 728 | Thanked: 1,217 times | Joined on Oct 2011
Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
I'm not assuming anything like that. Just talking about product life cycle. OF course jolla can sell the same phone for 2 years. But it will be hard for them economically if they don't have some serious backer or work for free. don't you agree...So how should day do it?
OK - I'm not suggesting that Jolla sells the same device for 2 years, I'm suggesting they do so for a year, which is different, but definitely not as tight as 6 months. I expect them to launch a new device by end of 2014, which kind of matches what they announced already. I also expect them to launch a new device with at least one significant innovation, as opposed to the competition, except maybe Nokia who have always been outstanding in that area.
I'll go as far as to say that they'll even convince me to change my Jolla with a new one in under 2 years, which would be quite new for my behaviour.

Let's remember that they aren't a company with multiple engineering departments. Hell, Apple is and they do roughly a device per year (if not longer), and quite buggy for that matter (the only iThing I recall that wasn't too buggy was the 3G version, the rest had always some fault in the hardware).

EDIT: Thinking about it, if you mean that they'll tease us in 6 months's time with new hardware and deliver it around 6 months later from that, then yeah, bring it on, we are on the same page :-D

Last edited by ggabriel; 2013-12-08 at 12:58.
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If you remove the profit made from hardware, where's the future profit from software coming from? There's no "other half" on a standard Android phone. That's the part being overlooked.

I ask these things out of curiosity, not antagonism.
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Originally Posted by Thoke View Post
About letting users to install Sailfish on their devices I think is a tactical move with both a long-shot and immediate goal in mind: firstly, to get more native apps (in time), and secondly, to get components cheaper from hardware manufacturers. Installing the OS implies demand, after all. The challenge is to actually make a Jolla device more desirable to get than just to install Sailfish on name-your-android-phone. I think this is where the I2C comes in. But if they do rely I2C on this one, they should really place getting those gadget Other-Halves to market as a priority.
Alright, I'll ask again - where is the source where Jolla said they'll let users install Sailfish OS on Android devices? My understanding is that they'll persuade hardware manufacturers to switch from Android to Sailfish OS with minimum effort on the hardware that currently runs the former.
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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
If you remove the profit made from hardware, where's the future profit from software coming from? There's no "other half" on a standard Android phone. That's the part being overlooked.
Good point - I'd say that if they do that, they'll monetise on a fraction of their innovations, while not trashing them altogether, as you can always buy a current or future Jolla phone. Diversity is not always bad, so long as you convince your investors that you have a plan for everything and that you have some margin to take a hit on bad ideas.

Profit from harware would be lincensing, of course, which is probably less than hardware+software.
Posts: 284 | Thanked: 661 times | Joined on Aug 2013 @ Finland
Originally Posted by ggabriel View Post
Alright, I'll ask again - where is the source where Jolla said they'll let users install Sailfish OS on Android devices? My understanding is that they'll persuade hardware manufacturers to switch from Android to Sailfish OS with minimum effort on the hardware that currently runs the former.
I'll dig the news from somewhere, but if I remember right they said they were only going to offer that in the Asian market where it's already popular. Also they didn't say anothing definite, ie plans may change.

Last edited by Thoke; 2013-12-08 at 12:51.
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Originally Posted by Thoke View Post
I'll dig the news from somewhere, but if I remember right they said they were only going to offer that in the Asian market where it's already popular.
That would make sense, I can't really comment as I don't know what the consumer law is like in Asia in general. In Europe (or the western world for that matter), I'd be worried about what happens if Normal Joe bricks their device because they made a mistake flashing it with an inappropriate image of Sailfish OS. And this is exactly why I'm saying that technology is not ready for users to install whatever they want in their smartphones. It is hardly ready in the PC market, and yet most people don't know how to do it ;-)
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We have a profofconcept/development alpha version of sailfishoson n9 done by few great people in the community. But it take alot of time getting everything up and working so I do not expect it to be as stable as Harmattan for several reasons. But definitivly cool project.

But funny is when people expect Jolla, as company, port sailfishos for just 100EUR to a three year old AndroidHW and make it stable/fully working?

Now seriously? Do people realize how much time and resources it take to make an OS stable? Its not something that can be done in 8hours by one fully working engineer...

If you want it on a three year old HW i recomend you ask the android community for help instead. And maybe you get an alpha up running in some weeks.
Keep safe and healthy
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Posts: 728 | Thanked: 1,217 times | Joined on Oct 2011
Originally Posted by Thoke View Post
Found the original news source.
Right, so they won't connect directly with users then, they'll do it through one of the websites that provide the service, which makes sense. They won't even sell the OS.

Like mikecomputing suggests, however, it will be a lot of work to "make sure that Sailfish will run on different kind of Android devices.”, like Tomi says. Bring on the hardware compatibility matrix and all that.
Posts: 301 | Thanked: 531 times | Joined on Aug 2010 @ The Netherlands
I hope Jolla finds a way to deal with customer expectations, feedback, etc. long before six months. Maybe more important than new models.
Palm Treo -> N900 -> N9 -> Jolla -> SailfishX -> XA2
Developer mode novice, and enjoying it

jolla, speculation

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