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Posts: 6 | Thanked: 18 times | Joined on Mar 2012 @ Germany

I am trying to create a simple time lapse app for my N9.
The primary camera should take a photo every 10 seconds and save it to "hard disk".

The code below is working, the pictures are saved to /home/user/MyDocs/DCIM/img_%04d.jpg
But: After some time, depending on resolution and interval, the app (sometimes even the phone) freezes and does not respond anymore.
Watching the memory usage, I figured that the memory (RAM) continuously gets fuller while the app is running. It seems like the pictures are not just saved to file, but also are kept in memory, causing the app to crash.

Did I miss something?
Is there a better way to save the Pictures *without* keeping them in memory?
And how can I manually define file names / save locations?
How can I add EXIF information like GPS positions?

Here is my QML code:
import QtQuick 1.1
import 1.0
import QtMultimediaKit 1.1
import "file:///usr/lib/qt4/imports/com/meego/UIConstants.js" as UIConstants

PageStackWindow {
   id: appWindow

   initialPage: mainPage

   Page {
       id: mainPage
       Component.onCompleted: {
           theme.inverted = true

       Camera {
          id: primaryCamera
          focus: visible
          anchors.centerIn:  parent
          width: parent.width / 2
          height: parent.height / 2
          captureResolution: "1280x720"
          exposureMode: Camera.ExposureAuto
          flashMode: Camera.FlashOff
          onImageCaptured: debuglabel.text = "Image saved! " + Date().toString()
          onCaptureFailed: debuglabel.text = "ERROR!" + Date().toString()

       Label {
           id: debuglabel
           text: "I'm the debug label"

       Timer {
           interval: 10000;
           running: true;
           repeat: true
           onTriggered: {
               debuglabel.text = Date().toString();

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