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rasik_35's Avatar
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I was wondering if I could install the webOS medical apps for use in my n900. I don't want garnet vm as an answer. I'm already using it. I downloaded an ipk file (net.palmdoc.eponymshb_2.0.0.all.ipk) and tried to install it using the instructions given in this forum previously for installation of ipk file but was not successful.
The contents of the ipk file are not like those in case of games like sims3 (where there's a folder, a json file and a game file)
Contents include;
i. app (folder)
ii. images (folder)
iii. depends.js
iv. sources.json
v. ares.js
vi. index. html
vii. appinfo.json
viii. icon.png
ix. app-build.js
x. app.js
xi. ares_version.json
xii. framework_config.json

I can't figure out which one is the application file and what are all these js files... Please help me out....
cddiede's Avatar
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What you have here is a normal "Mojo" WebOS app. Not a WebOS game.

The "Normal" webOS apps are written under the WebOS Mojo Software Developer Kit (SDK) and utilize some very specific and closed libraries not available on Maemo.

WebOS games, however, are written with the WebOS Native Developer Kit (NDK) and utilize only open GLES protocols and libraries to execute on the WebOS hardware.

Since the N900 shares almost all of the same GPU hardware as the WebOS phones and both run true linux (unlike Android), we are able to use a lightweight application like PreEnv to bridge the small remaining gap in our phone environments to allow us to run the WebOS games natively.

Long story short: We can run WebOS games or apps written under their NDK, but we have no chance of running Mojo apps written under their SDK.

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rasik_35's Avatar
Posts: 37 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jul 2011 @ Nepal
thanks cddiede
then do you know of any med apps written in NDK that may be used using preenv.
cddiede's Avatar
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Originally Posted by rasik_35 View Post
thanks cddiede
then do you know of any med apps written in NDK that may be used using preenv.
Unfortunately none. The NDK is much more complicated to write with as it allows for full C++ code interacting directly with the hardware without the Mojo abstraction layer. Using it for non-graphically intensive applications would be overkill for the average WebOS developer.

FYI: Mojo was originally intended to allow WebOS applications to be written much the same way as interactive web pages to ease development, unlike the complicated C++ application languages used by more complicated apps (games and traditional programs).

This is the main reason why WebOS was called WEB OS as it was supposed to be just as easy to write apps as it was to write web pages.

However, when the iPhone started making waves with more complicated games running in standard code and producing performance and visual effects outside the range of Mojo ( or in the case of Android's Java based abstraction layer: Dalvik) then Palm released an NDK allowing the same complicated and graphically intense code to execute on WebOS. If you look, Google released an NDK that bypasses Dalvik around the same time.

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rasik_35's Avatar
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the maemo repositories are very poor as far as med apps are concerned.... hope it's not that people don't want medical personnels to use n900
jedi's Avatar
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Originally Posted by rasik_35 View Post
the maemo repositories are very poor as far as med apps are concerned.... hope it's not that people don't want medical personnels to use n900
It's probably more due to the fact that no-one has written and uploaded any.

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cddiede's Avatar
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The PalmOS was famous for it's library of hugely popular and useful medical applications. My family doctor still uses a Treo just for the reason that he refuses to stop using several of his favorite medical applications such as Epocrates. He's not alone:

The number of wonderful medical apps for PalmOS can't be overstated:

It is nice to have the Garnet VM on the N900, allowing us to run all of these classic apps. Even WebOS 2.0 devices no longer have this ability with the termination of Classic support.

And if you install TealOS on your Garnet VM on the N900, you can even maintain the feel and usability of WebOS!!

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Originally Posted by cddiede View Post

And if you install TealOS on your Garnet VM on the N900, you can even maintain the feel and usability of WebOS!!

teal os no longer available... is this teal wheel the same? any free links????
cddiede's Avatar
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Originally Posted by rasik_35 View Post
teal os no longer available... is this teal wheel the same? any free links????
Looks like Palm lawyered them to death over that. I mean why upgrade to WebOS when you could run TealOS on your Centro, right? LOL

Private Message me and I can send you the URL for an unlimited trial for Teal OS. I'm currently on day 476 of my teal OS trial inside my Garnet VM.

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rasik_35's Avatar
Posts: 37 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jul 2011 @ Nepal
why has epocrates ditched palm os??? no longer available for download in prc format

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