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View Full Version : There are forums and forums.

2020-01-03, 21:21
I have started to feel other members may use and hang around on some other forums or sites too. For me this is the only forum and site I use. I could like to check some good linux, hackr/cybersecurity, retrogames, scientific (watched a lot ted talks with iphone but since I can't play youtube vids straight with N900...) or conspiracy sites or forums.

If you have knowledge and you like to share it - please, be my guest.

With pc I watched a lot of stuff from Top Documentaries site. Have also checked some stuff from Forbidden Archeology (have to filter a lot though) etc. Searched a lot info about civilisations and their ruins which doesn't fit in the accepted and official history writing and chronology.

Also have liked to watch defcon and blachat conference lectures. But I don't know any good forums besides this one.

2020-01-04, 18:48
You might check media.ccc.de (https://media.ccc.de) for the recordings done on Chaos Computer Club events and many others where the CCC "Video operations center" did streams.
Most content is in english.

Other forums? Blasphemy :p

2020-01-04, 19:27
You might check media.ccc.de (https://media.ccc.de) for the recordings done on Chaos Computer Club events and many others where the CCC "Video operations center" did streams.
Most content is in english.

Other forums? Blasphemy :p

And if you just want to know something from the 36th chaos communication congress (this is a sub of https://media.ccc.de) you can try Congress at openrepos or harbour (now with offline video support).

2020-01-05, 06:35
Just trying to find something I could make use of with my N900. That one I can't.

2020-01-05, 10:34
To the hidden question in my hint:
Does media.ccc.de open correctly on your n900? ;)

2020-01-05, 21:28
No, it doesn't. And even it does I can't watch any vids with N900. Or can I? if you can.- please tell me how?