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View Full Version : Maemo Mapper Offline Route Gen?

2007-10-24, 01:23
I'm sure this has probably been asked before but there's so much info on Mapper i can't possible sift through it all.

Is there any way to generate routes off line? I don't have data service on my cell and even if i did, you hardly get service anywhere in the UP of MI so I can't just download the route. I would like to be able to just say i want to go here and it will generate the route from where i currently am, just like a regular GPS

2007-10-24, 12:32
As of my current knowledge about MM you can not generate route offline, but if you know the start and end points on the map then you can easily draw lines on the map and use those lines while driving. (but I guess no text directions for that)

2007-10-24, 23:38
Ok, oh well, can't have everything i guess. Perhaps the next version will be able to do it.

2007-10-25, 11:51
I doubt that, because MM will download the image files to show the maps and gpx data to show the route, MM may save all the image files for a particular city or state or country but not all the gpx info, so it may be little difficult to show you the route on its own in offline mode. but gnuite may have other suggestion