View Full Version : flash 9 770

2007-10-25, 16:35
ok there is another thread for flash 9 on a 770 but the post was done by someone who can't remember how he did it and the directions don't make any sense to me at all and i really need this to work or

if someone knows a sports scoreboard site that will auto update only running on flash 6 because cbssportsline.com and espn.com and yahoo sports don't update the only one that is close is foxsports.com but it is way behind maybe because i am still using a phone bluetooth connection instead of wifi and its to slow

any help would be great

thank you all

2007-10-25, 18:17
I did it by installing OS 2007 HE.

2007-10-25, 18:18
the thread is here, instructions are in the first post.


if you are running os2007he, you only need to download the file and execute the tar line from xterm.

2007-10-25, 18:57
the thread is here, instructions are in the first post.


if you are running os2007he, you only need to download the file and execute the tar line from xterm.

That's how I did it. But it is SLooooooooooooooooooooW. I'm not sure you will like the outcome if you are using it to get score updates.

2007-10-25, 21:44
ok i have os 2006 and when i use cbssportsline.com it doesn't update at all espn.com wont load foxsports.com will some what work but very very slow

the last person said that os 2007 he is very slow does anybody

any idea what i can do

or does any body know of a site that runs on flash 6
or is there a way to upgrade to flash 7 or 8 maybe it will run a little faster

thanks again

2007-10-26, 14:32
Why bother with the fluff? Have you tried any RSS feeds that shoot you the data you want? Here are a few I just snagged via Google:


http://asp.usatoday.com/marketing/rss/index.aspx?POE=FOOTER Here you can choose which specific sport you want to subscribe to.

I did not find a scores-only RSS feed for the 3 sites you referenced. The closest I came was to subscribe to a Yahoo mobile alert, at which point you could configure it to an email address (you don't actually need a pager/mobile #) and then select the specific team's scores you want to receive (a bit tedious) and when. From there you'd have to have that same email address configured on your Nokia 770 to receive the updates. Obviously RSS is the least hassle, and if I cared that much about scores only, that would probably be my choice.

Good luck, and hopefully someone else has already done what you're trying to do with success, now if only they'll read and respond to your post...

2007-10-26, 14:53
well i am not just intrested in the final score those sites i refrenced have a flash scoreboard that updates as the game moves on and the fox sports page comes close and again i am still using my cellphone nternet which may be why it is so slow and i won't have wifi for a few more days

so if flash 9 is such an issue is it possible to use flash 7 or 8 maybe it will just update faster

thanks again