View Full Version : mod for Lxdoom on 770

2007-11-07, 21:01
Hi, can I use wad mod with Lxdoom (like here http://www.doomwadstation.com/main/tc.html ("http://www.doomwadstation.com/main/tc.html"

When I remplace the wad file on my tablet, LXdoom start but when a click on Play it's says the party is in "pause"! , If I want start a new game, it's the same, what must I do? thanks


Apparently, the files wad have some sort of key or signature, which allows them to be identified, which is why it only works if it is the original wad. If someone can confirm, I have try the same wad with PRBOOM port for Nintento DS and the program says it's not the good wad :/

2008-01-05, 20:56
i have the same problem i want to run a custom wad but it wont run. i do have the original wads i have only tried the tnt.wad which works but when i put the original doom2.wad in it wont start up.

any way around this :|