View Full Version : How to create a button for a script

2006-01-22, 05:21
I took all the knowledge from several of my previous posts plus a tip from gnuite and made a little "how to make application buttons." Each of these run shell scripts:


Remote User
2006-01-22, 07:52
Thanks for doing this, Daniel. It's important.

2006-01-22, 09:13
FYI, once the file has been `mkswap'ped once, you don't need to do it each time, so your onswap could be the single swapon command.

Not important, but just interesting to know, I thought...

2006-01-22, 15:35
Thanks aflegg. I'll note that in my next versions.
I'm just glad it WORKS :D

2015-10-06, 06:48
hi masters,
i have problem is there any a virtual camera button for nokia n900 because my real camera button not responding (maybe broken) can i use script for make this please help ;)

2015-10-06, 08:05
hi masters,
i have problem is there any a virtual camera button for nokia n900 because my real camera button not responding (maybe broken) can i use script for make this please help ;)

for Handsome guys please ;)