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View Full Version : Google Maps Mobile navigation for free

2007-11-26, 23:50

there is no chance to compete with Google Maps Mobile navigation,
offered for free.
Best maps, best tools, best POI databases and still free.

There is no chance any other navigation can offer such excellent maps + satellite images and value added services for free.

No chance for Navicore, WayFinder, Nav4All, NaviExpert.
Free is free. Google is Google. Global Corporation.

AFAIK, happy users of Nokia 7700, 7710


2007-11-27, 00:04
Just as long as you connect through their servers dude.

EDIT: Oh yeah I forgot... Anyone with an N series tablet can run GoogleMaps for Palm on Garnet.

2007-11-27, 00:07
The client software download is not available for Nokia N810, N800, 770, or on the 7700 or 7710 for that matter. ;)

There is a Palm version so you could possibly run it under the Garnet emulator. If you search I think this has been discussed before.

Capt'n Corrupt
2007-11-27, 00:16
Don't you need a net connection for map data/routes/etc?

If this is true, then one could also use any number of web apps for directions: Google Maps, Yahoo Maps, Mapquest, Ask.com Maps, etc, after discovering your location. Maybe with WWAN (mobile internet) will we be able to ditch the current solutions. Until then, solid offline solutions are needed.

If it is not true, disregard this post and go about your business.. :D


Capt'n Corrupt

2007-11-27, 12:46
Ah well, the 3G connection quality I experience is totally useless for downloading maps in realtime anyway.

2007-11-27, 14:25
Ah well, the 3G connection quality I experience is totally useless for downloading maps in realtime anyway.

From my experience with Google Maps for Mobile (http://www.google.com/gmm/index.html?utm_campaign=en&utm_source=en-ha-na-us-google&utm_medium=ha&utm_term=google%20maps%20for%20mobile)from beta to all its present forms >> http://my.opera.com/yodude/blog/show.dml/375005

It only recently added GPS support but server stutter makes it a lousy live moving map using any sized data pipe.
It was not intended for this but rather as an enhanced telephone directory assistant, IMHO.

As such it cant be beat and I use it daily on my cell phone. I expect a version for N8** devices to come once a more significant user base has been established.

Google aggressively seeks eyeballs anywhere they can find them.