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View Full Version : N810 and Gizmo PC Video

2007-12-10, 18:47
Dear All!
Just wondering if anyone tried N810 Gizmo with desktop Gizmo video chat. I tried once and somehow it stopped working.
Any suggestions?

2007-12-10, 19:34
Dear All!
Just wondering if anyone tried N810 Gizmo with desktop Gizmo video chat. I tried once and somehow it stopped working.
Any suggestions?

Although many users of this forum may report that they've got Gizmo working. I've never been able to get it to work at home. I have a simple netgear 108bps router that seems to be 'in the way'. There is something not working with the ports required, so I can call my pc from my N810 (an vice versa) and answer the call, but I've never gotten even audio, let alone video.

This is at home. At work, I can get both audio and video to work because (I think) the pc is on a wired LAN.

I've contacted Gizmo support about this, and they've been helpful with info about how to open and forward to ports, but not to the point where I can get it to work, alas:o

BTW, this isn't a 'must-have' app for me, but it would be fun, eh? Nonetheless, it's not important enough to me to work on it anymore, so I'm sort of hoping that the next release will be more straightforward to use.

2007-12-11, 01:54
first time i installed Gizmo on n810 and pc, video worked more or less Ok. suddenly it stopped. no idea why.
i wish Skype would come up with video support for n810

2007-12-12, 14:13
I have and continue to have Gizmo working on n810 talking to PC. Make sure you have the latest version of OS2008 *.19 and Gzimo V95. On your PC you need the beta version of the Gizmo CLient that supports video. It takes a little while sometimes to connect but that's because Im on the same router. But it does work every time.

2007-12-12, 15:20
I did notice difference using on WiFi and 3G. I went back to WiFi and it works but not stable, sometimes, video would not go on on both - PC and N810. Yes, I did upgrage N810 and PC is using lates beta version.
It works strangely on 3G (AT&T), all calls from PC go to my cell/forwarded. May be issue with ports and AT&T data settings
Have you tried video on Google client?

2007-12-12, 16:20
I have and continue to have Gizmo working on n810 talking to PC. Make sure you have the latest version of OS2008 *.19 and Gzimo V95. On your PC you need the beta version of the Gizmo CLient that supports video. It takes a little while sometimes to connect but that's because Im on the same router. But it does work every time.

This is encouraging, but do you use a wireless router? If so, I have a couple more questions:

1. Do you use 'port forwarding' on the router? If so, can you tell me how you got it to work?
2. On your PC, did you have to open ports for Gizmo?

2007-12-12, 16:22
No, I did not make any forwarding on my wifi router and I did not touch any ports on my PC. I did not go that deep :-)