View Full Version : Where did my mmc space go?

2007-12-13, 02:08
I just followed the Wiki on how to set up booting to my 2Gig MMC card + Nokia 770... http://maemo.org/community/wiki/howto_easily_boot_from_mmc_card/

It has the user create a 450MB fat16 partition and make the rest of the mmc card an ext2 partition (both primary).

After all this, if I just look at the mmc card in a card reader, GParted shows two partitions, as expected, a ~460MB fat16 partition, and the rest (up to the 2Gig limit) is a ~1.5GB ext2 partition. But in Maemo they don't appear to be the right size...

In the Maemo Control Panel:
-the 'Device' tab claims 743MB available with 11.8MB in use
-the 'Memory card' tab claims 447MB available with 20.3MB in use
-64MB virtual memory

I assume the 'Memory card' reported by the Control Panel is the fat16 partition, and I'm missing about half a gig of memory from the 'Device' memory, which I assume is the ext2 partition. However, gparted shows that the 1.5GB ext2 partition only has about 200MB of files on it.

When I attach my Nokia 770 to a USB, it only seems to mount and allow me to copy files to the fat16 partition. (Now I'm really confused - I put a 2.2GB file on a fat16 partition????? That shouldn't be possible, right?)


EDIT: I just copied a 200MB file to the /media/mmc2 partition which was empty. Now the Control Panel reports that 'Device' has only 500MB available, which seems to indicate that 'Device' is actually the ext2 partition, but it still says that only 11.8MB are in use. Apparently the Control Panel doesn't handle MMC memory on multiple partitions correctly?

EDIT2: 'K I figured it out. The problem seems to be with both GPE filemanager and Nokia's filemanager (as well as the Control Panel). It turns out that /media/mmc1 is the fat16 partition (although I still have no idea how I could fit a 2.2Gig file on it!!) and /media/mmc2 is the 1.4 Gig ext2 partition, and, yes, it can be accessed directly from a USB cable if you use Linux.
