View Full Version : e-mail failing to load

Paul Webster
2006-02-21, 00:07
Been working fine - but today the regular email client will not load.
If get "e-mail-loading" box for about 10 seconds - then it disappears and mail not loaded.
Any debug/trace logs that I can enable/check?
Memory does not seem to be an issue judging by Control Panel.

2006-02-21, 01:17
:confused: i need step on loading gps apps into the 770 help

Paul Webster
2006-02-21, 07:32
Maxxy1 - you need to start a new thread rather than add it into mine.

Anyway - back to my issue ... by magic it resolved itself ... I don't like that sort of thing, so any pointers about where to look for the emai lclient logs would be useful for next time (I have loaded X-Term but not become root)

2006-02-21, 09:15
No idea where the logs are but yeah, the email app is buggy. I have had similar weird things happen. A power off/on always fixes it for me.

One thing I am not sure of how to do is unselect an email in the inbox. I often want to mark all the mail then delete it all. But if a message is highlighted it only deletes that one and i can never figure out how to unhighlight it! I have to exit the app then restart it so nothing is selected.

Paul Webster
2006-02-21, 11:57
For Mark/Unmark - I managed to find that (but I submitted a suggestion via the Maemo WiKi about making it easier) ... Message/Edit/Select/Unmark
(Ideally it should be possible to click on the last column - where the green checkmark appears to select/unselect)

2006-02-21, 17:21
Ideally it should be possible to click on the last column - where the green checkmark appears to select/unselect
Amen! That drives me nuts. It makes it difficult to delete a large number of messages (SPAM).

2006-02-21, 18:37
I wouldn't mind a delete all option (on a folder) since I don't store emails on my 770 for long. Usually just a day or so if I need them. Anything I want to keep I can move out of the inbox into another folder (or forward to Gmail).

Paul Webster
2006-02-21, 20:36
I wouldn't mind a delete all option (on a folder) since I don't store emails on my 770 for long. Usually just a day or so if I need them. Anything I want to keep I can move out of the inbox into another folder (or forward to Gmail).
Doing operations on All isn't too hard.
Edit/Select/Mark All

2006-02-21, 22:35
Doing operations on All isn't too hard.
Edit/Select/Mark All
Yes, that seemed to work. But then so did what I usually try which is:
Edit/Select/Mark All
Then delete using the rubbish bin icon.
Sometimes that works (deletes all marked ones) and sometimes it doesn't (deletes only the highlighted in gray message even though all have green ticks).

The interface isn't really that good. I would have thought Nokia engineers freed from the constraints of cell phone interfaces would have come up with something better that this :)

2006-02-21, 22:36
And yes, as an s/w engineer myself I know I shouldn't be complaining but rather I should see if the source is available and fix it myself :)

2006-03-02, 02:39
Been working fine - but today the regular email client will not load.
If get "e-mail-loading" box for about 10 seconds - then it disappears and mail not loaded.
Any debug/trace logs that I can enable/check?
Memory does not seem to be an issue judging by Control Panel.
I just finished setting up my 770 and the email app fails to load. Any cure?

2006-03-02, 08:54
Abandon the embedded mail client. No way to use it properly.
Try to download Sylpheed port to the 770. It's a real mail client with panels, filters.
OK, it lacks some functionalities right now (like S/MIME that the 770 client has) and crashes sometimes but it far more useful.
