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View Full Version : custom icon when connected to pc

2006-02-23, 15:47
When connecting my 770 to my winXP-PC I would like to have a special icon displayed in the explorer. Standard icon is the storageicon (because we rather connect to the rsmmc-card).
Is there a way?

2006-02-23, 16:20
I vaguely remember doing this for a USB key some time ago. You need to place the icon in the directory that appears as the root of the disk as mounted in Windows (ie /media/mmc), and reference it in an autotorun.ini file alongside with the proper syntax. I found that info on Google at the time.

2006-02-23, 16:48
sounds about right, same trick is used for cdroms. if you have a cdrom handy that has an icon you can copy the ini file and modify to your needs

2006-02-23, 17:00
thanks, that was quick.

I will try that. If it works I will create a Nokia770-icon and share it here.
So I have to turn the Pc on...
There are some things you cant even do on the 770;-)

2006-02-25, 00:52
Thanks for your help, it works fine.

Create a textfile "autorun.inf" with text:

Put your icon and the autorun.inf at root of your mmc.
I have made just a quick icon for testing purpose (16,24,32,48 with 8bit and 32bit).
I will post a better one in some days and think the image should show the closed device what is very characteristic for the Nokia770.


2006-02-28, 01:45
I have made an iconset from the images that are on the device.
No idea if this is a copyright-problem.
