View Full Version : ITT mis search

2008-02-04, 05:21

I've searched and searched...found nothing

Has anyone written a custom xml fot the home search applet to search this forum?
I've tried to wrap my brain around this by modifying the incuded google search to use the ITT google search but cannot make it work.

Seems this would be a perfect use for the search applet (hate having to use the bookmarked page as it requires multiple taps (and i can never remember where I put it).
Also f I'm stuck off-line I can still enter a search in the applet and have it on the desktop to remind me what I was thinking later.

Thank you

2008-02-04, 08:37
you might get the idea how to do it yourself by examining the mis-*.deb packages here, they work on all os200X versions published yet.

2008-02-04, 12:28
With Google, you can confine your search to a site in the search string:

site:internettablettalk.com <keyword(s) or phrase(s)>

I find this to be a most valuable capability when searching for things on the Internet.

There are other search keywords that can look for filetypes, items between certain dates, etc.

2008-02-04, 18:35
Try this



2008-04-06, 21:09
I have now created such a plugin (and a few more). In fact, I've configured a "tabletSearch (http://www.google.com/coop/cse?cx=014783630360138230012%3A5hwd9yj0uno)" using the Google Custom Search Engine similar to the post above. However, it not only includes ITT, but also maemo.org and a few additional relevant sites. It's the "perfect" search plugin for anything Nokia Internet Tablet and Maemo related.

You can download the plugin (plus additional ones for Amazon, Ebay, Google Maps and the Internet Movie Database) from my new webpage about the Maemo Internet Search (MIS) plugins (http://tomch.com/wp/?page_id=63).

Hope this helps. Glad for feedback. More plugins to follow.
(Once again many thanks to Khertan for PyPackager :-)

2008-04-06, 21:21
I have now created such a plugin (and a few more). In fact, I've configured a "tabletSearch" using the Google Custom Search Engine similar to the post above. However, it not only includes ITT, but also maemo.org and a few additional relevant sites. It's the "perfect" search plugin for anything Nokia Internet Tablet and Maemo related.

Assuming you haven't already, you might consider adding the #maemo log to the search.

2008-08-11, 20:58
Assuming you haven't already, you might consider adding the #maemo log to the search.

Better late than never :D