View Full Version : LXDoom > Memory Card

2008-02-04, 10:41

I prefer to keep game files on the memory card so I made a quick hex-edit of the lxdoom binary to make it run the WADS off the mmc2 (internal sd slot) instead.

(Need to become root)

1. Install the lxdoom port for OS2008 (I think its in the default repos's check with gronmayer if not sure).
2. Download & unzip the lxdoom binary and "chmod +x" it.
3. Move the lxdoom binary to /usr/bin/
4. Delete the /usr/share/lxdoom/wad/doom1.wad (It comes with the demo version by default)
5. Move the /usr/share/lxdoom/wad/boomlump.wad to /media/mmc2/lxdoomwa/
6. Place your WAD in the lxdoomwa directory in your internal memory card (I have a ultimate doom wad called doom1.wad placed in there and it works for me)

P.S If there is a command line option to change directories, let me in ;) :D

2008-02-04, 12:47
Very nice! Thank you!!! :cool:

2008-02-05, 00:36
can we use pwads now?

2008-02-05, 07:35
I doubt it. All I did here was change the path, nothing else.

2008-02-05, 21:32
Why to bother with all this?
I use (successfuly) the same method as on my debian-box.
I've put Doom2.wad file on MMC and then went to
renamed oryginal wad (I didn't want to remove right now):
mv doom1.wad doom1.-wad
created symlink to mmc:
ln -s /media/mmc2/DOOM2.WAD ./doom2.wad

voila :)
My all id games on my PC work that way for their "big" PAK's.

2008-02-05, 22:04
Why to bother with all this?
I use (successfuly) the same method as on my debian-box.
I've put Doom2.wad file on MMC and then went to
renamed oryginal wad (I didn't want to remove right now):
mv doom1.wad doom1.-wad
created symlink to mmc:
ln -s /media/mmc2/DOOM2.WAD ./doom2.wad

voila :)
My all id games on my PC work that way for their "big" PAK's.

I thought about that but then doesn't symlinks only work for ext fs, not fat?

Also if I want to change wad, I don't need to rename as much or make new links.

2008-05-28, 14:21
qwerty12, what are you referring to when you say the lxdoom binary? Do you mean the entire .deb file? I'm trying to run a custom map on doom. i've attempted to overwrite the doom2.wad file with the wad file of the map i'm trying to load, but that did not work. When i did this, the game would not start when i pressed continue in the main page. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!

2008-05-28, 15:00
I thought about that but then doesn't symlinks only work for ext fs, not fat?

Executables don't work on ext filesystems.

Symlinks work fine. So as long as you're just moving the directory that stores the WAD file(s), and not any executables, a symlink will work fine.

I use symlinks all the time, and my installer for Formido creates a symlink for the data directory.

As long as there's no executables (or file ownership issues, which aren't generally a problem), you're fine with symlinks.

Good work with the hex editing tho. Takes me back a bit.

I remember that there was a program that captured audio/video from a section on your computer screen (can't remember what the program was called), and I wanted to use it to capture a video, but it overlayed this message (since I hadn't bought it; this was a while ago.. :-). But I noticed that the spaces in between the words in the message weren't blocking out anything, so I hex edited the executable and made all the text in the message spaces. :-) Worked great.

And WAY before that, I had to hex edit F18 interceptor on my Amiga, because it expected the game to be on "df0" (disk floppy 0), so I changed "df0" to "f18" and created an alias for "f18" to a location on my hard disk.
