View Full Version : Peergaurdian ported to n800

Not the usual suspect
2008-03-03, 19:41
Has anyone run across a ported version of peergaurdian or something simmilar. I just installed transmission, but I would like to run something like peergaurdian along with it.


peergaurdian link http://phoenixlabs.org/pg2/

2008-03-03, 20:04
Moblock would be a more likely candidate but that isnt ported.

2008-03-03, 20:34
Nothing that I'm aware of.

Maybe Transmission could incorporate a blocklist manager type plugin along the lines of Deluge.

Not the usual suspect
2008-03-03, 23:26
I think that you are on the right track instigator. Anyone have any idea about how to get the ball rolling, or even who to talk to?

Just throwing the idea out there, I think it would be useful.

2008-03-03, 23:40
I don't see any positive responses from a search of Transmission forums so i wouldn't count on maemo Transmission port getting it anytime soon.


If any linux developer wants to add such support they can either build off my source or upstream svn. I would think best solution would be system level though, but then i'm not familiar with these ip blockers.

2008-03-04, 01:14
If any linux developer wants to add such support they can either build off my source or upstream svn. I would think best solution would be system level though, but then i'm not familiar with these ip blockers.

By system level I take it that you mean manipulating IP tables a la Moblock?

2008-03-04, 02:21
I guess. I meant outside of any single program. Looking at moblock its sounds like what i was thinking best overall solution would be. Someone should compile it :rolleyes:

2008-05-27, 11:25
This is not pretty and not anything to be touched by n00bs.

This is just source package with compiled moblock and libs needed compiled. I changed the march to the right one (thanks fms).

I'll package this one up and sort it out later.


2008-05-27, 16:35
qwerty's pimpin.

dpkg -i these. Not tested.

(cron port can be found on this forum and you may need to do ALL = NOPASSWD to sudoers (SEARCH ON HOW TO DO THIS))