View Full Version : Increasing the swap file size

2006-04-19, 09:21
Has anyone any information on how to increase the swap file size? The reason I am asking is that I want to use the Nokia to deliver a questionnaire using flash within the opera browser. The file size is such that even increasing the memory with the extented root file system and swap file, I still get low memory problems.

I have a tried increasing the swap file size larger than 24MB but it crashes. I note that in Wolfram instructions he mentions a firmware upgrade that may allow bigger swap files. Any news on this?

Thanks in advance! :)

2006-04-19, 13:21
Don't know about news, but the workaround is to create multiple swap files (max 24 MB each) and slowly swapon them, e.g. make sure you wait at least 10 seconds (maybe 15 to be sure) between swapons, otherwise it'll reboot as though you had swapon'ed a larger-than-24-MB swapfile.

2006-04-21, 10:49
OK tried creating multiple swap files but after swapon of second swap file the unit reboots. Tried smaller sized swap files - could swapon 3 swap files of 10MB each before it rebooted. This was despite giving plenty of time in between.

Thanks again any help!