View Full Version : New thumb-based fullscreen keyboard

2006-05-16, 08:59
In the press conference, they mentioned this as a "great new way" for doing text input. And in fact - many of us have complained about the current on-screen keyboard and HWR being bad, so I ask of you:

Does anyone know what this will look like?
Anyone have pics?
Will it be as good as they say?

Any thoughts, ideas?

2006-05-16, 15:59
If you squint you can kind of see it when he showed it to the audience. Looked like the text input area is up top and the keys below.

Personally, I don't want my grubby fingers smudging all over the screen. I've gotten up to about 35wpm tappity-tap style, so. I'll stick with that.

2006-05-16, 22:45
In the press conference, they mentioned this as a "great new way" for doing text input. And in fact - many of us have complained about the current on-screen keyboard and HWR being bad, so I ask of you:

Does anyone know what this will look like?
Anyone have pics?
Will it be as good as they say?

Any thoughts, ideas?

Image from:


2006-05-17, 00:18
To be honest, I'm quite disappointed that this "finger keyboard" is in fact not some sort of clip on/cover-attached fold-out hardware keyboard accessory!

2006-05-17, 08:11
My spidey-senses are tingling: that may be a shot of the interface, but the shot has been photoshopped onto the image :)

2006-05-17, 09:13
My spidey-senses are tingling: that may be a shot of the interface, but the shot has been photoshopped onto the image :)

How do you know?

2006-07-06, 06:48
You guys will probably laugh to my question but,
I will ask anyways...

2006-07-06, 08:41
Control Panel -> Text input settings

Then under the Finger tab you have some options. You can launch it by using the button in the middle of the d-pad (known as the rocker key) or by touching the screen, or both.

Best to play and work out what works best for you.

- Neil.

2006-07-06, 08:58
Press your thumb against the plate^Wscreen.

Sorry, wandered off in to Back To The Future part 2-land, there.

It detects the large area pressing over a text field and starts the full screen keyboard. Annoyingly there's a bit of a lag to bring it up, IME.



2006-07-06, 16:23
Finally :)
Thanks for your help guys. One more question though, when in the fullscreen keyboard mode, the predictive text kinda highlights the prediction but I couldn't figure out how to select the prediction and pass alond the other word?
I maybe couldn't tell what I exactly wanted to do... :)
If you right for example "green" when you type "gr" it brings you "een" as highlighted but I couldn't find a way to accept that prediction and pass along (in fullscreen mode)
Thanks in advance.

2006-07-06, 18:47
but I couldn't find a way to accept that prediction and pass along (in fullscreen mode)

Try pressing the right cursor hardware button on the d-pad.
