View Full Version : forum date format - middle-endian :-(

2008-09-19, 01:37
is there any way to fix the date format on the forum posts?
I don't see anything in User_CP.
Big-endian or little endian would be fine, if 4-digit years were used.
But if this stupid start-in-the-middle format is going to be forced, at least could
the month be done as letters to avoid confusion please? e.g. Sep-19-2008

thanks, Mike

2008-09-19, 09:46
lol, I have made suggestions about the time formats before, but no replies.
Yeah, the mixed-endian format is confusing, and I can't wrap my head around this pm/am thing (I _always_ have to sit down and think, in order to find out when a posting was made). I wish it could be configured.

2008-09-19, 15:25
Do you mean the month-day-year instead of day-month-year? That's the standard in America, isn't it. Backwards from the rest of the world, like everything else they do :p

2008-09-19, 16:22
Do you mean the month-day-year instead of day-month-year? That's the standard in America, isn't it. Backwards from the rest of the world, like everything else they do :p

Ummm... No. It's something a lot of people do here, but standards are things like this (http://asg.web.cmu.edu/rfc/rfc822.html#sec-5) and this (http://asg.web.cmu.edu/rfc/rfc3339.html#sec-5.6). First time I ever heard the term "middle-endian" for the non-standard wreck, though. (I like it. :))

2008-09-19, 18:20
sorry, should have been more clear. I meant the normal thing to do, rather than an official standard. I normally tend towards yyyy-mm-dd personally, or yyyymmdd

2008-09-21, 16:47
sorry, should have been more clear. I meant the normal thing to do, rather than an official standard. I normally tend towards yyyy-mm-dd personally, or yyyymmdd

Yes, me too. Because its logical to read, and its easy to sort on date then. IIRC they use this format in Japan.

2008-11-30, 16:25
Same problem , it is very confusing the m-d-y format.
Most forum modules allow setting dat/time formats on a per user basis.

2008-11-30, 23:53
Most forum modules allow setting dat/time formats on a per user basis.
Have you seen any vBulletin-based systems that do that? I think it is broken in that respect. The only solution is to uses an un-ambiguous system-wide format.
Its all english-language, so named months instead of numbers would help.

2009-03-01, 23:01
These US-style dates are awkward for me too. Whenever I see a post that says 06-09-2008 I think it's the 6th of September, not the 9th of June. Is this a limitation of vBulletin?

2009-03-03, 17:24
You can change that in your settings. Its personal setting.

2009-03-03, 20:46
You can change that in your settings. Its personal setting.
Are you sure? Where, exactly?

2009-03-23, 13:40
Also asked this months ago with TA-t3..
And no, I do not see the "Format for date" and "Format for time".
From vbulletin doc:
# Format For Date
Format in which the date is presented on vBulletin pages.

US Format (e.g., 04-25-98): m-d-y
Expanded US Format (e.g., April 25th, 1998): F jS, Y
European Format (e.g., 25-04-98): d-m-y
Expanded European Format (e.g., 25th April 1998): jS F Y
# Format For Time
Format in which the time is presented on all vBulletin pages.

AM/PM Time Format (eg, 11:15 PM): h:i A
24-Hour Format Time (eg, 23:15): H:i

Discussing logical/easier is not the point here. It should be up to the user's choice. My settings don't influence others'

I am only using US format on this forum and it doesn't make reading confortable..