View Full Version : Maemo 5 on Beagleboard talk on FOSDEM

2009-03-19, 07:33
There's a video up of the talk Juha Kallionen from Nokia gave on FOSDEM09 about the Maemo on Beagleboard (http://maemo-beagle.garage.maemo.org) project.

It can be found on http://free-electrons.com/blog/fosdem-2009-videos/ (scroll down, it's in OGV format. VLC views it fine).

If you own a Beagleboard, consider contributing to this project - it's a good way to help the Maemo platform become more cross-platform.

EDIT: There's also a talk on Advanced power management for OMAP3, by Peter De Schrijver (Nokia) on the same page.

2009-03-19, 22:05
Hmm, too bad the talk was given before the alpha SDK was published, (he's since gotten the alpha SDK running (http://maemo-beagle.garage.maemo.org/alpha.html) too) and too bad there was no demonstration of Maemo on Beagleboard. There are some slides, and some talking. Kate Alhola's blog post about GLES development (http://blogs.forum.nokia.com/blog/kate-alholas-forum-nokia-blog/2009/03/02/developing-accellerated-graphics-with-maemo-5-fremantle) shows another picture of the beagleboard maemo in action, but still no video.

Maybe there'll be something in the OpenBossa videos (http://openbossa.blip.tv/#1904846).