View Full Version : just want to say a massive thanks to everyone

2010-01-16, 23:06
great forum youve got here

had my n900 since monday and this website and community has helped me loads

ive been an avid user of symbian for years and making the switch to maemo has been extremley pleasant but only due to this site and the excellent members

so big thanks to the excellent commuinity here hope i can be a helpfull user :-)

hope your all well

2010-01-16, 23:15
I'll have to 2nd that sentiment. I love the N900, but without the help of this community I would have been quite stuck a couple of times and I certainly would not have learned about several goodies that make the N900 a lot more pleasant to use. So, yes, thanks every one! :)

2010-01-16, 23:19
Def have to agree 100% with the above. Great people in this forum making life that be easier for a few noobs like myself.