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View Full Version : sharing folder on the network

2010-01-18, 03:45
hey guys,
how do i share files on the network from my N900? i would like to share a few folders just like on the PCs machine. A folder sharing option that all the network computer can see and download from.

i've done this similar thing on the N95 and N93i. All allow to do a file sharing for Home network. I think. N900 should be much better in doing so since it's a debian system.

please let me know. thank you.

2010-01-18, 04:03
bumping! any one?

2010-01-18, 07:08
Also the reverse - being able to access files and directories on my PC. Having to bluetooth is a pain. Having to plug in the cable works fine except for the memory card that keeps corrupting and going into read only and needing repair - causing the phone not to work etc.

2010-01-18, 07:18
Also the reverse - being able to access files and directories on my PC. Having to bluetooth is a pain. Having to plug in the cable works fine except for the memory card that keeps corrupting and going into read only and needing repair - causing the phone not to work etc.

I believe if you search for 'SMB' or 'samba' you can find threads that cover what is and isn't currently available on the n900 for accessing windows shares. this thread (http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=35542) is one I came across while looking for similar info.
