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View Full Version : Where I can buy N900 in NYC?

2010-02-08, 01:46
I m from europa and I m next week in new york city.
Where I can buy the nokia n900 in nyc?
I don t have any idea what shops are out there :-)

I saw that in the nokia store say "Temporarily out of stock " :(

what would u recommend?


2010-02-08, 01:48
Try online stores like amazon, newegg or dell.... then ship it to the place where you'll stay..

2010-02-08, 01:50
I prefer to buy it in a store.
any idea where I can get it?

2010-02-08, 01:55
The Nokia Flag store in mid-town Manhattan - Thats where I got mine

2010-02-08, 01:56

2010-02-08, 01:57
East 57th Street between Madison Ave and fifth - It'll cost you $620 after taxes

2010-02-08, 01:58
Will the deivce be exactly the same... im going back to my old PAL NTSC playstation days here I know.... Just hes from Europe and buying it in US.

I would just wait and get it in you home country as im not sure how the warranty works if you buy it oversees, get it home and its got dead pixels.

2010-02-08, 01:58
I prefer to buy it in a store.
any idea where I can get it?

5 East 57th Street

Big blue wall outside

Google Map (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&q=5+E+57th+St,+New+York,+10022&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=46.630055,93.076172&ie=UTF8&cd=1&geocode=FTb-bQIdZUKX-w&split=0&hq=&hnear=5+E+57th+St,+New+York,+10022&ll=40.762688,-73.973316&spn=0.001369,0.00284&t=h&z=19&layer=c&cbll=40.762732,-73.973422&panoid=g3iEVSSF13NVA4kYHSMd8Q&cbp=12,38.5,,0,-3.5)

$620 USD after taxes is what i paid for mine

2010-02-08, 02:00
Will the deivce be exactly the same... im going back to my old PAL NTSC playstation days here I know.... Just hes from Europe and buying it in US.

I would just wait and get it in you home country as im not sure how the warranty works if you buy it oversees, get it home and its got dead pixels.

yes you can switch between PAL and NTSC in the settings for TV out.

2010-02-08, 02:02
Sorry not specifically talking about TV out, but is the device exactly the same and compatible with a Europe network... Also depending on the country hes from will he need a transformer to change the charger to 220v say?

2010-02-08, 02:05
Sorry not specifically talking about TV out, but is the device exactly the same and compatible with a Europe network... Also depending on the country hes from will he need a transformer to change the charger to 220v say?
yes he will need a different charger unless he lives on a US installation where they still use 110VAC

2010-02-08, 02:11
Its not a new battery aswell is it due to the ampage?

2010-02-08, 02:16
Its not a new battery aswell is it due to the ampage?

no, the battery will work regardless of the amperage

2010-02-08, 07:54
I bought mine from NOKIA store on 5th avenue.
Google it you will find stores that sell it. Here is one 18 street http://www.adorama.com/NON900.html?searchinfo=n900 selling for $549.