View Full Version : Doom on the N800

2007-01-28, 22:09
I searched and didn't find anyone referencing this repository so I thought I'd pass it along:Catalog name: Doom and other games
Web Address: http://marceloeduardo.com/apt
Distribution: mistral
Components: games
As you'd suspect from the cat name, Doom is here along with other games.

(thanks for forwarding this Anthony!)

2007-02-20, 01:49
Cool - I was just looking for this.

2007-04-09, 00:07
I added the repository and installed lxdoom. However, when I try to run the game, I get a window saying LXDOOM - loading. After about 20 seconds, the window closes and nothing happens. The same happens when I run maemodrac. Am I missing a lib or something? I'm using an N800.

2007-04-28, 12:10
I strangely enough got the same error the first times I tried both of those games on my N800, but then suddenly they both worked. I wonder if they need to build a database or something the first time they run, then work fine later? I probably rebooted between trying them so maybe try that to see if it gets you going.

2007-05-22, 19:11
a shame the controls are a bit annoying to change around but excellent work :)