View Full Version : Problem with deleting files on N900::

2010-02-24, 10:13
Sorry if this is in wrong topic, there are so many topics also if there is a similar thread could you link me to it please, sorry.


When I try to delete files from my phone memory using the file manager it says:

'Can't delete file, selected drive is read only'

How do I go about making it not-read only, I'm guessing something has messed it up, because it wouldn't come as read only lol.

Thanks in advance;

2010-02-24, 11:14
From what memory are you trying to delete (storage space, app space, rootfs)? What file manager are you using? Is your N900 connected to your PC at the time? Are you sure that no application uses that file? Too many questions...

2010-02-24, 11:16
I'm using the standard file manager, I can't create folders etc. I jsut checked my friends one and he can do that.

Andre Klapper
2010-02-24, 11:19
I remember one report in bugs.maemo.org that was about a read-only file system. However as written before way more info is needed here first.

Andre Klapper
2010-02-24, 11:19
@RDK: And please answer the questions by zwer... all of them...
Exact steps welcome.

2010-02-24, 11:24
Download rootsh if you don't have it, open terminal, type root and then:
fsck.vfat -a /dev/mmcblk0p1
Then reboot the device (just type reboot after it's done) and you should be good to go, next time eject the device before disconnecting the USB and don't pull out the battery without shutting down the device.

2010-02-24, 11:24
@RDK: And please answer the questions by zwer... all of them...
Exact steps welcome.

Sorry master.

I am trying to delete files from: phonememory -Video Clips via the File manager that came with the N900. My N900 isn't connected to a PC I have no applications running the file in question is a film that doesn't work. A simple .avi file.

Any other questions?

@Mohammed, O crap, I have done both of those, my phone crashed so I took the battery out, I've also took the battery out without it being properly shutdown (got tired of waiting) and also I have just taken it out of the USB thing without it safetly removing it.

I'll keep that in mind, reckless noob alert. Lol.

I'll update you after I have done what you said mate.

2010-02-24, 11:32
Okay, I downloaded rootsh, opened X Terminal done that and this is the readout:

~ $ fsck.vfat -a /dev/mmcblk0p1
-sh fsck.vfat not found

2010-02-24, 11:34
Type root (then enter) before doing the command

2010-02-24, 11:36
O sorry. On it!

2010-02-24, 11:38
Okay update:

Typed root, done all that, then it scrolled up loads of numbers says something about clusters being wrong etc, made a few files 0 bytes performed changes and is done, restarting it now, I'll update again after.

2010-02-24, 11:49
Okay I have loads of new files in my main directory namely like this:

To 0012.

Wahey it works! Thanks pal! Nice job.

2010-02-24, 11:51
Assuming you can delete them, they might be corrupt files (or files with corrupt filenames) that were renamed.
And np mate :)

2010-02-24, 12:08
Yeh, it seems a whole folder of music was corrupted (that was when the N900 froze on me), even though it shows the files in the music folder they were in it says they can't be played due to the codec and they are just simple .mp3 files lol. Thanks alot for your help again, I've thanked you on every post you have made lol. Take care mate.