View Full Version : streaming iplayer problem

2010-02-25, 08:59
when i try wachin iplayer the stream keeps on freezing,youtube etc works fine,any ideas?

2010-02-25, 09:05
when i try wachin iplayer the stream keeps on freezing,youtube etc works fine,any ideas?

Stutters and freezes can either be due to excessive workload on the N900 (have you got lots going on at same time) or insufficient streaming speed. The later can be due to local reasons such as a bad Cell/WiFi signal or congestion between your unit and the BBC servers.

Suggestion would be to see if you are loading your N900 too much and check the network signal level too. Unfortunatel you haven't posted enough information to do more detailed analysis.

Alex Atkin UK
2010-02-25, 11:20
As far as I am aware nobody has iPlayer working properly on the N900 as it tries to stream PC quality which the N900 cannot handle. Unless the BBC detect the N900 correctly or we use a dedicated application, its unfixable.

2010-02-25, 11:24
See my post here.

By doing the instructions, you can make the iplayer watchable :p
(reasonably watchable, not perfect)

2010-02-25, 12:29
its very watchable, thanks so much for sharing....

a lot of the stuff on here goes straight over my head, so please a user friendly answer for a non teccy.....

is it possible to download progs to watch later ?

2010-02-25, 12:34
its very watchable, thanks so much for sharing....

a lot of the stuff on here goes straight over my head, so please a user friendly answer for a non teccy.....

is it possible to download progs to watch later ?

You need a special decoder to watch files on the desktop.

2010-02-25, 12:39
Switching wifi power saving off improves things for me.

2010-02-25, 12:43
oh a special decoder, hmmmm, I wonder if they sell them in asda!

Thanks, at least i know I cant do it and will stop planning to download lots of things to watch on the airoplane

2010-02-25, 23:48
well i have tried iplayer with nothing else runing at the same time.i would say my wifi is not oo bad.the router cowt me £90 and isnt a cheapy 1.i havnt tried the power saving thing il give that a go and let u no how i gt on

2010-02-25, 23:56
ive forgot where to turn the power saving thing for wifi is.any pointers thank you

2010-02-26, 00:30
when i try wachin iplayer the stream keeps on freezing,youtube etc works fine,any ideas?

see my thread here...it works perfectly :)