View Full Version : How open is the Calendar app?

2010-03-05, 15:02
Threads passim have bemoaned the shortcomings of the Calendar app in various aspects. The ones which annoy me most are the inability to set times with more precision than 5 minutes and not being able to set event repetition at other than daily, weekly or monthly or annually. However, the underlying calendar engine is perfectly capable of both; I have imported iCalendar files with events starting at an odd number of minutes (thanks traintimes.org.uk) or which have a 4-weekly repetition (grudging thanks Outlook). However, in the latter case when opening the event it claims to be a weekly event, though it displays properly, and editing it changes the repetition to weekly. This leads me to think a number of things:

1. It is the event editing interface which is inadequate rather than the calendar engine. Therefore, it may well be that the forthcoming firmware upgrade sorts this out.

2. If not, what we need is an improved event editing interface. Now the really hackish way around it would be to save a few .ics template files, edit them with leafpad or PyGTKEditor and open them (from File Manager?) to get the events into the calendar, but I also wonder whether the Calendar app is open enough to allow the community to replace the event editing dialogue?

3. Typing this it occurs to me that the editing .ics and importing might also be a way of setting different alarm times to those in the editing interface.

2010-03-05, 15:09
To answer the thread title, I don't believe that app is open at all, unfortunately.

2010-03-05, 15:29
The backend is open, while UI, applet and core app are closed, according to http://stskeeps.subnetmask.net/maemo.org/openness/pr1.1/

The issues you describe probably reside in the closed parts, unfortunately

2010-03-05, 16:03
I recommend waiting to see if this opens up when the MeeGo repository is opened to the public later this month (if someone knows the answer, please let us know). If the calendar UI does not get opened up, we should start a reimplementation of the UI with more complete support for the backend.

This is also relevant for synchronizing calendars from other sources (e.g. erminig-ng). Currently we can potentially sync recurring events with more complex rules, but the UI will not properly reflect those rules.

2010-03-05, 16:09
I recommend waiting to see if this opens up when the MeeGo repository is opened to the public later this month (if someone knows the answer, please let us know). If the calendar UI does not get opened up, we should start a reimplementation of the UI with more complete support for the backend.

No need to wait. Nokia have already said that it won't be opened.

2010-03-06, 16:49
Unfortunatley it would appear that our only option is to vote for the Brainstorms (not sure how seriously these are taken by Nokia).

The one for the Calendar app is here (http://maemo.org/community/brainstorm/view/improving_the_calendar_in_n900). I believe your concerns are already listed.