View Full Version : Flashing uk (203) variant

2010-03-10, 20:09

I need to flash my UK variant n900 PR 1.1 to Global variant 1.1, should i flash my emmc before or after the firmware flash? and where do i get maps once i flash my emmc?
any help would be highly appreciated. thanks

2010-03-10, 20:18

Unless you have a problem with your existing installation or explicitly want to flash to a "clean slate" I would recommend just flashing to the image.

How come you need to flash in the first place?


2010-03-10, 20:18
people say flash emmc vanilla first... maps should be downloaded as and when you need them? id assume. no major advantage of flashing to global firmware tho... just wait for 1.2 to finaly appear!! then maybe flash the whole device... why you flashing for?

only really worth doing it if you have an actuall problem tho!

2010-03-10, 20:44
Flashing eMMC will wipe everything on /home/user that includes Maps data
You need Maps Loader to put the maps back in or you'll be constantly downloading maps data on the move.

2010-03-11, 09:31
Hi again

Actually I am having two problems 1. my battery life is weak...I need to recharge my n900 at least twice a day (these are full recharge cycles) and 2. I get a yellowish patch on on the top left hand corner under the nokia sign, it is mostly visible on white/gray screens specially while surfing on microb....although i have been told by people its just my eyes.

2010-03-11, 09:46
I get a yellowish patch on on the top left hand corner under the nokia sign, it is mostly visible on white/gray screens specially while surfing on microb....although i have been told by people its just my eyes.

Either there is a mark there or not?? If it's a problem with the screen - which sounds likely - flashing isn't going to resolve this.

2010-03-11, 10:03
i have a mark top right. only shows up on white backgrounds. flashing it wont sort that out... tough cookies!! battery life shouldnt be that poor unless your constantly using it!! again flash wont sort that out either. try having less widgets active and less stuff connecting to the net. skype etc...

2010-03-11, 10:45
@ cashclientel : I am not sure about the smudge, sometimes i can see it, other times when i want to concentrate on it I can't...strange :S

screenshot: 8011
@ sajman : is the smudge always visible ( its kinda light yellowish fade on white screens) ? battery is probably because i use the phone a lot. 80% of the time i am either connected via wifi or edge, I use it more as a pc, and yes most of my widgets are also accessing the web 24/7. Can i get a bigger battery with more juice? is it available in the market?

2010-03-11, 10:53
screen shot (battery eye) : 8012

2010-03-11, 10:55
alinoor - i can't see any marks on that white image you uploaded so would say this is a hardware issue (i.e. not solved by reflashing)

2010-03-11, 11:09
@ cashclientel : I can't see it myself too...its just very strange...it just bothers me that's all, my brother and friends couldn't see the difference, maybe its me...anyhow thanks for all your help sir / ma'am.