View Full Version : Album-art playlist widgets

2010-05-07, 18:46
I wager there's a way to do this with the proper shortcut files, but wouldn't it be neat to have a widget that could create icons for specific songs/albums/videos you want to play in your mediaplayer?

This is mostly an excuse to have my favorite album artwork clickable and browsable on a home-screen. :-)

2011-03-12, 15:46
Whoa! Shameless B-U-M-P


I'm looking for a way to get a shortcut to specific albums directly from my desktop. I've just configured my N900 to work as an in-car media centre and sat nav routed through the FM transmitter all controlled through very finger friendly beecons, but I would also like to hot-link directly to albums - does anyone know the code for a beecon or another way of hotlinking to individual albums?

Phone Control linking to media player would work, but using the following test scripts in xTerm returns "Unable to Find Media File";

dbus-send --print-reply --dest=com.nokia.mediaplayer /com/nokia/mediaplayer com.nokia.mediaplayer.mime_open string:"file:///home/user/MyDocs/.sounds/<Album Name>/*.mp3"

Although if anyone has any other pointers that would tweak this script to run a full album of songs rather than a single media file I would be in awe :D

Any help greatly appreciated.

2011-03-12, 20:30

2011-03-12, 21:03
Listing albums with MAFW is actually piss easy (as I've found with my media player rewrite), it's only a matter of listing them, then when you click an album, it'd iterate (go over) all songs in the album and add them to a playlist then play that.

It's all actually quite easy, but I've never looked at home screen applets.

2011-03-15, 09:10
Listing albums with MAFW is actually piss easy (as I've found with my media player rewrite), it's only a matter of listing them, then when you click an album, it'd iterate (go over) all songs in the album and add them to a playlist then play that.

It's all actually quite easy, but I've never looked at home screen applets.

Maybe you could take the contents of this thread as a sort of feature request for your player! :)