View Full Version : What do I need to start developing applications?

2010-05-17, 20:28
Hello Maemo!
I've been browsing this forum for more than a year, mainly because I'm interested in the Nokia N900, but I don't own one yet. I'm also interested in developing new applications, I already have some good ideas but I don't know anything about programming languages. I used to make simple flash games in actionscript 2, but I can't do anything other than a bouncy ball which you can play with using the mouse. Where do I start? What programming languages do I need to learn to develop Maemo5 or Meego applications? I am willing to spend months on learning how to make the N900 better :D
Can you also give me some links to tutorials?
Thanks in advance

2010-05-17, 20:32
Where do I start? What programming languages do I need to learn to develop Maemo5 or Meego applications? I am willing to spend months on learning how to make the N900 better :D
Can you also give me some links to tutorials?
Thanks in advance
Knock yourself out, buddy (http://maemo.org/development/)

2010-05-17, 20:35
Here's a few:

2010-05-18, 12:53
For beginners to programming, python is often recommended.

You can practice your general programming and computer science skills with python and you will also be able to program for maemo/meego with python.

Here's a noobs tutorial for programming (in general) and python (in particular): http://openbookproject.net/thinkcs/python/english2e/

Here's the official python tutorial: http://docs.python.org/tutorial/

And here's an MIT course, including video lectures, in computer science using python (even if they use python, it's not for learning python, but for learning concepts of computer science): http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Electrical-Engineering-and-Computer-Science/6-00Fall-2008/LectureVideos/index.htm

2010-05-18, 12:54
And a dream. Don't forget a dream :).

Seriously though a good idea is often the hardest part of dev :)

2010-05-18, 13:08
And a dream. Don't forget a dream :).

Seriously though a good idea is often the hardest part of dev :)

It is, indeed.

When I ordered the N900 I asked anyone I know what I could code. It's useless to have programming skills and no Idea what to do with them :p

2010-05-18, 13:48
For beginners to programming, python is often recommended.

You can practice your general programming and computer science skills with python and you will also be able to program for maemo/meego with python.

Here's a noobs tutorial for programming (in general) and python (in particular): http://openbookproject.net/thinkcs/python/english2e/

Here's the official python tutorial: http://docs.python.org/tutorial/

And here's an MIT course, including video lectures, in computer science using python (even if they use python, it's not for learning python, but for learning concepts of computer science): http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Electrical-Engineering-and-Computer-Science/6-00Fall-2008/LectureVideos/index.htm

Thanks! I will read through those! The first thing that I will try to make is a menu template which I will use as a root for future projects. brb, reading