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2010-07-11, 20:53
Hi all,


I have taken stuff from the How to get bluetooth pc105 keyboards to work with N900 (http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=38372) and N900 Working Bluetooth Mouse (http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=57427) and I have made a package that gets Bluetooth keyboards and mice (Human Input Devices or "HID") working with the N900.

You need to enable Extras-devel (Dangerous and advanced! Be careful with this!) You can install it from the System category in the App Manager, or as bt-hid-scripts from apt-get.

UPDATE December 2010:

These scripts now depend on freemangordon's mouse driver and keyboard layouts. If you wish to have a GUI to configure your external mouse and keyboard, or you wish to connect USB devices instead, then use his applications instead, Ext Kbd and Ext Mou.

UPDATE Version 0.8:

So the procedure now is:

1. Pair your devices with the N900 via the Bluetooth menu.
2. Use the "BT HID Connect" icon to connect your devices properly (this will make the BT logo stay blue, the mouse and keyboard will work, incompletely)
3. Make sure your devices are disconnected, then start the "BT HID Watcher" icon to auto-configure your N900 when the devices connect.
4. Turn on your device, press a key on the keyboard, wiggle the mouse, or whatever you need to do to initiate connection, and then watch for the yellow banner on the N900 saying that you're connected. The mouse pointer should become visible for a mouse, and the keyboard should have numbers and special characters properly mapped.

Note that you may need to open the N900 keyboard and press a key to get the external keyboard working properly, and the mouse pointer is not properly visible or operational in the browser.

These scripts work very well with the Microsoft Bluetooth Notebook Mouse 5000 and the Micro Innovations folding BT keyboard (MP-0118) from DealExtreme (http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.34724).

Older Versions:

The main script at the moment is the BT HID Connect script (bt-dbus-connect) and icon. This script connects BT devices that seem to pair (the N900 claims the device is paired) but then don't actually connect (the BT icon on the N900 stays white). This worked to connect both my Think Outside Stowaway Keyboard and Microsoft Bluetooth Notebook Mouse 5000. You have to pair the device first and then click on the BT HID Connect icon. Choose your device from the list and it should start connecting after that.

I have another script, set-bt-input, run as root, which can turn the BT input profile on or off. It is turned on upon install.

I have also most of the pieces to make BT keyboards and mice actually work once they are connected.


I have included qobi's xkb-chinook hack to remap external keyboards so the numbers and special characters work. Run the bt-kbd-remap script to make the keyboard work properly with both Maemo and Easy Debian LXDE.

To set your keyboard layout, create or edit a file in your home directory (it will be created for you the first time you run bt-kbd-remap):


Change those three lines to match your keyboard.

The script needs to be run every time the keyboard reconnects, even after waking up from sleep. I still need to get a script set up to check for keyboard connection and run the remap script when it connects.


I have included azerty1's fixed mouse driver (evdev_drv.so) so if your mouse can connect, it will probably work. It should just work with Easy Debian LXDE (where it is most useful).

If you want to try the mouse with Maemo, I've included azerty1's showmouse and hidemouse scripts for making the mouse pointer visible in Maemo. You have to run them from the terminal or make your own icons for those.


Make a device connection detector that runs the keyboard remap script if a keyboard connects or the visible mouse script if the mouse connects. If the mouse disconnects, run the hidemouse script. Done, this is the watcher script
Have someone package the patched mouse driver, and then depend on that package. I can't move my package out of Extras-devel with azerty1's binary embedded in my package. Done, freemangordon has made an opensource version.
Have someone package freemangordon's bluetooth module patches. Titan's kernel (or an extra modules package) should come with the patched module, and there should be a package for the standard kernel too. (has this been fixed, too?)
Fix all the bugs you will find!

2010-07-11, 21:09
Testing as I type. Will report back :-)

EDIT: I can't get it to work. I pair the mouse (the same as you, MS BT Notebook Mouse 5000), open BT HID Connect but I see nothing on the list.

I tried rebooting, restarting bt... nothing.

2010-07-11, 21:33
I tried it with 0.1 and 0.2, but on both, the list of keyboards appears empty on my n900.

The keyboard is "Leasun Bluetooth Wireless Keyboard".

When launching bt-dbus-connect, it appears on the console:

cat: can't open '/var/lib/bluetooth/0*/names': No such file or directory
cat: can't open '/var/lib/bluetooth/0*/names': No such file or directory

, and on the n900 screen, the list is empty

It connects when I manually launch:

dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=org.bluez /org/bluez/673/hci0/dev_01_18_09_12_04_BD org.bluez.Input.Connect

bt-kbd-remap, tells me there is no keyboard when I launch it, if I have not connected the keyboard.

After connecting with dbus-send, it shows this error:

/usr/bin/bt-kbd-remap: line 57: syntax error: "fi" unexpected (expecting "then")

I hope I may help.

2010-07-11, 21:41
I can't connect Apple Mighty Mouse. after runnumg app, there is no item in the list.
I turn on BT, then go to devices > New > find my mouse and pair it before running app.

2010-07-11, 21:42
Even with my BT keyboard (HP Ipaq) already paired the script shows no devices detected.

Probably because this keyboard requires KBDD to work I guess.

2010-07-11, 23:20
Thanks everyone for your testing. I've made some fixes. My next version (released in a few minutes) has debugging for you to post when things don't work... Run bt-dbus-connect from the terminal and post the output.

bandario: yes, these scripts are for "modern" HID devices, but that might not be your problem here. The connect script should work at least...

2010-07-12, 01:19
With the latest version of the bt-hid-connect script, I was finally able to find and select my Think Outside Keyboard in the gui. The bluetooth icon does turn blue when I type on the BT keyboard, but I cannot generate text.

Upon running bt-kbd-remap in xterm, I get the "No external keyboard found!" warning.

I tried to run bt-hid-connect in xterm as you requested, but I get "not found" in response. Should I be in a certain directory or run as root?

2010-07-12, 01:58
With the latest version of the bt-hid-connect script, I was finally able to find and select my Think Outside Keyboard in the gui. The bluetooth icon does turn blue when I type on the BT keyboard, but I cannot generate text.

The fact you get a blue icon means you're connected. Type something on the internal keyboard and then try on the external keyboard.

Also check the Bluetooth menu, devices, and your keyboard. Is the "disconnect" button active?

I tried to run bt-hid-connect in xterm as you requested, but I get "not found" in response. Should I be in a certain directory or run as root?

Sorry, bt-dbus-connect is the correct command.

2010-07-12, 02:00
How odd. After updating to the latest version the program now crashes upon execute (nice new icon though).

If I try to run it from command line using bt-hid-connect i just get an error that says: not found.

Doesn't matter if I am root or not.

Where can I find the log file?
Huge thanks for your efforts by the way! It would be amazing to get this working properly. I will just buy a newer BT keyboard if I have to, which one are you using?

Pretty keen to get this up and running.
I have previously managed to get the KB to the stage where I can use the letters but I had to do everything from the command line each time using KBDD...pain in the bum.

As soon as I have got the keyboard map working I will try and work on a script to execute KBDD automatically from the desktop...not sure how I'll manage but we will see.

2010-07-12, 02:02
doesn't work for me qole. i run the app and i get a blank list.

i run it from a command prompt and i see

Nokia-N900-42-11:/usr/bin# bt-dbus-connect
cat: can't open '/var/lib/bluetooth/0*/names': No such file or directory
cat: can't open '/var/lib/bluetooth/0*/names': No such file or directory

2010-07-12, 02:12
droll: please upgrade to version 0.3.
bandario: I gave the wrong command, try bt-dbus-connect.

Any mouse reports? Ironically, my Microsoft mouse isn't responding properly anymore, it has gotten super-sensitive again, even after the new evdev_drv.so. Boy this is frustrating!

2010-07-12, 02:13
btw, running the commands manually, i see

Nokia-N900-42-11:/usr/bin# dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=org.bluez /org/bluez/3526/hci0/dev_00_03_C9_08_FB_BC org.bluez.Input.Connect
method return sender=:1.511 -> dest=:1.535 reply_serial=2

how do i upgrade to 0.3? i just installed the version from the repository.

2010-07-12, 02:38
modified your script slightly. it now shows the keyboard in the dialog.

bluetooth icon turns blue momentarily when i click on OK
then it goes back to white.

1) i see a mouse cursor now when a text field has focus
2) when i tap on keys on the keyboard, the bluetooth icon turns blue for a while

a bit more testing and now the bluetooth icon is permanently blue. didn't do anything else other than jam on the keys of my ThinkOutside keyboard a bit more and ran a few more apps.

but i still don't see any keyboard input.

2010-07-12, 02:39

is there any chance to either:

-be able to use BT mice and Sixaxis controllers simultaneously
-use the Sixaxis as a 'mouse' (as analog for cursor movement and buttons as buttons....)




You may already use sixaxis as a mouse. Left stick is mapped to mouse movements.

And working together with mouse is unlikely. Mouse needs BlueZ input subsystem which conflicts with sixad.
You may try to convince BlueZ authors to bring back SIXAXIS support in BlueZ layer. It used to work with older versions without need for separate daemon, but the support was removed.

hmmmmmmmmmmmm any chance we can fix this?

2010-07-12, 03:11
f2thak: to turn off input profile while using sixaxis, gain root and run

set-bt-input off

To switch back to "mouse mode", turn bt input back on (as root again):

set-bt-input on

2010-07-12, 03:21
The fact you get a blue icon means you're connected. Type something on the internal keyboard and then try on the external keyboard.

Also check the Bluetooth menu, devices, and your keyboard. Is the "disconnect" button active?

Thanks Qole. I've been struggling with the keyboard for the past week or so (I could get my iGo Stowaway keyboard to pair with the N900, but I could never get JoHnY's commands to work), so perhaps my issues have nothing to do with the scripts you packaged.

Anyway, my keyboard generally seems to go back to sleep very quickly (I've even tried it with fresh batteries). So, I get the bt icon to turn blue when I type, but it goes back to white very quickly. Likewise, I did check BT menu, and the "disconnect" button is indeed active for the keyboard, but only when I'm typing.

Using the bt-dbus-connect command, I typically get

Error org.bluez.Error.ConnectionAttemptFailed: Host is down (112)

Finally, similarly to droll, I occasionally see a mouse pointer, and sometimes the bt icon stays permanently blue.

Anyway, thank you very much for getting this packaged. The Stowaway was such a great companion to my n800, hopefully we are on our way to getting it to work reliably with the n900.

2010-07-12, 03:25
after installing this package, my sixaxis refuses to work with my n900 anymore. :( sigh.......tried uninstalling reinstalling the sixaxis packages and rebooting the phone. nada.

2010-07-12, 03:43
klinglerware: I had a terrible time getting my Stowaway keyboard to pair with my N900, I had to try again and again to find the magic sequence; hit Ctrl+Fn+Fn, set code on N900, type code on keyboard, get it paired... but not really. So try again... and again, trying the Ctrl+Fn+Fn at different points, etc. Finally, the keyboard seemed to stay flashing green, and then I could do the dbus connect scripts.

droll: do the "set-bt-input off" instructions i gave above work for you to get sixaxis working?

2010-07-12, 03:53
nope. doesn't work for me. :(

i'm starting to think i may have to reflash the device.

2010-07-12, 04:18
Just a warning: I've fixed the mouse problem (I had the patched driver in the wrong directory), but upgrading to the new version may cause your device to reboot! :eek:

2010-07-12, 04:29
just reflashed my phone. still in the process of restoring the applications.

2010-07-12, 05:09
Can anyone report success with these scripts?

They work for me...

2010-07-12, 07:25
Hi Qole,

I've been trying to connect my BT mouse since i got my N900, bow i am success to connect my Vaio Mouse to N900 and Also Keyboard work fine. the problem i had now are: The mouse pointer isnt visible on screen like bt-hid-scripts 0.3, my vaio keyboard isnt work as what the key said. i notice that the number isn't working, until i hold Alt and letter QWERTYUIOP like built-in N900 keyboard. How to make it work as its keyboard driver? it's seem that the 105 keys Keyboard driver not yet sucess. i dont know. i am could be wrong.


2010-07-12, 07:26
And also please show the how to turn on and off mouse visible?

2010-07-12, 08:06
With my Palm 3245WW the script can make a connection after I press the Enter key, but if I press any key after that the connection dies. If it helps I get this in the terminal when I run bt-dbus-connect:

method return sender=:1.32 -> dest=:1.189 reply_serial=2

EDIT: My phone rebooted while this was installing. Is that normal?

2010-07-12, 09:47
Last couple of days i am working on Qt UI for showing/hiding cursor automatically on connect/disconnect and for my surprise it seems that Qt applications somehow cache cursor - xsetroot does not change cursor visibility for already started applications.

Could someone check if it is the same on his/her n900 or it is just mine :D

@qole - re introducing bt kernel module patch - about a month ago i tried to join as a developer in kernel-power project, still no answer from project admin. Maybe someone more famous than me here on tmo :) should contact titan and kindly ask him to include the patch and make a new version of kenel-power. But then we still have problem with stock kernel - majority of BT mice will not work without new BT module (at least that is my impression following original "BT mouse working now" thread and my own experience). What i do not understand is why you cold not make it out of extras-devel if there is a binary in package - i have attached modules for both titian's and stock kernel, so why not use it? And what i propose is to use my version of evdev_drv.so as it seems to me that azerty1 is missing somewhere :D and no one but him has source code for his version.

2010-07-12, 09:50
With my Palm 3245WW the script can make a connection after I press the Enter key, but if I press any key after that the connection dies. If it helps I get this in the terminal when I run bt-dbus-connect:

method return sender=:1.32 -> dest=:1.189 reply_serial=2

EDIT: My phone rebooted while this was installing. Is that normal?

For some reason replacing evdev_drv.so leads to reboot - maybe it is memlocked or something, so we can assume it is normal :D

2010-07-12, 10:08
I'm still playing with the scripts, but as I was looking over them, I see what seems to be a typo in the set-bt-input file, line 5:
- ser=`whoami`
+ user=`whoami`

2010-07-12, 11:05
f2thak: to turn off input profile while using sixaxis, gain root and run

set-bt-input off

To switch back to "mouse mode", turn bt input back on (as root again):

set-bt-input on

I did this, then BT wouldnt work at all! Had to reboot !?

Just a warning: I've fixed the mouse problem (I had the patched driver in the wrong directory), but upgrading to the new version may cause your device to reboot! :eek:

yes, it does !! freaked me out a bit...:eek:

2010-07-12, 11:51
Hmm, using latest version I was able to pair my BT mouse (MS BT notebook mouse 5000) and sensitivity is good again. After the upgrade my N900 rebooted.

How can I show / hide the mouse cursor? Now it only shows in some applications.

2010-07-12, 12:15
Can anyone report success with these scripts?

They work for me...

Thanks for the advice about the false "pairing" of the Stowaway, I will keep trying to pair until it "takes".

If I manage to get the initial pairing to work, I will play around with using your scripts some more. Eventually though, I may consider re-flashing: I am noticing some degradation in performance (e.g., slow/jerky scrolling in the web browser, text highlighting unexpectedly), and some minor annoyances such as the mouse pointer showing up in certain applications (e.g., Touch-search widget, Conversations widget, etc).

Again, thanks for your work on the scripts--it is getting me encouraged that my BT keyboard eventually will work.

2010-07-12, 12:24
This is so great, my iiGo Stowaway keyboard works really nice :)


I was wondering though, is there any way to get localized keyboard layouts to work?

I'm from Denmark, and we use the letters æ, ø and å alot.

It worked fine on my N810, and I would love, if it could too on the N900.

2010-07-12, 13:06

How can I show / hide the mouse cursor? Now it only shows in some applications.


2010-07-12, 14:39
To those wanting to show the mouse cursor: use the included "showmouse" and "hidemouse" scripts. I'm working on making it automatic.

Does anyone know about dbus and python? I hook a routine to the "PropertyChanged" of the mouse and the keyboard, but when I get a notification, I don't know which device has changed. Here's a code snippet.

First I connect the devices:

interface = dbus.Interface(bus.get_object('org.bluez',
adapter + "/" + DEVICE),

interface.connect_to_signal("PropertyChanged", connected)

then in the handler:

def connected(*args, **kwargs):
if args[0] == "Connected":
if args[1] == False:
iface.SystemNoteInfoprint("BT device disconnected")
iface.SystemNoteInfoprint("BT device connected")

I copy-pasted the code from the wiki. I don't know what the args are, or the kwargs. Where is the device info passed?

2010-07-12, 14:59
the args are the non-parametrized args (=like classic php, c, js, etc), the kwargs are the parametrized ones (=like myfunc(paramname=1)). These two contain ALL the arguments you might have called that function with, a sort of python catch-all. HTH (you can always 'print args').

2010-07-12, 15:20
showmouse / hidemouse seem to do the job, but in some applications the mouse pointer is always visible... For example SleepAnalyzer and every text field (touch it).

How can this be turned off, its really annoying. Uninstalling doesn't do the trick.

2010-07-12, 19:24
I've added a bit to the first post to explain how to change your keyboard layout using the ~/.btkeyboard config file.

I've got a working python script that detects mouse and keyboard connections/disconnections and runs the appropriate scripts. The next version (0.5) will have this.

Does anyone have a bluetooth mouse / keyboard or combo that does not have the appropriate "keyboard" or "mouse" in the device name? I mean, do you have a keyboard/mouse combo that doesn't have "mouse" in the name? I'm trying to figure out a rule that will detect if a device is a keyboard or mouse, and so far, all I have is that it has the device type in its name.

2010-07-12, 21:01
Qole, would it be posible to include an option to launch some external script/binary, when the device connects/disconnects?

I've made a script, to launch things like alt-tab/alt-f4 with shortcuts, and I have to launch xbindkeys when keybard is connected, and kill it when I stop using it.

Just if you may, and you find it convenient of course.

2010-07-12, 21:25
qole, I have a Keysonic bt mouse/keyboard combo (ack-340bt).

Tell me which output you want - dmesg?


2010-07-12, 22:10
asys3: I want the name of your device, as shown in /var/lib/bluetooth/[bt-addr]/names so I can see what possibilities I should search for.

jormartr: I have modified the script from the wiki to detect mouse and keyboard connections. At the moment it just launches showmouse for the mouse and bt-kbd-remap for the keyboard, but perhaps I should make it launch user-set apps as well...

2010-07-12, 23:48
I am having some problems since installing this app (plus my KB still isn't working :|)

My web browser is acting crazy, as is my conversations display. I believe this is due to the presence of mouse cursor but I cannot get it to turn off. EDIT: scrolling through app icons in menu is also affected even though no cursor is visible here)

Any help without having to reflash? Just got everything the way I want it.

2010-07-13, 03:19
asys3: I want the name of your device, as shown in /var/lib/bluetooth/[bt-addr]/names so I can see what possibilities I should search for.

My Keysonic bt combo shows:
in names.

and in dmesg:

generic-bluetooth 0005:0DC6:3752.0001: input: BLUETOOTH HID v1.00 Keyboard [BTKB-69DC] on ...

It shows 'only' as a keyboard but works definitely as well as a mouse, because of the touchpad included.

In the bluettooth settings/device section it is shown as keyboard, too only.


2010-07-13, 03:51
The new version (0.5) has a daemon that waits for connections from your HID devices. It works well if you run it manually (bt-hid-connect-mgr.py or /etc/init.d/bt-hid-daemon start), but the instructions in the wiki to start it at boot don't seem to start it correctly... Still figuring it out...

2010-07-13, 04:15
this great... thanks qole

2010-07-13, 08:06
bt-hid-connect-mgr.py gives me this:

root@n900 ~ # Watching dev_01_18_09_12_04_BD
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/bt-hid-connect-mgr.py", line 110, in <module>
File "/usr/bin/bt-hid-connect-mgr.py", line 95, in main
adapter + "/" + DEVICE),
File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.5/dbus/bus.py", line 244, in get_object
follow_name_owner_changes=follow_name_owner_change s)
File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.5/dbus/proxies.py", line 237, in __init__
ValueError: Invalid object path '/org/bluez/1061/hci0/': ends with '/' and is not just '/'

This happens with keyboard connected, and disconnected.

2010-07-13, 08:21
I am having some problems since installing this app (plus my KB still isn't working :|)

My web browser is acting crazy, as is my conversations display. I believe this is due to the presence of mouse cursor but I cannot get it to turn off. EDIT: scrolling through app icons in menu is also affected even though no cursor is visible here)

Any help without having to reflash? Just got everything the way I want it.

Do they also crash to you? It also happens to me and I thought it was because I switched my shell from busybox to bash...

2010-07-13, 11:56
Nah, no crashes at all touch wood.

My phone has never crashed anything except for DrNok SNES emulator.

Qole - any chance of this ever being expanded to include keyboards the use KBDD?

Or alternatively, can anyone advise me of a cheap 4 row foldable keyboard that is currently working including numbers without hours of messing around.

2010-07-13, 13:01
The new version (0.5) has a daemon that waits for connections from your HID devices. It works well if you run it manually (bt-hid-connect-mgr.py or /etc/init.d/bt-hid-daemon start), but the instructions in the wiki to start it at boot don't seem to start it correctly... Still figuring it out...

You may try kicking it with udev once a device connects.
This is how I launch sixad once SIXAXIS controller connects.

2010-07-13, 13:50
Thanks for the effort they are doing.

To me, it does not work the "-layout es" n900 returns "Error loading new keyboard description".

Qole - any chance of this ever being expanded to include keyboards the use KBDD?
It seems an excellent suggestion

2010-07-13, 15:27
jormartr: it seems to be hitting a blank device ID. When you run "BT HID Connect" from the menu, does your keyboard appear? If so, choose it. Does the bt-hid-connect-mgr.py still crash?

2010-07-13, 15:33
smoku: the wiki says (http://wiki.maemo.org/Fremantle_Bluetooth_Keyboard_Layout#Starting_daemo n_script_automatically) I should use this line to "hook into" the device startup. But logging tests sugggest to me that the daemon script isn't being run at all!

update-rc.d bt-hid-daemon start 99 1 2 3 4 5 . stop 99 0 6

2010-07-13, 17:37
I tried it with 0.1 and 0.2, but on both, the list of keyboards appears empty on my n900.

The keyboard is "Leasun Bluetooth Wireless Keyboard".

When launching bt-dbus-connect, it appears on the console:

cat: can't open '/var/lib/bluetooth/0*/names': No such file or directory
cat: can't open '/var/lib/bluetooth/0*/names': No such file or directory

, and on the n900 screen, the list is empty

It connects when I manually launch:

dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=org.bluez /org/bluez/673/hci0/dev_01_18_09_12_04_BD org.bluez.Input.Connect

bt-kbd-remap, tells me there is no keyboard when I launch it, if I have not connected the keyboard.

After connecting with dbus-send, it shows this error:

/usr/bin/bt-kbd-remap: line 57: syntax error: "fi" unexpected (expecting "then")

I hope I may help.

I have both the apple Mighty Mouse and Apple wireless keyboard (silver).
I am able to pair both devices and have them listed under [Bluetooth Devices]
At this point, on selecting any of them (mouse or keyboard) from the bluetooth devices list and clicking [edit], I do not get the connect button.

I then proceed to install your "BT HID Connect" scripts.
on runing the program, I see both the mouse and keyboard listed.

I then double click on each and get the bluetooth status to turn blue. {so I know they are connected}.

However, I cannot get the pointer to move (although it's visible) and I cannot get any key on the keyboard to work either.

This is as far as I get.

I get the very same error messages as quoted above by JORMARTR on trying those commands.

2010-07-13, 19:09
update-rc.d bt-hid-daemon start 99 1 2 3 4 5 . stop 99 0 6

This looks like standard SysV init. Maemo5 uses upstart.

2010-07-13, 19:25
Nah, no crashes at all touch wood.

My phone has never crashed anything except for DrNok SNES emulator.

I wasn't talking about the device, I was talking about Web and Messaging. I was getting "Internal error ..." messages and all I did on my N900 was installing this script and changing shell to bash.

Anyway those messages stopped now so I can't find out why it happened.

2010-07-13, 19:43
To me, it does not work the "-layout es" n900 returns "Error loading new keyboard description".

Anyone know why?

2010-07-13, 22:02
jormartr: it seems to be hitting a blank device ID. When you run "BT HID Connect" from the menu, does your keyboard appear? If so, choose it. Does the bt-hid-connect-mgr.py still crash?

If I use the program on the menu, works, but if I launch /etc/init.d/bt-hid-daemon, or bt-hid-connect-mgr,py, crashes.

2010-07-14, 00:19
I hate to be a pain in the arse and I know it is always a risk using things out of extras-devel but I would dearly love to restore my phone to the state it was in before installing this.

As stated the program ran for me first time but updated versions just crashed no matter from icon or command line.

I am now left with mouse cursor visible in a lot of places where it regularly messes with my ability to 'click and throw' to scroll.

IE: I have a lot of conversations and I can no longer do a quick drag up or down the screen to send it flying for a while.

How to turn off mouse cursor?! Uninstall process has obviously not been as clean as I'd like.

2010-07-14, 01:43
I hate to be a pain in the arse and I know it is always a risk using things out of extras-devel but I would dearly love to restore my phone to the state it was in before installing this.

As stated the program ran for me first time but updated versions just crashed no matter from icon or command line.

I am now left with mouse cursor visible in a lot of places where it regularly messes with my ability to 'click and throw' to scroll.

IE: I have a lot of conversations and I can no longer do a quick drag up or down the screen to send it flying for a while.

How to turn off mouse cursor?! Uninstall process has obviously not been as clean as I'd like.

I'm having the same issues. Kinetic scrolling wasn't working for me until I uninstalled this. And then, after it rebooted, a mouse cursor appeared and won't go away, although I have kinetic scrolling again.

And don't worry about being a pain--I'm sure qole appreciates everybody's testing and feedback :)

And to qole: Thanks for at least trying to make this stuff work. It's obviously in the very early stages, but if/when you figure out the problems with it it will really make my N900 perfect. BT HID is one thing I really miss from my N810. Thanks again. :D

2010-07-14, 08:10
bandario, FreeThinker:

Yes, I notice some of the same problems. Kinetic scrolling is not working very well, I see a grey screen briefly in the background often when I am moving between apps, and the mouse cursor appears after the phone has been "dormant" for a while.

I am currently using "hidemouse" to get rid of the cursor, but I don't know what to do about the other problems. I'm not sure what's causing them yet. Is it the new evdev_drv.so? I'm not sure.

2010-07-15, 04:08
0.6 fixes the "mouse pointer in text fields" problem. Still working on the other issues.

2010-07-15, 08:49


2010-07-15, 12:43
with my bt combo keyboard/mouse btkb-69dc i activate the mouse part as well, when connecting the keyboard via the gui of your package.
I can't switch to my german layout:
~ $ bt-kbd-remap
Int: (3) Ext: (4)
Setting ext keyboard layout:
setxkbmap -device 4 -I -I/usr/share/X11/xkb-chinook -rules base -model pc105 -layout de
Error loading new keyboard description

I set the .btkeyboard with base/pc105/de for german layout.

And it doesn't work.

Any ideas?

Second all numbers can only reached via longpress of the according key of the build-in keyboard e.g. 5 is displayed when long pressing t on my bt combo.

Any ideas where to change that?

Thanks so far for your great packaging - works better and better in each release...


2010-07-15, 13:18
since the laste update i'am unable to see the mouse curser anymore, in most maemo applications..
e.g. i liked it very much in the "faster application manager" and in the browser.... is there a way to activate it again beside going back to an earlier version ?

regards boogie

2010-07-15, 13:25
since the laste update i'am unable to see the mouse curser anymore, in most maemo applications..
e.g. i liked it very much in the "faster application manager" and in the browser.... is there a way to activate it again beside going back to an earlier version ?

regards boogie

you need to show mouse ??

try this

2010-07-15, 13:32
you need to show mouse ??

try this

you schould try it.. its kind of cool.. to navigate with the mouse.. and thats kind of hard if you cant see it.. ( especially in the fapman, browser, or simply in openoffice (if you lauch it from meamo))

edit: ok ooo shows the cursor again.. weird

2010-07-15, 14:04
worked for me thanks pal.. :-)

2010-07-15, 18:06
If you want the mouse pointer, run "showmouse" from the terminal. If you want to hide it, run "hidemouse".

But, just so f2thak will stop posting a link to his menu icon every time someone wants to know how to show the mouse ... ;) :p

I will include f2thak's mouse icon and a script that will toggle the mouse when you press the icon ... in the next version.

I'm still trying to debug the startup script that will automatically show the mouse cursor when you connect your mouse. It seems to be failing because Python can't find its libraries when the N900 is booting.


'import site' failed; use -v for traceback
'import site' failed; use -v for traceback
'import site' failed; use -v for traceback
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/bt-hid-connect-mgr.py", line 18, in <module>
import os
ImportError: No module named os
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/bt-hid-connect-mgr.py", line 18, in <module>
import os
ImportError: No module named os
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/bt-hid-connect-mgr.py", line 18, in <module>
import os
ImportError: No module named os

2010-07-15, 19:07
Can anyone report success with these scripts?

They work for me...

I'm using version 0.6 and I've finally gotten my MS Notebook Mouse 5000 to work. It's a PITA to get to switch to use a different system. But after that hurdle, I can turn the mouse off and back on. And then use the bt-dbus-connect command to get it to connect.

It works for moving and clicking the mouse in Lanscape mode. Browsers see mocrob and Firefox Fennac seem to swallow the mouse cursor and button clicks when the cursor is over the browser window. Some web sites in microb work find with Bluetooth mouse. And in portrait mode mouse cursor controls get funky. Mouse up moves cursor diagonally up to the right. And down is diagonally down and to the left. Mouse left is diagonal down to the right. And Mouse Right is diagonal up to the left.

2010-07-15, 20:14
If you want the mouse pointer, run "showmouse" from the terminal. If you want to hide it, run "hidemouse".

But, just so f2thak will stop posting a link to his menu icon every time someone wants to know how to show the mouse ... ;) :p

I will include f2thak's mouse icon and a script that will toggle the mouse when you press the icon ... in the next version.

I'm still trying to debug the startup script that will automatically show the mouse cursor when you connect your mouse. It seems to be failing because Python can't find its libraries when the N900 is booting.


'import site' failed; use -v for traceback
'import site' failed; use -v for traceback
'import site' failed; use -v for traceback
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/bt-hid-connect-mgr.py", line 18, in <module>
import os
ImportError: No module named os
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/bt-hid-connect-mgr.py", line 18, in <module>
import os
ImportError: No module named os
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/bt-hid-connect-mgr.py", line 18, in <module>
import os
ImportError: No module named os

hey qole i try xterminal cammand 'showmouse' it say permission denied i have to do it as "root"

2010-07-15, 22:22
Any idea whether this dell mouse will work http://accessories.euro.dell.com/sna/productdetail.aspx?c=uk&l=en&s=dhs&cs=ukdhs1&sku=570-10801&dgc=AF&cid=5212&lid=122756&acd=af4f2582c9be4b73bfbfb7e546ad7d51

2010-07-16, 00:53
Getting warmer!

Kinetic scrolling has returned to conversations but is still buggy or absent in browser + apps menu.

App still crashing... I think I am going to reflash my device this weekend.

2010-07-16, 02:00
Version 0.7 fixes the bug augustthe found, and I've added f2thak's mouse icon, although it toggles the mouse cursor on and off instead of just turning it on (and it uses my versions of the scripts).

I think the kinetic scrolling problem is a side effect of the new evdev_drv.so driver; by slowing down the mouse, the kinetic scrolling has also been affected.

Does anyone have any idea why Python isn't finding its libraries during bootup?

2010-07-16, 12:08
i get this result when i use bt-dbus-connect, Error org.bluez.Error.ConnectionAttemptFailed: Host is down (112). sounds bad how can i fix this?

2010-07-16, 19:20
Just got my Logitech "MediaBoard Pro" (PlayStation 3 combination keyboard+touchpad) working and I am *THRILLED* as it means I won't have to lug around a laptop with me on vacation in the fall.

Yeah, the keyboard is not exactly tiny, and won't even fit in a laptop bag -- but I *can* leave it at the hotel room and not worry about it getting stolen, which is the primary concern. Looking forward to connecting my N900 to the TV and wirelessly surfing/watching movies from bed. Must remember to pack AV-out cables to avoid serious disappointment.

Oh, for those interested in "how I did it", case there are others:

1 - Click the 'Reset' button on the back of the KB to set it in 'discovery' mode

2 - Load BlueMaemo, click "Establish Connection", select the keyboard from the list, tick "Trusted", click "Link" and enter the password on the keyboard followed by "Enter". The device should now be paired.

I was then able to run `bt-kbd-remap` with no problems and `showmouse` shows the cursor.

I've had a bit less luck with the GUI apps but I recognize they're probably new and maybe don't work as well.

For those curious about the keyboard support, is is excellent. My only complaints so far, such as they are, are minor; the scroll space on the touchpad doesn't work correctly (although the touchpad itself and both mouse buttons work fine). I'm also having trouble with certain keystrokes like Alt-F4 to dismiss a window (doesn't work). Finally, the built-in browser doesn't work well with a pointer device and the pointer disappears when interacting with the page; clicking also seems to turn the page into zoom mode. Firefox seems to have no such problems.

Finally, there are some places where there is, simply put, no way to interact properly with the interface -- for example, nothing seems capable of scrolling the "Programs" menu short of touching the screen.

2010-07-17, 00:10
When I use a mouse is reset after about 15 seconds or immediately if any buttons on the mouse.

The keyboard is fine (BT apple short), minus the language that I do not support any other than us

Mine is the Spanish version

2010-07-17, 00:21
Does anyone have any idea why Python isn't finding its libraries during bootup?

PYTHONPATH wrong/missing?

2010-07-17, 06:12
smoku: no, I tried setting that. The errors that I posted are after setting PYTHONHOME and PYTHONPATH. It was even worse before I did that.

2010-07-18, 15:47
hey qole now having problem with ps3 controler when connecting and the web browser it a bit slow

2010-07-18, 20:48
Hi all

I am trying to get the good layout with Keysonic ack-3400 bt, french layout.

Connecting works well (I can type with the same layout as the integrated keyboard), but no way to use the ther keys (numbers, etc.)

Launching the BT HID connect icon shows an empty screen a few seconds, and nothing more.

bt-kbd-remap works (except if i ask for fr layout in .btkeyboard).

I don't know what I can do more

Thanks in advance

2010-07-18, 21:49
Those of you having problems getting your devices to connect with the icon:

Please install the current version, open a terminal, and run


Post the full output here.

Thank you!

2010-07-18, 22:29
Nice app.

I used the script straight from the box, app man installed, paired the device, clicked the icon on the desktop, worked! Just like that. Thank you qole.

functions keys work,
arrow keys work,
symbols not,
numbers not,
cap lock not, one has to hold down the shift key,
osk does NOT get disabled, long tab will get the OSK show up,

N900/PR1.2/IRXON miniBTkeyboard.


2010-07-18, 22:37
bunanson: run bt-kbd-remap to get numbers and symbols working.

If your keyboard keeps disconnecting and you keep having to remap it, bt-hid-connect-mgr.py will auto-remap the keyboard every time it reconnects.

2010-07-18, 22:56
bt-dbus-connect output for Keysonic : BTKB-35DD

2010-07-19, 03:41
Great work. I've just ordered a stowaway ultra-slim bluetooth keyboard from eBay (60GBP); hopefully it works well.

2010-07-19, 05:57
hi,which bluetooth mouse model are success to connect ?hv to buy 1

2010-07-19, 12:36
hi,which bluetooth mouse model are success to connect ?hv to buy 1

try buying a logitech bluetooth mouse i have one, it work great with no problem

2010-07-19, 12:41
i bought a cheap chinese mouse for around $30AUD and it works great =)

2010-07-19, 13:42
First, thanks for the job achieved !
I have a think outside BT keyboard and it works !
But Mine is Azerty french layout.
So I modified the KBDLAYOUT in the .btkeyboard file : KBDLAYOUT=fr

when i run the stexkbmap i see that the layout is fr.
But it is still in us configuration : q=a, w=z etc....
Is it the correct layout ? My N900 is also azerty...
should i use fr-latin9 ?
What can i do ?
Also the function keys Green and bleu "Fn" do not work.
I will try to open the cab file that i had to install it on Windows Mobile and see if there is a mapping table for the function keys.

2010-07-19, 14:05
thank you all,hw bout the Nokia Wireless Keyboard SU-8W.i mean easy to pair n use?or ned to do the script work?

2010-07-19, 14:22
Here is what i found ini the cab :
File list :
Devicemap Keybd Apps Stowaway Keyboard Driver
StowawayXT Default.reg

In the reg file we have extended mapping for the Tasks/Notes/Calender/WWW and others shortcut keys:

HOw can i edit our use the *.kbd files
Is there a way that this files can help to have specific mapping for the Stowaway Keyboard on our N900 ?

2010-07-19, 14:53
I remarked that when I use at the sametime :
BT Mouse (think outside stowaway travel mouse) and my BT headset (Jabra BT620s)
that when I move the mouse the sound is cut, it appears that the bandwidth is not enough for Mouse coordonates and the audio streaming ?

Any comments ?

2010-07-19, 18:49
nerfiaux: Connect your keyboard. Then you need to open a terminal and run:


This should enable the azerty layout and the blue and green characters.

2010-07-20, 03:15
bt-dbus-connect gives:

A0:4E:04:5F:BF:E8 maemo-callerid-none
00:0F:6F:00:11:F3 BT-FoldableKB

and then the names and addresses of my headsets.
Ok, I have managed to get my keyboard working with all characters (except for return for some reason) thanks to Qole's help.

All I need now is for someone to tell me how to execute the following commands using a script rather than having to open 3 separate terminal windows and type them out each time!
In order for me to connect my KB this is what I need to do:

cd /opt/kbdd
sudo gainroot
rfcomm connect rfcomm0

## I have previously associated rfcomm0 with the BT address of my keyboard but I cannot for the life of me remember where. Then in the 2nd terminal window:##

sudo gainroot
cd /opt/kbdd
./kbdd -p /dev/rfcomm0 -t btfoldable

#then in third terminal window (the previous 2 remain open and connected, this is why i'm having problems I think##


I have tried numerous combinations of these commands and chmod +x the file and it will run no problems but it only ever seems to get as far as getting me into the kbdd directory as root and no further. No errors to give me any idea of where it is failing.
I know a .sh would be better but I have no idea how to put one together.

2010-07-20, 04:05
without changing anything I am suddenly getting "Error loading new keyboard description" when I try to execute bt-kbd-remap.

It has been working fine lately.
After 2 reboots it is now working again...I hope I can get this program to execute for me, it sure would save a lot of messing around.

2010-07-20, 23:16
bandario: Some report success with the Enter key when leaving the internal slider keyboard open. Also Ctrl-M and Ctrl-Enter seem to work.

jd4200: do you get any errors when running bt-kbd-remap? Or does it just appear to work (no error messages), but it doesn't really work?

2010-07-20, 23:46
bandario: Some report success with the Enter key when leaving the internal slider keyboard open. Also Ctrl-M and Ctrl-Enter seem to work.

jd4200: do you get any errors when running bt-kbd-remap? Or does it just appear to work (no error messages), but it doesn't really work?
No there are no errors at all.
I've left the model number in the config as the default, as I don't know what I should put for this, could that be the problem?

To sum up:
* Letters work fine
* Numbers work fine (holding down the key)
* Dedicated symbol keys don't work at all, except for "." and ","
* Blue FN key (for numbers and special commands) works for a few keys (FN + J/K adjusts the volume)
* Green FN (for special characters) key doesn't appear to do anything.

2010-07-21, 13:13
nerfiaux: Connect your keyboard. Then you need to open a terminal and run:


This should enable the azerty layout and the blue and green characters.


I successfully got my Stowaway in french.
I did manually run the following command:

setxkbmap -device 4 -I/usr/share/X11/xkb-chinook -rules -model pc105 -layout fr

I checked your script bt-kbd-remap
When is check the bluetooth devices for EXTKBD, in the list you don't remove the mac address xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

For me the result of hildon-im-xkbtool --list
is :
ID 0, Name: "Virtual core pointer"
ID 1, Name: "Virtual core keyboard"
ID 2, Name: "TSC2005 touchscreen"
ID 3, Name: "omap_tw14030keypad"
ID 5, Name: "00:13:17:70:78:23"
ID 4, Name: "Think Outside Keyboard"

So when I run the the script bt-kbd-remap it remaps the device 5 !
Also in my command :
setxkbmap -device 4 -I/usr/share/X11/xkb-chinook -rules -model pc105 -layout fr

I removed -I, because I add the message
Error loading new keyboard description
yours was :
setxkbmap -device 4 -I -I/usr/share/X11/xkb-chinook -rules -model pc105 -layout fr

Maybe you can update your script ?

I am still looking for the fn keys to work...
Thanks again !

2010-07-21, 16:03
I checked your script bt-kbd-remap
When is check the bluetooth devices for EXTKBD, in the list you don't remove the mac address xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

For me the result of hildon-im-xkbtool --listis :
ID 0, Name: "Virtual core pointer"
ID 1, Name: "Virtual core keyboard"
ID 2, Name: "TSC2005 touchscreen"
ID 3, Name: "omap_tw14030keypad"
ID 5, Name: "00:13:17:70:78:23"
ID 4, Name: "Think Outside Keyboard"

So when I run the the script bt-kbd-remap it remaps the device 5 !

Thanks for the tip! What is that anonymous device ID 5?

Also in my command :
setxkbmap -device 4 -I/usr/share/X11/xkb-chinook -rules -model pc105 -layout frI removed -I, because I add the message
Error loading new keyboard descriptionyours was :
setxkbmap -device 4 -I -I/usr/share/X11/xkb-chinook -rules -model pc105 -layout frMaybe you can update your script ?

I'm pretty sure that the -I is required; it forces the setxkbmap command to only use the xkb-chinook mapping, and not use the standard xkb mapping. The xkb-chinook mappings are the only ones that will get the blue and green fn keys to work.

Probably the problem is that the Chinook mappings that qobi provided us didn't have the fr layout.

I am still looking for the fn keys to work...
Thanks again !

Perhaps we need international key mappings for chinook-xkb?

Or am I missing something here?

2010-07-22, 10:44
Hi all,

I just received a foldable keyboard from Chinfai and played a little with it. Of course, it didn't work immediately with the n900 so I had to go a bit deeper. First of all: the keyboard works perfectly on my Ubuntu-driven PC (I'm actually writing with it!) but I also didn't get it to work with my E90 and my 9500. It gets recognized but I can't use it.

After some playing on the n900 and various configurations it suddenly worked. That time I was just trying some commands with hildon-im-xkbtool . But I just don't kow if it was related to that. But "it worked" just means, it generated plain characters, no capitals, no numbers (long press on the uppermost keyrow generates numbers), no special characters. Switching to NumLock deactivates all blue-colored keys.

I set layout to base, pc105, de. But even after switching to us layout nothing changed, even not the layout, it still worked as qwertz.

Where can I find a simple step-by-step tutorial which leads me through the complete processs of activating a bt keyboard? All I can find are some small bits of information which only cover a special part of the setup.

2010-07-23, 11:23
Thanks for the tip! What is that anonymous device ID 5?

It is a bluetooth headset Jabra BT620s

I'm pretty sure that the -I is required; it forces the setxkbmap command to only use the xkb-chinook mapping, and not use the standard xkb mapping. The xkb-chinook mappings are the only ones that will get the blue and green fn keys to work.

Probably the problem is that the Chinook mappings that qobi provided us didn't have the fr layout.

Perhaps we need international key mappings for chinook-xkb?

Or am I missing something here?

Well, I don't know about chinook-xkd, sorry, so i can't tell.

2010-07-23, 13:30
any solution to the sixaxis problem? when i install "bluetooth hid scripts" my sixaxis controller stops working and after unintstalling it sixaxis works again.

2010-07-23, 13:42
any solution to the sixaxis problem? when i install "bluetooth hid scripts" my sixaxis controller stops working and after unintstalling it sixaxis works again.

i having that same problem with my sixaxis it'a bug need to look in too

2010-07-23, 20:25
teemui, augustthe:

To get sixaxis working, you probably need to do the following:

Before connecting your sixaxis device, open a terminal, gain root, then run:

set-bt-input off

Then, before connecting your keyboard or mouse, open a terminal, gain root, then run:

set-bt-input on

My next version will allow you to skip the "gain root" step and just run:

sudo set-bt-input on

2010-07-24, 00:34
that did the trick now its working!!! Thank you!!

2010-07-24, 04:30
thanks qole works perfectly

2010-07-24, 04:35
got that kenectic scroll problem in the web browser, it bugging me a little,there no command to fix that bug

2010-07-24, 08:39
whn i connect the bluetooth mouse.it cant support at default browser (micro B)ya i hear the "click "sound ,but whn i click in some website like facebook etc,it nothng happen.is it any solution?but the opera browser is working well

2010-07-27, 17:53
FYI, was playing with this a bit today with a cheep BT mouse (http://www.meritline.com/bluetooth-wireless-mouse-pa-btm11-for-laptop-notebookgrey-color---p-43744.aspx) available from Meritline. The mouse would pair with any sequence, but then wouldn't work in the display. The fix was to add an entry in /etc/bluetoothd/hid.conf that specifically disables authentication and encryption. After that it worked well. Not bad for a $10 mouse (which only paid $6 for). :)

One thing on Meritline: They take forever to ship, so expect a week or two delay to most places...

2010-08-09, 21:43
hi guys i just bought an igo ultra slim stowaway keyboard and it now works like a charm , together with my bt mouse this is really superb. cheers!

if quake 3 worked with this i would be an even more of a happy chap

2010-08-17, 18:00
hi guys i just bought an igo ultra slim stowaway keyboard and it now works like a charm , together with my bt mouse this is really superb. cheers!

if quake 3 worked with this i would be an even more of a happy chap

hi hw about the default browser?work well too?with bt mouse?

2010-08-17, 18:30
The mouse would pair with any sequence, but then wouldn't work in the display. The fix was to add an entry in /etc/bluetoothd/hid.conf that specifically disables authentication and encryption. After that it worked well.

Can you give any pointers for this? What did you have to change?

2010-08-17, 18:37
na no luck in the browser mate, opera and ice weasel works tho. firefox i think you need to do something extra.... might be in the first post of ''bluetooth mouse now working!!!!'' post.
hope that helps liamlian

2010-08-17, 18:57
Can you give any pointers for this? What did you have to change?

Sure, I put the following in /etc/bluetooth/hid.conf :

device 00:60:D1:00:09:0D {
name "Bluetooth Mouse";
auth disable;
encrypt disable;

Obviously your ID will change with the device, but once I put the disable lines in it stopped disconencting every few seconds and reconnecting. :)

Sadly, it's still not working for the main reason I wanted the mouse. I got it primarily to use with MoneyDance (http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=55510) so I can update/review my finances on the road, but apparently Icedtea6 doesn't like it for some reason. I behaves much like the browser, where I can see the cursor in the title bar, but if I scroll into the window it vanishes, and clicks don't register. :( When I get some time I may try some of the tricks suggested here on Icedtea to see if I can hack that to work. Without it I can still view the ledgers, add new checks and what not, but I can't do advanced things like see matching transactions.

The Arsonist
2010-08-18, 23:49
I tried using this app with no success. I tried pairing my Logitech Mediaboard Pro (http://www.logitech.com/en-us/keyboards/keyboard/devices/3616) before I found out that Maemo doesn't support the HID profile and it NEVER even showed up on my list when searching for devices. I use a Bluetooth Pioneer car radio for playing music and phone calls, for moving music to my device, and I'd like to use it for my keyboard and mouse(this will work great when hooked up to the video out). So, I downloaded the app and selected it. It launched and then nothing happened. I was returned to my desktop with no running app. And then tried to pair the Mediaboard again and it still is not in the list of found devices when I put it in pairing mode.

Am I doing something wrong?

2010-08-19, 10:44
Mostrar forma romanizada
I still have the problem of language on the keyboard. Spanish is not supported, it gives error.

The mouse is detected but goes crazy when you move the mouse pointer.

2010-08-19, 22:38
I'm trying to connect my Logitech DiNovo Media Keyboard (NOT the newest one) and I get odd results: I can't make it do anything buy alphabet, shift, period, and comma. Capitals are possible, but you have to double-tap Shift to turn it on, then double-tap to turn it off. Tap-hold-type gets the first letter capitalized. I imagine part of it is that it's not quite a standard keyboard, but I don't know for sure. I'll try my old Apple BT keyboard and we'll see what happens.

Other issue: If I let the N900 go to sleep, I can't reconnect the keyboard without rebooting the device. Am I doing something wrong?

Anyway, thanks for this. I'm ready to go out and buy one of them foldable keyboards just for this. It's already that good.

I'll try a mouse later.

2010-08-20, 11:23
I'm trying to connect my Logitech DiNovo Media Keyboard (NOT the newest one) and I get odd results: I can't make it do anything buy alphabet, shift, period, and comma.Have you tried specifying other keyboard models (pc101, pc102, pc103, pc104, pc105)?

2010-08-20, 15:18
Not yet. I'll see what I can do.

2010-08-20, 19:09
hi guy's having a prob with bt-hid-connect-mgr.py , i would love for this to work im not too keen on using xterm all the time to let me use the numbers. i did try using a queen bee con widget with bt-kbd-remap but it only works once? for some reason. anyways the xterm gives me this result (see the attached screenshot). any help would be great cheers.

2010-08-23, 23:29
I have no experience in writing scripts so if you answer my question please take it down to a level that I can understand. I have the think outside keyboard which has been verified to work perfectly with my Dell x51v. I have installed the BT HID Connect application on my Nokia N900. I go into BT (New Devices) and it discovers my keyboard but when I attempt the pairing the flashing light on my keyboard stops flashing and I ultimately end with an unsuccessful connection. I have added the xbk-chinook directory by following instructions contained in this forum but I don't understand the scripts. Is there anything obvious with my problem that you could break down in detail to a level that I can understand or at least provide a corrective instruction set that could possibly enable me to pair my keyboard with the N900. I know the equipment will work because many of the users in this forum have done this successfully. I would appreciate it if any of you experienced users would have the patience to hold my hand through this procedure!

2010-08-28, 05:20
OK I just received the nifty little folding BT keyboard (http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.34724) from DealExtreme, because my Dell Stowaway had a bunch of dead keys. It works well, although it needs the scripts, for sure. Now I've got a working keyboard and mouse, I'll get back to work on these scripts.

Sorry I've been so neglectful of this thread.

2010-09-01, 04:56
New version makes a new icon for the "watcher".

So the procedure now is:
1. Pair your devices with the N900 via the Bluetooth menu.
2. Use the "BT HID Connect" icon to connect your devices properly (this will make the BT logo stay blue, the mouse and keyboard will work, incompletely)
3. Make sure your devices are disconnected, then start the "BT HID Watcher" icon to auto-configure your N900 when the devices connect.
4. Turn on your device, press a key or whatever you need to do, and then watch for the yellow banner on the N900 saying that you're connected. The mouse pointer should become visible for a mouse, and the keyboard should have numbers and special characters properly mapped.

Note that you may need to open the N900 keyboard and press a key to get the external keyboard working properly.

2010-09-01, 13:47
I have a bluetooth mouse "Trust" model "ComfortLine Bluetooth Mini Mouse" is detected but not working properly. Only occasionally the mouse pointer reacts to mouse movement. I tried to change the accuracy of performance but no appreciable difference.

Anybody can help me?

Mouse Link

2010-09-01, 15:10
hi the microb browser still cant support bluetooth mouse?

2010-09-01, 15:35
hi the microb browser still cant support bluetooth mouse?

Read known issues here: http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=734576&postcount=1

2010-09-01, 19:01
thanks heaps man! works great with a shortcut on the desktop ready to go, no type'n just press and switch on mouse and/or keyboard. love your work!!! cheers

2010-09-01, 20:14
I just received my freedom pro keyboard today. Your new version got me setup quickly and seems to be working well. Great work and thanks!

2010-09-01, 20:36

On my Dell OEM Bluetooth Keyboard, I was never able to get numbers working. The setkbdmap command was simply being ignored. After many experiments I finally got a line that does work. I plugged it into your connection manager script and now it works automagically. THis is the line that my keyboard needed:

setxkbmap -device $EXTKBDID -I -I/usr/share/X11/xkb-chinook -rules $KBDRULES -model $KBDMODEL -layout $KBDLAYOUT -print|xkbcomp -i 4 - $DISPLAY

piping through xkbcomp was the only thing that worked for me. Oddly enough, it works without having to hit a key on the internal keyboard first.

As far as autostart, it looks like you tried the same init.d style script that blueklase did, but your's isnt running and his does. Anyway to fix that so that your script will autorun at boot without launching the watcher? His script doesnt handle the mouse, so I'd prefer to wait for your's.

Thanks, and I hope this helps some of the others that have had zero luck getting numbers going.

2010-09-01, 20:43
As far as autostart, it looks like you tried the same init.d style script that blueklase did, but your's isnt running and his does. Anyway to fix that so that your script will autorun at boot without launching the watcher? His script doesnt handle the mouse, so I'd prefer to wait for your's.

In fact I'm not starting blueklase using init.d style. I have added bluetooth-keyboard file to /etc/event.d which is below

#startup script for /etc/event.d

start on started hildon-desktop
stop on starting shutdown

exec run-standalone.sh su user -c "exec /usr/bin/BlueKlase &"
end script

2010-09-01, 20:50
In fact I'm not starting blueklase using init.d style. I have added bluetooth-keyboard file to /etc/event.d which is below

#startup script for /etc/event.d

start on started hildon-desktop
stop on starting shutdown

exec run-standalone.sh su user -c "exec /usr/bin/BlueKlase &"
end script

Awesome, thanks. I was going off of outdated info then. I will try adding that code and launching qole's connection manager with it. Great to be this close to a full solution after so long. Thanks for everyone's help!

Ohh, one thing, is there any way to get the shift key to work normally? Right now if I hold down Shift and hit a key, I still get lower case. I have to tap and release Shift and then hit a key to get caps or a symbol. Any idea on what causes that?

Thanks again!

2010-09-01, 20:56
Ohh, one thing, is there any way to get the shift key to work normally? Right now if I hold down Shift and hit a key, I still get lower case. I have to tap and release Shift and then hit a key to get caps or a symbol. Any idea on what causes that?

Thanks again!

Does this happens both internal keyboard open and closed? Virtual kb works also so that you press down shift and then you get caps (kind of like caps lock)

2010-09-01, 21:15
Does this happens both internal keyboard open and closed? Virtual kb works also so that you press down shift and then you get caps (kind of like caps lock)

Yep, just tested it and it is the same with the internal keybaord open or closed. On a side note, the fix I posted does mess up the internal keybaord so that the blue symbol key no longer works :/ I guess I will try the same fix on the setxkbmap command for the internal keyboard and see if that works. Maybe on my setup both need that.

2010-09-03, 07:07
I will be ecstatic if someone figures out how to make the watcher script launch at boot!

2010-09-04, 17:44
Just put the script under upstart ? Or was producing the upstart script the question ? :)

2010-09-04, 23:01
attila77: the script crashes when put in upstart. Python can't seem to start -- not finding its libraries. Maybe I'm starting the script too early, before Python is configured?

I explain the problem in more details earlier in this thread.

Sorry I am not so verbose; my Internet is extremely limited at the moment.

2010-09-04, 23:16
I can confirm that Nokia349's method works fine for my keyboard, and it also works well for Easy Debian's LXDE on DISPLAY :1 so I will include it in the next version.

I want to wait a bit before releasing the next version, and see if Attila can figure out why the watcher script isn't working. If anyone can figure it out, it would be him!

I'm using my keyboard right now, and boy I wish MicroB worked with the mouse...

2010-09-05, 07:38
attila77: the script crashes when put in upstart. Python can't seem to start -- not finding its libraries. Maybe I'm starting the script too early, before Python is configured?

I explain the problem in more details earlier in this thread.

Sorry, am kind of on-off in this thread. I could never get it to work with my Apple Wireless kbd properly so I lurk occasionally to see whether a solution pops up... Will read back, probably, as you say, you're getting called before the python binds are up.

Sorry I am not so verbose; my Internet is extremely limited at the moment.

... and this is one of the reasons I'm slightly reluctant to experiment, as my trusty N900 is my only link to the world and I have no way of flashing it should anything go awry (and if I loose access to google translate or Ovi maps, I'm done for :) ). Should have a proper linux box and internet soonish, and then hacking can resume :)

2010-09-05, 08:59
I can confirm that Nokia349's method works fine for my keyboard, and it also works well for Easy Debian's LXDE on DISPLAY :1 so I will include it in the next version.

I want to wait a bit before releasing the next version, and see if Attila can figure out why the watcher script isn't working. If anyone can figure it out, it would be him!

I'm using my keyboard right now, and boy I wish MicroB worked with the mouse...

ya wish microb will worked with mouse

2010-09-05, 09:29
Does anyone know why mice which some of us do not work properly with these scripts and the N900?

2010-09-05, 09:42
Does anyone know why mice which some of us do not work properly with these scripts and the N900?

Most probably you need fixed bluetooth driver, search this thread and also look here (http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=736008&postcount=24)

2010-09-05, 11:08
Most probably you need fixed bluetooth driver, search this thread and also look here (http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=736008&postcount=24)

Now ...

Thank you very much.

This community is wonderful.

2010-09-05, 17:24
Attila: here (http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?p=753076#post753076) is the post where I post my log. A couple of posts later I told smoku, "The errors that I posted are after setting PYTHONHOME and PYTHONPATH. It was even worse before I did that."

It sounds like you and I are in a very similar situation. Hopefully I get "real" Internet next week.

I highly recommend my BT keyboard from DealExtreme. The funny thing is that I bought it from Hong Kong and it says, "Designed in Canada"! It isn't quite as nice a layout as my old Stowaway, since it doesn't even have a number row, but it is very very small.

2010-09-06, 05:29
(and if I loose access to google translate or Ovi maps, I'm done for :) ).

It sounds like you and I are in a very similar situation. Hopefully I get "real" Internet next week.

I understand there are some differences between Canadian English and the 'other' variants, but has it gotten so bad recently that you actually need google translate ? :D

I highly recommend my BT keyboard from DealExtreme. The funny thing is that I bought it from Hong Kong and it says, "Designed in Canada"! It isn't quite as nice a layout as my old Stowaway, since it doesn't even have a number row, but it is very very small.

IIRC the Apple one states Designed in California (not sure what kind of emotions that should instill, but that might be some cultural gap thing).

2010-09-07, 07:55
Exactly which BT keyboard do you use ? Dealextreme has about 30 of them. And my previous buy from them, a BT mouse, is not really successful on my N900. So I rather go for a fully working combo now.

2010-09-08, 01:28
Netweaver, I linked to the page for the keyboard.

2010-09-08, 08:08
yep, sorry, trying to follow too many threads at the same time made me miss some, I guess.
I bought the same combo now, I hope to be a happy user as well.

Thanks for all the work getting the whole solution as smooth as possible.

2010-09-17, 08:03
I have my BT Apple Keyboard and my mouse working.

I have the problem that a colleague has a Zaapa Keyboard with SPP profile. I have the drivers and uses kbdd btfolder, but has the following problem: your keyboard connects and disconnects the second, while kbdd set.

Can you guide me to help?

Thank you all.

2010-09-17, 08:05
Another question ...

Has anyone managed to bring their laptop keyboards can use another language for the layer that is not "us"? It's just that I always fails.

2010-09-18, 00:15
Hi all,


I have taken stuff from the How to get bluetooth pc105 keyboards to work with N900 (http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=38372) and N900 Working Bluetooth Mouse (http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=57427) and I have made a package that gets Bluetooth keyboards and mice (Human Input Devices or "HID") working with the N900.

You need to enable Extras-devel (Dangerous and advanced! Be careful with this!) You can install it from the System category in the App Manager, or as bt-hid-scripts from apt-get.

UPDATE Version 0.8:

So the procedure now is:

1. Pair your devices with the N900 via the Bluetooth menu.
2. Use the "BT HID Connect" icon to connect your devices properly (this will make the BT logo stay blue, the mouse and keyboard will work, incompletely)
3. Make sure your devices are disconnected, then start the "BT HID Watcher" icon to auto-configure your N900 when the devices connect.
4. Turn on your device, press a key on the keyboard, wiggle the mouse, or whatever you need to do to initiate connection, and then watch for the yellow banner on the N900 saying that you're connected. The mouse pointer should become visible for a mouse, and the keyboard should have numbers and special characters properly mapped.

Note that you may need to open the N900 keyboard and press a key to get the external keyboard working properly, and the mouse pointer is not properly visible or operational in the browser.

These scripts work very well with the Microsoft Bluetooth Notebook Mouse 5000 and the Micro Innovations folding BT keyboard (MP-0118) from DealExtreme (http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.34724).

Older Versions:

The main script at the moment is the BT HID Connect script (bt-dbus-connect) and icon. This script connects BT devices that seem to pair (the N900 claims the device is paired) but then don't actually connect (the BT icon on the N900 stays white). This worked to connect both my Think Outside Stowaway Keyboard and Microsoft Bluetooth Notebook Mouse 5000. You have to pair the device first and then click on the BT HID Connect icon. Choose your device from the list and it should start connecting after that.

I have another script, set-bt-input, run as root, which can turn the BT input profile on or off. It is turned on upon install.

I have also most of the pieces to make BT keyboards and mice actually work once they are connected.


I have included qobi's xkb-chinook hack to remap external keyboards so the numbers and special characters work. Run the bt-kbd-remap script to make the keyboard work properly with both Maemo and Easy Debian LXDE.

To set your keyboard layout, create or edit a file in your home directory (it will be created for you the first time you run bt-kbd-remap):


Change those three lines to match your keyboard.

The script needs to be run every time the keyboard reconnects, even after waking up from sleep. I still need to get a script set up to check for keyboard connection and run the remap script when it connects.


I have included azerty1's fixed mouse driver (evdev_drv.so) so if your mouse can connect, it will probably work. It should just work with Easy Debian LXDE (where it is most useful).

If you want to try the mouse with Maemo, I've included azerty1's showmouse and hidemouse scripts for making the mouse pointer visible in Maemo. You have to run them from the terminal or make your own icons for those.


Make a device connection detector that runs the keyboard remap script if a keyboard connects or the visible mouse script if the mouse connects. If the mouse disconnects, run the hidemouse script.
Have someone package the patched mouse driver, and then depend on that package. I can't move my package out of Extras-devel with azerty1's binary embedded in my package.
Have someone package freemangordon's bluetooth module patches. Titan's kernel (or an extra modules package) should come with the patched module, and there should be a package for the standard kernel too.
Fix all the bugs you will find!

I installed your scripts with no problems. I have the Think Outside keyboard which is recognized when trying to pair. It never seems to successfully pair. I went into terminal and ran bt-dbus-connect and selected the keyboard and hit ok: I uploaded the screenshot error that it gave me. Do you have any clues what this means?

2010-09-19, 17:32
Hello All!

I'm new here, but I have problems with my bluetooth keyboard/mouth and can not find right answers.. Here are the problems:

1. Keyboard connects and I can type and use mouse somehow, but after 5-10 secs of using N900 reboots :(

2. Not alll keys work, numbers and symbols don't work, arrows don't work, Shift doesn't work :(

3. I can not changer layout to "russian" (ru?), so russian letters don't work.

Does anybody could help, I really appreciate it!

2010-09-22, 13:50
Having got my Bluetooth mouse working (good times!) I am finding that it is making my N900 reboot (bad times!).
There doesn't seem to be any pattern to this other than the fact that it usually happens after a button click (although not every time).

Does anyone have any idea how I might tackle this issue?

2010-09-22, 13:55
Logitec bluetooth keyboard designed for the PS3 works awsome on the n900. it has a trackpad on the right side wich also works great as mouse.

2010-09-22, 14:29
Logitec bluetooth keyboard designed for the PS3 works awsome on the n900. it has a trackpad on the right side wich also works great as mouse.

Is it the Logitech Mediaboard Pro?

What did you do to get it working?

This post (http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=754197&postcount=74)said it was straighforward.

This post (http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=791197&postcount=114)said it wasn't working.

I was thinking of buying one of these myself but I want to be sure it will work before I spend any money.

2010-09-22, 18:52
I just paired apple bt keyboard to my n810 ... it's working but you need to hit keys fast because it will loop repeating the current key ? can this be configured ?


2010-09-24, 15:08
I have finally been successful in pairing with both my Think Outside Keyboard and Think Outside mouse using Qobi's scripts. My current observations of device function:
1)Keyboard will display all letters (upper and lower case) when freshly paired following a restart. You can hold the keys that have numerics down and the corresponding number will appear. Going into Xterminal and typing bt-kbd-remap will result in both the blue and green Fn keys working properly so numerics and symbols can be accessed as the keyboard was designed. This is perfect but only works after you have created a new pairing with the keyboard so you will need to delete and pair again if you want to be able to use the FN keys.

2)Mouse doesn't work properly. Right clicking or clicking scroll wheel will open application menu and toggle between the current desktop and aplications. Clicking on the left button will restart the N900. The arrow cursor can be dragged around the desktop with the mouse but has no selection ability.

Does anyone know how to correct the scripts for the mouse and perhaps a more perminent method to get the keyboard to accept symbols and numerics without always having to generate a new pair with the device and going into Xterminal?

2010-09-25, 10:27
Do not get it to work the keyboard below.
For the data seems to be a Freedom but only with SPP profile.

The first is that when you connect using bt-dbus ... Disconnects in the second later.

It appears that manages to connect if you configure rfcomm0 and typing: rfcomm connect rfcomm0

Seems to connect (BT icon in blue) but the keyboard does not change its activity LED.

Then use "kbdd-p / dev/rfcomm0-t <<btfoldable or freedom>>" but does not seem to respond, pressing keys will not be reflected in the N900.

Can you help?

Note: All from root

2010-09-26, 04:10
On my Dell OEM Bluetooth Keyboard, I was never able to get numbers working. The setkbdmap command was simply being ignored. After many experiments I finally got a line that does work. I plugged it into your connection manager script and now it works automagically. THis is the line that my keyboard needed:

setxkbmap -device $EXTKBDID -I -I/usr/share/X11/xkb-chinook -rules $KBDRULES -model $KBDMODEL -layout $KBDLAYOUT -print|xkbcomp -i 4 - $DISPLAY
piping through xkbcomp was the only thing that worked for me. Oddly enough, it works without having to hit a key on the internal keyboard first.

I believe the Dell OEM keyboard is the same as the
Think Outside keyboard which I'm having the same problem with. The line you suggest to add is inserted into the connection manager. Can you show me the steps that are necessary to do that since I'm not a programmer? The other questions is how do you get the straight vertical line character to put between print and xkbcomp?

2010-09-26, 06:37
anyone has got mighty mouse working?

2010-09-27, 07:00
marathondon: I have that change already in the version on my N900, since the beginning of September.

Apparently I never uploaded it to Extras-devel. <blush> I think I expected someone to figure out what was wrong with the autostart of the Manager, or something.

I've uploaded version 0.9 now, it has the pipe-through-xkbcomp version of /usr/bin/bt-kbd-remap in it.

I wish I knew a way to avoid the reboot for people just upgrading the package. The problem is that Maemo treats an upgrade like an uninstall (of the old version) followed by a new install...

2010-09-27, 08:02
A week ago I installed 0.8 from the repos. I got my old Think Outside Stowaway XTBT01 keyboard to connect successfully using HID watcher but no input from keys although the BT symbol was blue and stayed blue. My bt mouse, a Rapoo 6600 connected successfully as well and I saw the cursor move in the direction I moved the mouse for about half a second, then the cursor wouldn't move anymore even though it was connected.

Although the BT HID scripts didn't work for me at the time, I was too busy to fiddle with it, I kept it on my system. Then about 2 days later, I think I discovered a side effect of installing the package that may have something to do with installing this package. When browsing websites in microb, I find that kinetic scrolling was not smooth like before: when swiping across the screen the page wouldn't scroll as much even though the speed of the swipe was very fast. I didn't realize it at first I thought it was my browser so I cleared the cache, and deleted my ~/.mozilla/microb directory. But the kinetic scrolling issue was still there.

I uninstalled the BT HID scripts and the original scrolling speed returned. I wonder if anyone else has experienced this issue?

2010-09-27, 12:59
this still conflicts with the sixaxis package? when i install this, my sixaxis doesn't work.

2010-09-28, 01:56
Yes, loss of kinetic scrolling smoothness is a known side effect of the new evdev driver.

2010-09-30, 18:07
i have bluetooth mouse sony vgp-BMs55 and i am able to pair this bluetooth mice with n900 but for some reason i am not able to see the mouse cursor anywhere on screen.

I dont know how to enable it.

i am beginner at coding and making changes toany files on my N900

can you please explain me how do i enable my bluetooth mouse "sony vgpbms55" or if some1 has already done can anyone please provide me with the link.

Thanks and its great pleasure reading posts on this forum.
This is my first post .

2010-09-30, 18:44
i have bluetooth mouse sony vgp-BMs55 and i am able to pair this bluetooth mice with n900 but for some reason i am not able to see the mouse cursor anywhere on screen.I'm sorry if this is asking the obvious, but have you installed the package "Bluetooth HID scripts"? All the gory details are at the start of this thread - have you read it?

2010-09-30, 19:50
In version 0.9,to detect the external keyboard also changes settings for built-in keyboard on the N900.

Those who have keyboards in other languages suffer a serious problem. We left unconfigured physical keyboard.

Has anyone managed to solve the problem of choosing other languages on external keyboards?

2010-09-30, 21:52
Version 0.9 has resulted in detecting the keyboard also changes settings for physical keyboard on the N900.I thought it was something to do with this updated version - after using BT I'm unable to type numbers on the N900's keyboard, ie typing '1' gets me a 'q', '2' = 'w' etc. Have to reboot to restore keyboard.

2010-10-03, 04:14
Hi, I just came to this forum and got my N900 one week ago. I tried to pair my Razer pro click bt mouse with N900 with no success. Might need some help getting the mouse working.

I installed the BT HID script. As I first tried to pair the mouse in GUI, it wouldn't pair because the PIN cannot be matched, I have tried some numbers like 0000,9999,1234,etc.

Then I tried to pair it using hcitool scan and dbus -send command, which worked with my BT keyboard. But I got the following error message for dbus -send,
Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: Method " Connect" with signature "" on interface " org.bluez.Input" doesn't exist

I have seen someone mentioned disabling authentication in /etc/bluetooth/main.conf earlier in this thread but didn't see any details. Could someone let me know how to do that or another way to make it work? Thanks.

2010-10-04, 06:18
WhiteWolf, kureyon: See if version 0.10 helps you. The bt-kbd-remap script first maps the external keyboard, then it remaps the internal keyboard to the default setup (using "setxkbmap -device $INTKBDID -model nokiarx51").

2010-10-04, 06:45
WhiteWolf, kureyon: See if version 0.10 helps you. The bt-kbd-remap script first maps the external keyboard, then it remaps the internal keyboard to the default setup (using "setxkbmap -device $INTKBDID -model nokiarx51").

Thanks, I try and tell the results.

2010-10-04, 08:55

I still have problems, when it detects the external keyboard change keyboard settings of the N900.

2010-10-04, 10:19
WhiteWolf, kureyon: See if version 0.10 helps you.This updated version seems to have fixed it. Cheers :)

2010-10-04, 17:17
Any progress on autostarting the hid watcher script? I tried using QBW to start it at startup, however that caused an endless reboot loop. Luckily I had Backupmenu installed and manage fix it without doing a reflash. I'm going to try and get QBW to start it whenever bluetooth is enabled.

doctor madness
2010-10-05, 21:57
Hi qole.

First of all, a big thank for your effort, and your package is very usefull. I can get an Apple Magic Mouse working and having a cursor !
I also connected successfully an Apple Wireless Keyboard (aluminium body) in QWERTY. But now, I'm trying to get AZERTY layout, so I edited ~/.btkeyboard, and used the following :

When I run bt-kbd-remap, I lost numbers and special keys on the BT keyboard, and I get QWERTY layout on the N900 integrated keyboard.
Last issue, before running bt-kbd-remap, I can have "Caps lock" led lighting, but with no effect.
Thank for any help for any of those issues.

2010-10-06, 01:37
Ok so it looks like I need to modify the internal keyboard remap to go to the language of your choice...

doctor madness
2010-10-06, 06:20
Tell me if I can contribute or help you in any way to do this.

2010-10-06, 15:05
Does the following keyboard has HID profile?
Universal Foldable Bluetooth Keyboard for Cellphone / PDA / PC (1 * AAA)

Who is the manufacturer?

Do you support Spanish? Ñ or support "us" international

2010-10-06, 20:16
It does. I bought this keyboard for use with my N900 after reading this thread. Once it is configured properly it works great, all special characters, number keys, etc. seem to function just fine.

It is the smallest/lightest folding bluetooth keyboard I have seen that is actually touch-typable. It is noticeably smaller and lighter than the Stowaway iGo.

You will need to relearn some letter placements and how to touch-type efficiently on the small layout, but that is the case with the Stowaway as well.

I think it's pretty great for $50 or so. Doesn't quite have the build quality of the Stowaway, but it's fine for my purposes.



Does the following keyboard has HID profile?
Universal Foldable Bluetooth Keyboard for Cellphone / PDA / PC (1 * AAA)

Who is the manufacturer?

Do you support Spanish? Ñ or support "us" international

2010-10-08, 16:15
so no one has made it work with mighty mouse?

because I make all the steps correctly, the bluetooth symbol turns blue, I power off my mighty mouse, then run the BT HID watcher, it opens a black screen, then shuts down, then I turn on my mighty mouse, my N900 detects it, but I can't see the cursor, neither the movement, and syslogs shows no errors or no mouse detected :S

please help!!

2010-10-08, 16:37
It does. I bought this keyboard for use with my N900 after reading this thread. Once it is configured properly it works great, all special characters, number keys, etc. seem to function just fine.

It is the smallest/lightest folding bluetooth keyboard I have seen that is actually touch-typable. It is noticeably smaller and lighter than the Stowaway iGo.

You will need to relearn some letter placements and how to touch-type efficiently on the small layout, but that is the case with the Stowaway as well.

I think it's pretty great for $50 or so. Doesn't quite have the build quality of the Stowaway, but it's fine for my purposes.



I have the same but I lost my driver/manual CD. I don't even know how to put it in pairing mode. Idiot me :(

And because there is no manufacturer anywhere on the thing, I have no clue where to start looking for a copy.

Care to share how you got them talking together and configured with the correct layout ?
Thanks !

doctor madness
2010-10-09, 10:56
so no one has made it work with mighty mouse?

because I make all the steps correctly, the bluetooth symbol turns blue, I power off my mighty mouse, then run the BT HID watcher, it opens a black screen, then shuts down, then I turn on my mighty mouse, my N900 detects it, but I can't see the cursor, neither the movement, and syslogs shows no errors or no mouse detected :S

please help!!

You have to start "mouse cursor" in the applications menu.

2010-10-09, 15:16
You have to start "mouse cursor" in the applications menu.

When I do that, the mouse cursos appears, but when I move the mouse, the cursor doesn't move, I don't want to sound like a newbie, just tell me which logs do I have to look, because syslog doesn't show any error, just:

Oct 9 10:12:10 iSnake iap_conndlg 2.86+0m5[1523]: error loading pixbuf 'control_bluetooth_peripheral': Icon 'control_bluetooth_peripheral' not present in theme

when pairing

Oct 9 10:15:54 iSnake bluetoothd[1248]: link_key_request (sba=34:7E:39:42:A2:34, dba=00:23:6C:C0:FE:35)

when connecting via BT HID Connect

and nothing shows when openning BT HID Watcher, but when I connect again my mighty mouse, the exact above kernel message shows, any ideas?

edit: if I execute dmesg, the only relevant message is: Bluetooth: HIDP (Human Interface Emulator) ver 1.2

2010-10-09, 15:31
Hi, i have just got the N900 and would also like to get a Bluetooth Keyboard i bought working with it. This is the keyboard i purchased:


It has great build quality and is the size of the actual N900 itself, the phone can pair with it but i cannot get it to work, i am guessing it's a layout issue, i have tried loads of things suggested here but nothing works although i gather this keyboard is very diff to some of the others tried by members in this thread. If i press any key on it the Bluetooth symbol on my phone lights up blue so it is clearly connected. Interestingly enough it came with an installation CD for different devices, i have attached one, named Android.apk, is it possible to install this on the N900? And also a detailed picture of the keyboard itself so you can see the layout. Any help on this one will be much appreciated, i don't know much at all about Linux based systems so it has been interesting to learn.


2010-10-09, 18:56
any ideas?You have populated the file .bt-hid-devices right?

2010-10-09, 19:15
i have attached one, named Android.apk, is it possible to install this on the N900?Install, maybe. Will it work?, definitely not.

Any help on this one will be much appreciated, i don't know much at all about Linux based systems so it has been interesting to learn.Really there is no substitute for reading through this thread from top to bottom.

Basic outline:

install this package
do the initial pairing
figure out your keyboard layout and get it to work: how to get bluetooth pc105 keyboards to work with N900 (http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=38372)
make the appropriate entries in .btkeyboard and .bt-hid-devices
switch off your keyboard
run the BT HID Watcher app
turn on your keyboard (on mine I seem to have to press a key on it for it to auto re-pair to N900), when BT icon on N900 turns blue, you may have to press a key (any key) on the internal keyboard otherwise the the non-alphanumeric keys on your BT keyboard might not work (NB I have to do this for my keyboard Neos Bluslim, YMMV)

2010-10-09, 19:17
You have populated the file .bt-hid-devices right?

yes, in /home/user/.bt-hid-devices it says:


which I think is the mighty mouse mac address, right?

2010-10-09, 19:36
which I think is the mighty mouse mac address, right?Heh, no idea. On my logitech mouse the address is printed on the bottom.

Anyway, with BT on, and BT HID Watcher running, when you switch on the mouse and it auto connects, the Watcher script should print out a message saying "XXXX mouse connected", do you see this?

2010-10-10, 06:52
Heh, no idea. On my logitech mouse the address is printed on the bottom.

Anyway, with BT on, and BT HID Watcher running, when you switch on the mouse and it auto connects, the Watcher script should print out a message saying "XXXX mouse connected", do you see this?

no, I don't see that, and yes, that's the mac address of my mighty mouse

2010-10-10, 10:09
I have gone through this thread and many others, tried many things, seem to have a problem with the Bluetooth HID Scripts part, it won't let me install it, when i try install it it crashes phone. And i noticed some people had this issues with the sixasis software but i do not have that installed. This is confusing the hell out of me, so i can't install this package, it pairs no problem, bluetooth icon highlights blue then goes white after a few seconds, press any key on the keyboard and it will do this. Figure out your keyboard layout? What do you mean how do i do that?

2010-10-10, 10:57
I got my Igo stowaway to work, but number keys only by using qobi's original command ($ setxkbmap -device 4 -I -I/usr/share/X11/xkb-chinook -rules base -model pc105 -layout us).
Using the watcher script, some of the keys do get special functions, but they don't make much sense.
.bt-hid-devices and .btkeyboard read:


# Config file for remapping the external keyboard

which are both correct, as far as I can tell. Can anyone shed some light?

2010-10-11, 15:37
My sister needed a mouse, so I gave to her my mighty mouse, bought a magic mouse, it worked great with this app!

Also, I had an apple wireless keyboard, and I couldn't get bt-dbus-connect to work, so I examined the script, and saw that it searches for device names with "mouse" or "keyboard" in it, and my keyboard was named ikey, so I changed that to iKeyboard, and worked flawlessly.

I'm now searching for how to configure the keymap, but I'm going to read this thread, because I remember that it has been addressed, thanks!

2010-10-11, 18:21
which are both correct, as far as I can tell. Can anyone shed some light?Have you tried any of the others? I had to go through each of them until I found that pc101 works - ie makes all the non-alphanumeric keys work.

2010-10-11, 18:34
The latest version of HID script does not work well with the N900 integrated keypad.

How I can return to the previous version?

2010-10-12, 02:53
I have updated to 0.11, with another attempt to configure the internal keyboard. I hope that it helps WhiteWolf...

I have split out the evdev mouse driver into its own package and made the scripts depend on it; this should be the last version that reboots your phone.

EDIT: and as vengeance, it makes you reboot twice!

doctor madness
2010-10-12, 10:24
Is there any chance that version 0.11 solves my issue ?

In anyway, thank you

2010-10-12, 12:11
Have you tried any of the others? I had to go through each of them until I found that pc101 works - ie makes all the non-alphanumeric keys work.

I tried pc101, with the same result. Thing is, the command of qobi also specifies pc105, and that does work, so I don't think that is it. But thanks nontheless.

By the way, the script only seems to work (partially) the first time I connect after pairing. Or maybe I am doing something wrong....

2010-10-13, 08:25
I have updated to 0.11, with another attempt to configure the internal keyboard. I hope that it helps WhiteWolf...

I have split out the evdev mouse driver into its own package and made the scripts depend on it; this should be the last version that reboots your phone.

EDIT: and as vengeance, it makes you reboot twice!

The first ... Thanks for your work.

The changes do not work for me completely. The external keyboard works but the N900 integrated keypad on the language keeps changing. Mine is Spanish, has the character "ñ" and then connect the keyboard with HID BT keyboard WATCHER N900 replaced the key with the character "ñ" by the character "."

In addition to the numbers keys stop working.

2010-10-13, 18:23
The first ... Thanks for your work.

The changes do not work for me completely. The external keyboard works but the N900 integrated keypad on the language keeps changing. Mine is Spanish, has the character "ñ" and then connect the keyboard with HID BT keyboard WATCHER N900 replaced the key with the character "ñ" by the character "."

In addition to the numbers keys stop working.

Do you have an n900 with spanish keyboard? where did you buy it?

2010-10-13, 18:32
Let's try again:

I got my Igo stowaway to work, but number keys only by using qobi's original command ($ setxkbmap -device 4 -I -I/usr/share/X11/xkb-chinook -rules base -model pc105 -layout us). It's not clear what is working/not working. If your keyboard is not fully functioning (ie all the keys does what they are supposed to) then you need to try each of:

pc101, pc102, pc104, (pc105) to see which works fully (preferably) or which gives the greatest number of functioning keys (consolation prize). When you have the above sussed out then you edit .btkeyboard and can use the Watcher script. If the above setxkbmap isn't able to configure your keyboard correctly then neither would the Watcher script.

2010-10-13, 19:29
Do you have an n900 with spanish keyboard? where did you buy it?

The N900 I bought in Spain.

Nokia has an online store for Spain too.


2010-10-13, 23:41
WhiteWolf: we need to diagnose a bit more. Your internal keyboard numbers aren't working, that means your internal keyboard is probably not being configured at all (the script must fail).

Please do not start the watcher, connect your BT keyboard, and then, from the terminal, run the following:


Please post the output from this script.

2010-10-14, 07:20
Let's try again:

It's not clear what is working/not working. If your keyboard is not fully functioning (ie all the keys does what they are supposed to) then you need to try each of:

pc101, pc102, pc104, (pc105) to see which works fully (preferably) or which gives the greatest number of functioning keys (consolation prize). When you have the above sussed out then you edit .btkeyboard and can use the Watcher script. If the above setxkbmap isn't able to configure your keyboard correctly then neither would the Watcher script.

Sorry, I formulated a bit clumsily. What I tried to say was:
- if I use the setxkbmap command, the keyboard does work, including the number keys.
- If I use the watcher script (v0.10), the number keys do not work.
Thanks for the patient answer though.

2010-10-14, 07:27
my cheap generic chinese BT mouse used to work, no more........

2010-10-14, 18:38
- if I use the setxkbmap command, the keyboard does work, including the number keys.OK

If I use the watcher script (v0.10), the number keys do not work.When Watcher script is running, and then you connect the keyboard do you get a message saying that "keyboard connected"? If not, then Watcher is not detecting your keyboard and hence not running setxkbmap and hence doesn't work. Could it be similar to the problem snakekontrol had?:

Also, I had an apple wireless keyboard, and I couldn't get bt-dbus-connect to work, so I examined the script, and saw that it searches for device names with "mouse" or "keyboard" in it, and my keyboard was named ikey, so I changed that to iKeyboard, and worked flawlessly.

2010-10-15, 06:32
WhiteWolf: we need to diagnose a bit more. Your internal keyboard numbers aren't working, that means your internal keyboard is probably not being configured at all (the script must fail).

Please do not start the watcher, connect your BT keyboard, and then, from the terminal, run the following:


Please post the output from this script.
~ $ bt-kbd-remap
Int: (3) Ext: (4)
Setting ext keyboard layout:
setxkbmap -device 4 -I -I/usr/share/X11/xkb-chinook -rules base -model pc105 -layout us -print | xkbcomp - :0.0
setxkbmap -device 3
Trying to build keymap using the following components:
keycodes: evdev+aliases(qwerty)
types: complete+nokia
compat: complete
symbols: nokia_vndr/rx-51(common)+nokia_vndr/rx-51(us)+inet(evdev)
geometry: nokia(nokiarx51)

Change language to "us", the integrated keyboard on the N900.

2010-10-15, 20:37
I have the same but I lost my driver/manual CD. I don't even know how to put it in pairing mode. Idiot me :(

And because there is no manufacturer anywhere on the thing, I have no clue where to start looking for a copy.

Care to share how you got them talking together and configured with the correct layout ?
Thanks !

Sorry to hear you lost those bits!
You don't need the drivers for your N900 -- only if you plan on using this keyboard with other devices (palm, symbian?).

I did have to read the manual on the drivers CD to figure out how to put it into pairing mode, but it's simple: hold down:

"Cmd" + "Find" (the "Memo" key in the upper right corner)

then the red light should start blinking to indicate that it's in pairing mode.

What I did to get it working:

1) Paired the keyboard w/ N900 via regular N900 bluetooth settings panel
2) Turned off keyboard
3) Created a .btkeyboard file in my home directory w/ the appropriate entries (pc105, us, etc.) --> the defaults listed in this forum topic
4) Ran HID-Watcher script
5) Turned the keyboard back on, paired it up again
6) After doing this a few times, it started working

I'm not sure I ever got the HID-watcher working correctly... I ran it plenty of times but it didn't necessarily look like it was "doing" anything in particular. I ran through the sequence above a few times w/o (seeming) success, but at a certain point the keyboard starting supporting the special characters, numbers, etc. And now every time I pair it (normally), it continues to work.

hope this helps!


2010-10-17, 10:02
Has anyone gotten the pointer is visible and usable on the N900's browser?

If so how?

2010-10-21, 17:30

When Watcher script is running, and then you connect the keyboard do you get a message saying that "keyboard connected"? If not, then Watcher is not detecting your keyboard and hence not running setxkbmap and hence doesn't work. Could it be similar to the problem snakekontrol had?:

It does not, so I suppose the keyboard is not detected. I tried renaming it in the Bluetooth menu, that didn't help.
(I now made a QB widget with the setxkbmap command, that seems to work.)

2010-10-21, 21:38
It does not, so I suppose the keyboard is not detected. I tried renaming it in the Bluetooth menu, that didn't help.
Make sure your name has "keyboard" in the name. That's what the watcher script is looking for.

(I now made a QB widget with the setxkbmap command, that seems to work.)
You should be able to make a widget that runs /usr/bin/bt-kbd-remap for the same results.

2010-10-22, 08:41
Make sure your name has "keyboard" in the name. That's what the watcher script is looking for.

I did, without result. But I also noticed that if I run BT HID Connect again, it reverts to the old name (Think Outside Keyboard), so maybe the name in the BT settings is ignored by the system?
Note that the original name does contain 'Keyboard', but with a capital letter. Would that matter?

You should be able to make a widget that runs /usr/bin/bt-kbd-remap for the same results.

Is the one better than the other?

2010-10-22, 14:12
Note that the original name does contain 'Keyboard', but with a capital letter. Would that matter?
That should work... Not sure why it doesn't... maybe we need to do some command-line diagnostics here.

Is the one better than the other?

Well the bt-kbd-remap script is the one that comes with these scripts. If you're only using a keyboard, you aren't using the watcher, and you're just putting the raw command in a widget, you really don't need this package at all.

2010-10-23, 09:15
That should work... Not sure why it doesn't... maybe we need to do some command-line diagnostics here.

It does work with the widget, so I achieved what I wanted, but I spent so much time fiddling I would like to see it solved ;-)

So if you feel like looking at it, here's the output of bt-kbd-remap:

~ $ bt-kbd-remap
Int: (3) Ext: (4)
Setting ext keyboard layout:
setxkbmap -device 4 -I -I/usr/share/X11/xkb-chinook -rules base -model pc105 -layout us -print | xkbcomp - :0.0
setxkbmap -device 3
Trying to build keymap using the following components:
keycodes: evdev+aliases(qwerty)
types: complete+nokia
compat: complete
symbols: nokia_vndr/rx-51(common)+nokia_vndr/rx-51(us)+inet(evdev)
geometry: nokia(nokiarx51)

The keyboard does work after that. Note that if I run the watcher script, the keyboard does not work at all, not even the letters.

doctor madness
2010-10-27, 08:47
Ok so it looks like I need to modify the internal keyboard remap to go to the language of your choice...

Hi, any news for this issue ?

2010-10-27, 14:28
Hi, first of all thanks for the great scripts :)
I have some problems with them, however. After I got my bt keyboard/mouse combo (keysonic ack-540bt (de), german qwertz-layout) to work by modifying your script to use the right device name (the device name doesn't include keyboard or mouse and thus is ignored by the script) I was able to type with all keys being recognized correctly (umlauts etc.), however there are some problems left for me:
- there is no key repeat for the external keyboard
- the shift (and possibly other modifier keys?) work the way they do with the internal keyboard, i.e. holding the modifier key and typing doesn't work (modifier key is ignored), only pressing the modifier key and then the key to be modified yields the expected result
- the internal keyboard layout is appearently not correctly restored after loading the external keyboard layout, resulting in a wrong layout for the internal keyboard

Any help on this would be very much appreciated, if I can provide any more information just ask! :)

2010-10-28, 08:19
Are working well in PR 1.3?

Fixed the problem with the physical keyboard on N900? Change language when I connect my external keyboard. Spanish need in the N900 and "US-variant intl" externally. With the external does not work to change the language to Spanish.

2010-10-28, 15:38
I installed. I still have problems in the N900 integrated keypad (I change the language to connect the external keyboard).

The driver is installed for the mouse does not work. I had to replace the file. Zip file from the forum (manually).

2010-10-31, 14:24
Hello all!
I would like to report success (finally!) in pairing a Trust Mi-5300m bluetooth mouse. The crux had been to guess what connection code might be used. Having lost the manual, it took me a while until I got a hint when pairing the mouse with my laptop running Ubuntu. They suggested to try '0000' which indeed worked and it also did on the N900.
I had reported success also with my keyboard earlier, so now I can join in the choir of happy tablet users on my "thick iPhone" as some ignorant called it. They simply don't know what a marvel of device the N900 always was and has become thanks to qole's work.
St. Mueller, Switzerland

2010-10-31, 15:08
Hello all!

Me again, this time with some questions or wishes, respectively:

1.) Is there a specific reason to not include the command 'bt-kbd-remap' into the BT HID Connect script? I have to run that command every time I connect my keyboard and would wish to have it included into the script. (BTW, how can I do so? I do not know much about Python so I hesitate trying.)

2.) What does the BT HID Watcher script do? I cannot tell any difference if it is running from when it is not.

3.) Could the connecting of keyboard and mouse separately with BT HID Connect be joined into one step? Typically, one connects always the same keyboard and mouse to the device. That would speed up the start-up procedure. (Possibly, one could hard-code this into the script, so in the light of my previous remark, I would be thankful for some hints on how to do that.)

St. Mueller, Switzerland

2010-11-01, 00:08
sm8ps: Run the BT HID Watcher script before connecting your keyboard and mouse, and it should automatically run the bt-kbd-remap script every time your keyboard is connected. It should also run the mouse pointer script when the mouse is connected.

2010-11-01, 20:49
sm8ps: Run the BT HID Watcher script before connecting your keyboard and mouse, and it should automatically run the bt-kbd-remap script every time your keyboard is connected. It should also run the mouse pointer script when the mouse is connected.

Bl**dy amazing. What a great piece of software! Thanks a lot for explaining things!
The BT HID Watcher script does things just as you described with one notable exception. Mouse and keyboard are automatically detected, and the non-generic keys work in the Maemo terminal. However, they do not work under Debian. For that I still have to run the bt-kbd-remap script which seems a bit strange to me. Is that expected behavior?
St. Mueller, Switzerland

2010-11-03, 17:34
Thanks a lot for the great scripts, works well with my apple keyboard.

However still looking for a germany layout for my external bluetooth keyboard. Has anyone here created a german layout, especially for apple bluetooth keyboard?

Would be awesome if someone did ... :D

Thank you very much!

doctor madness
2010-11-04, 11:04
Thanks a lot for the great scripts, works well with my apple keyboard.

However still looking for a germany layout for my external bluetooth keyboard. Has anyone here created a german layout, especially for apple bluetooth keyboard?

Would be awesome if someone did ... :D

Thank you very much!

+1 (for french layout)

2010-11-04, 13:03
Thanks a lot for the great scripts, works well with my apple keyboard.

However still looking for a germany layout for my external bluetooth keyboard. Has anyone here created a german layout, especially for apple bluetooth keyboard?

Would be awesome if someone did ... :D

Thank you very much!

Request, please try to fix the problem of different languages for external keyboards.

I need Spanish and fails to configure the keyboard.

2010-11-04, 18:50
Sorry but I didn't read through the entire thread but I have had good success with this minus the following using my Nokia SU8W:

1. I have to keep the phone opened otherwise the Enter key is not mapped correctly. Is there a way to map it to ^M when the phone is closed?

2. As stated in the main posting... bt-kbd-remap needs to be run manually every time the keyboard connects. Has a solution been found to have this run automatically?

I know these are minor but I sure would like this to work perfectly. I appreciate the hard work and it is nice not to have to run this manually anymore and it auto-connects just fine.

2010-11-05, 03:19
Sorry but I didn't read through the entire thread ...You really should go through the whole thread from top to bottom because this ...

2. As stated in the main posting... bt-kbd-remap needs to be run manually every time the keyboard connects. Has a solution been found to have this run automatically?Has been answered a few posts ago, plus at various other places earlier in the thread.

2010-11-05, 03:33
Ah. Ok. Sorry. It was 23 pages so I just wanted to know if there was a solution. I will look around and hopefully find the solution so I can just get it to run auto. Was there also a solution for mapping the ecnter key while the phone is closed? Thanks.

2010-11-06, 10:53
could you please make Wiki page for this package and this thread ? with Working keyboards and mice list ? and if it's possible with a FAQ section ?
then , it's easier for someone like me to find out how to connect my mouse to N900.

thanks a lot.

I've a Apple Mighty mouse, and it isn't woking with these scrips.
1-I've paired my mouse in bluetooth devices.
2-I,ve run BT HID Connect and select my mouse(it was listed).
...nothing happens.(only my mouse led indicator shows it's connected to a device)

@doctor madness (answer to the next post)

yes, but no movement in cursor ! no movement in Browser mouse icon...

doctor madness
2010-11-08, 10:41
222 : did you run "Mouse cursor" ?

2010-11-10, 07:02
I've started trying out v0.11-1 of this package after trying v0.8, and I have to say these scripts are amazing. I've since gotten a new Microsoft Bluetooth mouse 5000 since my old Rapoo had a double-clicking problem. The Microsoft mouse works perfectly "out of the box" without requiring me to edit config files in Maemo. My Think Outside Keyboard (English) works well too, all numbers, and special keys work as well.

The only problem I seem to have is that I use the same mouse for my laptop. After pairing to my N900, the mouse doesn't automatically connect to the laptop (after disconnecting from N900). I have to re-pair it in order for it to work with the laptop. After re-pairing of course, the mouse doesn't automatically connect to the N900. It seems the mouse can only remember pairing for one device at a time. Is this normal behavior?

2010-11-10, 10:19
Request, please try to fix the problem of different languages for external keyboards.

I need Spanish and fails to configure the keyboard.

In a matter of days i will be ready with UI for selecting external keyboard layout and languages with whatever xkeyboard-config 1.8.2 supports as language/layout. Right now i am using alpha version on my n900 with two languages - USA and Bulgarian(phonetic). It will not require any scripts to be run to configure external keyboard (PNP hopefully). When I am ready I will open an anounce thread and will post here, just a little patience.

2010-11-10, 17:59
It seems the mouse can only remember pairing for one device at a time. Is this normal behavior?That seems to be the case with my logitech mouse too :(

2010-11-11, 14:17
People use to say my phone is big, now I bet they will say "man, your computer is small!" HAHA! People are so fickle.

2010-11-12, 07:45
The latest package still has the kinetic scrolling issue, correct? I noticed it kinetic scrolling issue is not as big a problem as when I had 0.8. It only seems to affect microb now (finger swiping) instead of system wide. The mouse cursor sometimes gets stuck in top left corner but I touch the screen elsewhere with my finger and it's okay. I am using Opera mobile more now when connected with bt mouse. A very nice desktop-like experience. Keep up the excellent work qole!

2010-11-12, 14:31
uninstalling the bt scripts doesnt slove my microb scrolling issue. any clues how to fix it?

2010-11-13, 10:33
I've got it working in Dvorak:

Grab us_dvorak.txt from the attachment here:

It doesn't seem to behave installed as us_dvorak, so we will override the Danish keyboard because it's abbreviated as "dk" :)

sudo gainroot
cp us_dvorak.txt /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/dk
cp us_dvorak.txt /usr/share/X11/xkb-chinook/symbols/dk

vi ~/.btkeyboard
Change kbdlayout=us to kbdlayout=dk

then run bt-kbd-remap.

cd /usr/bin
ln -s bt-kbd-remap ma
(dvorak users will probably see why :) )

2010-11-13, 18:44
uninstalling the bt scripts doesnt slove my microb scrolling issue. any clues how to fix it?

You have to uninstall the xorg-evdev-mouse ("Patched x.org mouse driver") package to restore scrolling behaviour.

Installing and uninstalling this package causes the phone to reboot.

2010-11-13, 18:44
ok, here is what i promised :D - support for external keyboard


2010-11-15, 00:45
He, ¨speaking¨ (so the speak) through an Su-8w, here. =)

Ok, I´ve had some trouble with libxmuu1, and with its supporting library, libc6, which I could solve with google; the first one wouldn´t install, neither through the app manager, nor through apt-get, and the secound one also required manual download, as well as overwriting the local llibcc6 version. I´m a bit worried about these errors, but oh well.

I´ve managed to get the keyboard layout to work through xterm, but I still dont know how to create or edit a textfile in xterm, so I´m still unable to set the script to automatically set up the keyboard layout...

...which brings me to the point of this post, the keyboard layout. I´m a native speaker of portuguese, and my language is filled with diacritics, which leaves me with a serious issue, as only the ´ diacritic corectly modifies letters, as of now. ^ ` won´t modify letters; ~ won´t even show up, instead being replaced with a * .

Any help with getting the keyboard properly setup? I´m not shy of researching it on my own, but honestly, considering this thread, the mouse thread, and the Keyboard thread, when put together ammount to a staggering number of about 50 pages, I Really wouldn´t mind being pointed in the right direction...


Ok, I seem to have managed to get it working. I found this page, http://labs.danilocesar.com/blog/2008/06/30/su-w8-accents-on-n800/ , while looking at the Maemo wiki, and overwrote as instructed the su-8w file located in /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/nokia_vndr/ , as well as the copy located in /usr/share/X11/xkb-chinook/symbols/nokia_vndr/ .

Diacritics work fine now, and, although I´m not sure this isn´t standard behaviour, my su-8w now pairs Automatically with the device, meaning all I have to do now is run setxkbmap -device 4 -I -I/usr/share/X11/xkb-chinook -rules base -model nokiasu8w -layout us in xterm and Voikà...! Diaçrìticãl heaven, baby.

Good work on the derivers, qole. =) .

2010-11-15, 12:44
You have to uninstall the xorg-evdev-mouse ("Patched x.org mouse driver") package to restore scrolling behaviour.

Installing and uninstalling this package causes the phone to reboot.

qole: Just to make sure what you're saying here so that I don't do anything dumb. I'd like to uninstall this bt hid package. Will that be harmful so that I would end up in an endless reboot loop?
I'd like to uninstall this until the kinetic scrolling works again.

What's the correct way to uninstall, do I need to reflash everything from scratch...or?

2010-11-15, 17:37
qole: Just to make sure what you're saying here so that I don't do anything dumb. I'd like to uninstall this bt hid package. Will that be harmful so that I would end up in an endless reboot loop?
I'd like to uninstall this until the kinetic scrolling works again.

What's the correct way to uninstall, do I need to reflash everything from scratch...or?

I would also like to know this.How to properly uninstall the BT HID package.I`m experimenting with HEN and usb keyboards and mices.So far keyboard numbers are not showing up and scrolling is affected in microb.Any updates on these?


2010-11-15, 20:15
After reflash and install "xorg-evdev-mouse" my N900 does not react when I connect my BT mouse.

The external keyboard works after installing extkbd Spanish with my Apple keyboard but "BT Watch" da poblem with this application and I change the keyboard of the N900 to English.

2010-11-15, 23:24
After reflash and install "xorg-evdev-mouse" my N900 does not react when I connect my BT mouse.

The external keyboard works after installing extkbd Spanish with my Apple keyboard but "BT Watch" da poblem with this application and I change the keyboard of the N900 to English.
Maybe you were using fixed bluetooth.ko module before reflash. If you were using it then you should recopy bluetooth.ko module - if you are using stock kernel or wait for kernel-power v46 ( titan promised to include patch for bluetooth mouse in that version ) if using kernel-power.

And please will you explain here http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=65577 in English what was the problem with extkbd as I am trying to make it as useful and bugfree as possible, but without feedback...

2010-12-03, 09:02
I'm experiencing some prolems with the MS BT NB 5000. I have already achieved to connect and use it a few times. But now, unfortinately, the mouse connects and the scipts are started, the cursor becomes visible but the mouse does not work. any ideas? help much aprreciated. otherwise, I have also succesufully connected the SU-8W KB, and it works flawlessly.

2010-12-07, 06:36
latest update does not install because of conflict with
I uninstalled bt-hid-scripts to try a new install
and also purged config files xserver-xorg-input-evdev-mouse from terminal
Still it does not install with the same message.

2010-12-07, 11:02
I have got the same problem. No update because it's presents a conflict with xserver-xorg-input-evdev-mouse.
Any news?

2010-12-07, 20:56
I get this message when trying to install bt-hid-scripts 0.13-1fremantle1:

--- 2010-12-08 07:50:00 ---
Start reading package lists
--- 2010-12-08 07:50:10 ---
Finished reading package lists
--- 2010-12-08 07:50:10 ---
Start fetching package dates
--- 2010-12-08 07:50:10 ---
need to fetch date for 0 packages
--- 2010-12-08 07:50:10 ---
sent 0 requests, received 0 replies with 0 errors
--- 2010-12-08 07:50:10 ---
Finished fetching package dates
--- 2010-12-08 07:50:22 ---
/usr/bin/apt-get -qsy --allow-unauthenticated -o Dir::Etc::sourcelist=/opt/fapman-cache/sources.list -o Dir::State::lists=/opt/fapman-cache/lists -o Dir::Etc::sourceparts="" --auto-remove install bt-hid-scripts
--- 2010-12-08 07:50:48 ---
Output from last process:
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
bt-hid-scripts: Depends: xserver-xorg-input-evdev-mouse but it is not going to be installed
E: Broken packages

Any ideas? I did have it installed previously, but I bricked myself so lost everything. I didn't have a BT keyboard or mouse at the time to test it with, but now I have a Nokia SU-8W. It did have a conflict with extkbd when installing originally, so I removed that and it was fine. Extkbd hasn't been installed this time.

2010-12-07, 22:47
Update: I removed QtPy4 Full Install (PR1.2) - not sure why that was installed! Also managed to install extmouand Patched x.org Mouse Driver, trying to find the right combination of packages/dependenciesthat will allow BT-HID-Scripts to be installed.

Alas, I still get the last four lines quoted above as the log output error when attempting the install. Is there something wrong with the package?

2010-12-07, 22:47
Sorry folks,
I'm in a bit of a tricky situation here. freemangordon uploaded a better version of the mouse driver, with no kinetic scrolling problems, and he told me to use that one instead. So I gladly switched my dependency in bt-hid-scripts to his fixed mouse driver (instead of azerty1's buggy binary driver).

The problem is that freemangordon's mouse driver explicitly conflicts with bt-hid-scripts! He must have done this when azerty1's driver was part of my package.

So my choices are: (1) wait until freemangordon fixes his mouse driver package so that it doesn't conflict anymore, (2) switch back to depending on azerty1's broken driver, (3) change my package name to dodge the "conflicts" line in freemangordon's package, or (4) abandon the project and tell everyone to start using freemangordon's packages (external mouse support and external keyboard support).

Currently, I am trying (1), waiting hoping that freemangordon will fix the problem. I will wait a bit more, and then I will do both (2) and (3), that is, I will make bt-hid-scripts depend on the broken mouse driver again, and I will upload a new package, bt-hid-scripts2, that will depend on freemangordon's driver.

I think, eventually, everyone will just naturally switch over to freemangordon's packages and leave these scripts to wither away. That's fine; they were only here to fill a gap.

2010-12-07, 23:01
Ok, I've uploaded a new version that goes back to depending on the old driver package, in case you depend on these scripts.

2010-12-07, 23:14
So you've renamed the erroroneous package with a "2"? Just installed the originally named one successfully. Will try my Nokia SU-8W now...

2010-12-08, 01:00
Ahh, got it working. Didn't realise I had to wait until "Fn" was lit before I could enter the random code and pair. Works well, thanks Qole!

Only thing is of course the kinetic scrolling issue. No biggy!