View Full Version : Poor customer service

2007-04-27, 04:06
Well, Nokia's been bashed a bit here over customer service (and sometimes rightfully so), and along those lines when I ran across this article on bad service providers I thought it would be informative:


I was shocked to see Wells Fargo in there. Other than their banking site not being accessible to tablet owners, I've been getting great service from them for years!

Anyone else have personal experience that contradicts the survey?

2007-04-27, 11:31
Cool but kind of flawed...
Nokia and other small companies that are not "familiar" by the respondents from the general population get thrown out.

So if as I'm reading this correctly... if 10 respond with familiarity and 9 of those responses are "poor" the 90% unfavorable rating would be thrown out if a high percentage of total responses are not familiar with the company???

Interestingly companies that now offer "triple play" services, that is; phone, cable, and internet. All seem to rate as poor.

I guess if they suck at one service they expect us to trust them with all the rest.

... "I know we are losing per unit, but we will make it up with volume." he said.

2007-04-27, 15:43
I wasn't meaning to imply anything specific with respect to Nokia (small company???).

But I understand the discarding of data described. They were narrowing the result set to a specific agenda (right, wrong or indifferent). I would only have a problem with that IF the author neglected to mention that qualifier. I have no qualms with a pared survey as long as every aspect of the result set is explained.