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View Full Version : What version of Adobe Flash for Linux should I Dowload ?

2010-09-23, 06:31
Hi Friends,

What version of Adobe Flash for Linux should I Download ?

Adobe Flash Player version 10.1 for Linux has the following options. I am not used to development and am just a user. pls advise which version to install on my Nokia 900

1) YUM for Linux
2) .tar.gz for Linux
3) .rpm for Linux
4) .deb for Ubuntu 8.04+ or
5) APT for Ubuntu 9.04+

I look forward to help from your side.


2010-09-23, 06:34
Sorry, but none of them will work on your N900. The problem is that "normal" desktop computers use a x86 processor, while your N900 comes with an ARM one. The flash downloads on the Adobe website are for x86 only and therefore cannot be used with your N900.

Your N900 already comes with flash 9.x preinstalled. Do you need 10.x? If yes, then at the moment there is no other solution then to wait and see if Nokia provides an updated firmware with a newer flash included. There might be also a possibility that flash can be ported over from Android (as it includes a flash version for ARM) or that Adobe provides itself an update for the N900. As there are no official announcements ruling out one or the other, I would for the moment not have too high hopes, that flash 10.x will ever come to the N900.

Last but not least, I think that you have posted in the wrong forum: Your N900 runs "Maemo 5 / Fremantle" not "MeeGo / Harmattan". ;)

2010-09-23, 06:35
none of them. they're for desktop-pcs or laptops. the n900 has flash pre-installed (although not version 10).