View Full Version : Help with Name Resolution in the Maemo VMWare Appliance

2007-05-15, 17:35
I have the Maemo VMWare Appliance up and running and am using it to study and work with Maemo development. Thanks again, konfoo!

The Scratchbox environment on the appliance does not do name resolution. For example, when I am trying to compile osso-xterm, I need to install the vte libraries. When I try "apt-get install libvte-dev", I get

Err http://repository.maemo.org bora/free libvte-common 1:0.11.13-3osso2
Temporary failure resolving 'repository.maemo.org'

/etc/resov.conf seems to be correct; I have even have "repository.maemo.org" in the /etc/hosts file. What's even more perplexing is that the appliance outside of Scratchbox works just fine.

So any clues here would be very much appreciated!


2007-05-15, 18:50
Hi there!

I had the same problem, and found that the scratchbox environment uses it's own resolv.conf file, so what needs to be done is to copy the systems /etc/resolv.conf file to scratchbox's SDK_X86 and SDK_ARMEL targets. Fire up a terminal, su (password is maemo), and enter this:

cp /etc/resolv.conf /scratchbox/users/maemo/targets/SDK_X86/etc/resolv.conf
cp /etc/resolv.conf /scratchbox/users/maemo/targets/SDK_ARMEL/etc/resolv.conf

Hope this helps.

2007-05-15, 19:39
Thanks for the response...but it doesn't work. The resolv.conf files are the same. Scratchbox still does not resolve names.


2007-05-15, 20:24
That's odd.. When I rm'ed the SDK_X86 targets resolv.conf file for example, the name resolution stopped working, then I cp'ed the systems resolv.conf back and name resolution worked in scratchbox, so no idea what might be causing you trouble..

2007-05-16, 19:08
Well...for me, the pertinent files were under /scratchbox/etc -- NOT under each target. Once I put the right resolv.conf file in /scratchbox/etc, everything worked!



2007-05-29, 11:28
Check that this is set correctly:


2007-11-23, 16:01
Time has passed since last answer to this thread :) I'm posting because I had the same problem but the solutions so far indicated didn't work.

My situation is the following:

I'm using Maemo VMware Appliance downloaded from http://maemovmware.garage.maemo.org/ last 21 November 2007. Outside the scratchbox the connection works perfectly. Inside the scratchbox it doesn't work at all. So no wget, no apt-get work. I checked the different nsswitch.conf in the whole scratchbox, and they all had the correct line:
hosts: files dns
and still no connection inside the scratchbox. So i checked the
and it pointed to a different nameserver from the one in

Copying /etc/resolv.conf in /scratchbox/etc/resolv.conf solved the problem. Now both apt-get and wget work :)

I hope this can help someone else in my same situation.

Ciao ciao