View Full Version : evopedia dump broken

2010-10-05, 06:27
Hi Folks

it seems that the dump at http://dumpathome.evopedia.info/dumps/finished/de is broken.

When looking into the problem it shows that the metafile.txt is not an ASCII file but contains some garbage
A working metafile looks like:
eg@eno:~/Desktop/wikipedia_ko_2010-05-31$ cat metadata.txt
file_06 = coordinates_06.idx
file_07 = coordinates_07.idx
file_04 = coordinates_04.idx
file_05 = coordinates_05.idx
file_02 = coordinates_02.idx
file_03 = coordinates_03.idx
file_01 = coordinates_01.idx

normalized_titles = 0
language = ko
orig_url = http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/
num_articles = 185754
version = 0.3
date = 2010-05-31

the corresponding DE version contains binary stuff:

eg@eno:~/wikipedia_de_2010-07-27$ od metadata.txt
0000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000
0001200 000000 000000 000000 000000

a fix would be appreciated.