View Full Version : Change Android-ID in Sailfish

2014-02-03, 19:19

I I'm stuck with a problem with my Jolla and need your help.

I want to use an Android-App that does a device-specific registration. (App is called "Good for Enterprise").

So when I enter my login-data into the app, I get an error message, that there is already an account registered with my device (and then there is my android-id displayed).
In the settings of the app there is also an option to display device information, where my device serial-number is listed as 1234512345 (which does not look like a real serial to me).
So I'm guessing that the virtual android environment on all the Jollas have this same Serial-Number / Android-ID, which is why I get the message, that my device is already registered (not by me, but presumably by another Jolla-User).

So my question:
Does anybody know, how to change this android serial-number of the Jolla to a unique value??

That would really help me a lot, because I need this app in my job.

Thank you!